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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

联 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

联 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 联
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 联
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Meaning of

Pinyin lián
to ally / to unite / to join
联 lián 1. 连结,结合。 (Join; link.) - Example: 联合 (Unite), 联结 (Link), 联系 (Bind), 联络 (Communicate), 联盟 (Alliance), 联邦 (Federation), 联袂 (Join as one), 联名 (Jointly named), 联想 (Associate), 联姻 (Marriage alliance), 联营 (Joint operation).珠联璧合 (Pearls and jade perfectly matched). 2. 对偶的语句。 (Antithetical couplets.) - Example: 对联 (Couplet), 挽联 (Eulogy couplet), 楹联 (Couplet inscription), 上联 (Upper line of a couplet), 下联 (Lower line of a couplet). 3. 古代户口编制的名称,十人为联。 (An ancient term for household registration, ten people were considered a "lian".) 动 1. 同本义 (Join; link.) - 引: Example from Shuowen: "联, 连也。From ear, the ear connected to the cheek; from silk, silk connected without interruption." 2. 联合; 联系 (Unite; ally oneself with; contact; relate.) - 引: Example from Han Shu: "臣恐羌复结联他种, 宜未及然为之备." 3. 缝 (Sew.) - 引: Example from Ming Dynasty literature: "宋敦穿了一件新联的洁白湖绸道袍." 名 对联 (Antithetical couplet.) - Example: 春联 (Spring couplets), 门联 (Door couplets), 贺联 (Celebratory couplets), 挽联 (Eulogistic couplets), 联牌 (Plaques with couplets). 量 对; 双 (Pair.) - Example: 联单, 联票 (Linked documents or tickets).
lián hé
to combine / to join / unite / alliance
fù lián
women's league / women's association
lián yīn
related by marriage / to connect by marriage (families, work units)
lián xí huì yì
joint conference
Lián bāng Dé guó
German Federation / Bundesrepublik Deutschland / Germany
lián xiǎng
to associate (cognitively) / to make an associative connection / mental association / word prediction and auto-complete functions of input method editing programs
wǎn lián
elegiac couplet
guān lián
related / linked / affiliated
lián bō
to broadcast over a network / (radio or TV) hookup / simulcast
Màn Lián
Manchester United Football Club
yíng lián
couplet (hung on the columns of a hall)
Měi lián chǔ
US Federal Reserve (Fed), the US central bank
É luó sī Lián bāng
Russian Federation, RSFSR
lián huān
to have a get-together / celebration / party
yǒng lián
Swimming United
Dú lián tǐ
Commonwealth of Independent States (former Soviet Union) / abbr. for 獨立國家聯合體|独立国家联合体
zhū lián bì hé
string of pearl and jade (idiom); ideal combination / perfect pair
lián méng
alliance / union / coalition
gōng nóng lián méng
worker-peasant alliance / alliance of the working class with the peasantry / alliance of the workers and peasants
nán lián méng
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia(南斯拉夫联盟共和国)
Hù lián wǎng
hù lián
hù lián wǎng luò
lián xì
connection / contact / relation / to get in touch with / to integrate / to link / to touch
线 lián luò xiàn
call wire
lián luò
to get in touch with / to contact / to stay in contact (with) / liaison / (math.) connection
lián luò yuán
liaison man
lián zhuì
variant of 連綴|连缀[lian2 zhui4]
Dá ěr hǎn Mào míng ān lián hé qí
Darhan Muming'an united banner in Baotou 包頭|包头[Bao1 tou2], Inner Mongolia
fú xiǎng lián piān
to let one's imagination roam
lián piān
(literary) to come in quick succession / wave after wave
Sū lián
Soviet Union, 1922-1991 / abbr. for Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) 蘇維埃社會主義共和國聯盟|苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟[Su1 wei2 ai1 She4 hui4 zhu3 yi4 Gong4 he2 guo2 Lian2 meng2]
lián bāng
federal / federation / commonwealth / federal union / federal state / union
lián sài
(sports) league / league tournament
lián míng
jointly (signed, declared, sponsored)
lián jūn
allied armies
lián shǒu
lit. to join hands / to act together
xué lián
lián duì
wing (of an air force) / sports team representing a combination of entities (e.g. United Korea)
lián jié
to bind / to tie / to link
duì lián
rhyming couplet / pair of lines of verse written vertically down the sides of a doorway / CL:副[fu4],幅[fu2]
chuàn lián
to establish ties or contact / in series connection (electricity)
chán lián
to continue in a post / (to hold a post) several times in succession / (to win a title) in successive years / to stay at number one / to defend a championship
lián mèi
jointly / as a group / together
bāng lián
lián bāng zhì
federal / federal system
Ā lā bó Lián hé Qiú zhǎng guó
United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Ā lián qiú
United Arab Emirates / abbr. for 阿拉伯联合酋长国

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Input Method for
Pinyin lian2
Four Corner
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