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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

结 stroke order animation

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结 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 结
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 结
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Meaning of

Pinyin jié、 jiē
knot / sturdy / to bear (fruit) / bond / to tie / to bind
结 jié 1. 系(jì),绾(wǎn):to tie or bind; to knot. Example: 结网 (to weave a net), 结绳 (to tie a rope), 结扎 (to tie up). 2. 条状物打成的疙瘩:a knot made from a linear item. Example: 打结 (to tie a knot), 蝴蝶结 (butterfly knot). 3. 聚,合:to gather or combine. Example: 结晶 (to crystallize), 结识 (to make acquaintances), 结盟 (to form an alliance), 结交 (to befriend), 结集 (to collect), 结合 (to join together), 结党营私 (to form cliques for personal gain). 4. 收束,完了(liǎo):to conclude or finish. Example: 结账 (to settle accounts), 结束 (to end), 结案 (to conclude a case), 结果 (result), 结论 (conclusion), 归根到底 (in the end). 5. 一种保证负责的字据:a written document that guarantees responsibility. Example: 具结 (to be responsible in writing). 结 jié 名词 (Noun): 1. 用绳、线、皮条等绾成的疙瘩 (to tie a knot). Example: 如:解结 (to untie), 蝴蝶结 (butterfly knot), 装饰结 (decorative knot). 2. 旧时向官府承担责任或承认了结的书面的字据 (a written guarantee). Example: 如:保结 (to pledge), 具结 (to provide a guarantee), 印结 (seal), 甘结 (to promise), 结状 (historically used documents for guarantee). 3. 关键 (key). 引用: 诚信者,天下之结也。("Those who are honest are the key to the world.") - from "Guānzi". 4. 被联结的状态 (junction). Example: 如:生长结 (growth junction). 5. 通“髻” (referring to hair style). 总发,挽发而结之于顶 (hair worn in a bun or coil). 引用: 激楚之结,独秀先些。("The binding of Chu, stands out first.") - from "Chǔcí". 结 jié 形容词 (Adjective): 1. 比喻心情烦闷,心里有结 (pent-up feelings). 引用: 意有所郁结。("There is something on my mind.") - from "Sīmǎqiān". 2. 牢固 (solid; firm). 引用: 今疾已结,促去可得与家相见 (the illness is now solid, go quickly to see the family). 3. 另见 jiē (see jiē). 结 jiē 动词 (Verb): 植物生长果实 (to bear fruit). Example: 如:结瓜 (to bear melons), 开花结果 (to flower and bear fruit). 结 jiē 形容词 (Adjective): 1. 坚硬;牢固 (solid). Example: 如:地很结 (the ground is very hard). 2. 健壮 (stout). Example: 如:结实 (strong and sturdy). 3. 另见 jié (see jié).
jié hé
to combine / to link / to integrate / binding / CL:次[ci4]
hóu jié
Adam's apple / laryngeal prominence
tuán jié
to unite / unity / solidarity / united
dà tuán jié
Great unity
jié hūn
to marry / to get married / CL:次[ci4]
wán jié
to finish / to conclude / completed
jié wěi
ending / coda / to wind up
jié jú
conclusion / ending
jié zhàng
to pay the bill / to settle accounts / also written 結賬|结账
jié lú
to build one's house
guī jié
to sum up / to conclude / in a nutshell / the end (of a story)
guī gēn jié dǐ
in the final analysis / ultimately
jié yuàn
to arouse dislike / to incur hatred
zǒng jié
to sum up / to conclude / summary / résumé / CL:個|个[ge4]
chóu cháng bǎi jié
hundred knots of worry in one's intestines (idiom); weighed down with anxiety
jié zā
ligation (medicine)
niǔ jié
to tangle up / to twist together / to wind
jié bài
to become sworn brothers or sisters / sworn (brothers)
jié bīng
to freeze
níng jié
to condense / to solidify / to coagulate / clot (of blood)
jié shù
termination / to finish / to end / to conclude / to close
jié jīng
to crystallize / crystallization / crystal / crystalline / (fig.) the fruit (of labor etc)
mù jié gòu
jié gòu
structure / composition / makeup / architecture / CL:座[zuo4],個|个[ge4]
jié gòu xìng
structural / structured
jié guǒ
outcome / result / conclusion / in the end / as a result / to kill / to dispatch
jié hé
tuberculosis / consumption / nodule
gōu jié
to collude with / to collaborate with / to gang up with
lín bā jié
lymphatic node / lymph gland
jié bàn
to go with sb / to form companionships
dòng jié
to freeze (water etc) / (fig.) to freeze (assets, prices etc)
jié jiā
scab / to form a scab
Qióng jié
Qonggyai county, Tibetan: 'Phyongs rgyas, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区[Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1], Tibet
chēng mù jié shé
stupefied / flabbergasted
jié bā
to form a scar / to form a scab
zhēng jié
hard lump in the abdomen (in Chinese medicine) / crux of an issue / main point in an argument / sticking point / deadlock in negotiations
jié cháng ái
colon cancer / colorectal cancer / colorectal carcinoma / carcinoma of colon
jié méng
to form an alliance / to ally oneself with / allied with / aligned / to bond with
bù jié méng
jié chóu
to start a feud / to become enemies
yǐ zhuàng jié cháng
sigmoid colon (anatomy) / bent colon, linking the descending colon to the rectum
liǎo jié
to settle / to finish / to conclude / to wind up
jié suàn
to settle a bill / to close an account
jié zǐ
seed setting / set seed
nián jié
bond / cementation / cohere
jiū jié
to intertwine / to band together (with) / to link up (with) / twisted / tangled / confused / to be at a loss
jié dì zǔ zhī
connective tissue
zhōng jié
end / conclusion / to come to an end / to terminate (sth)
dì jié
to conclude (an agreement)
jié lùn
conclusion / verdict / CL:個|个[ge4] / to conclude / to reach a verdict
jié chéng
to form / to forge (alliances etc)
jié shí
to get to know sb / to meet sb for the first time
jiē shi
rugged / sturdy / strong / durable / buff (physique)
jí jié
to assemble / to concentrate / to mass / to build up / to marshal
jié shéng
tie knots
lián jié
to bind / to tie / to link
jié cháng
colon (large intestine)
fèi jié hé
tuberculosis / TB
shèn jié shí
kidney stone
shèn jié hé
nephrotuberculosis / nephrophthisis / tuberculosis of kidney / renalis phthisis
jié mó
conjunctiva (membrane surrounding the eyeball)
jié mó yán
zhāng kǒu jié shé
agape and tongue-tied (idiom); at a loss for words / gaping and speechless
jié jiá
podding / pod bearing
yùn jié
latent (desire, feeling etc) / bottled up
hú dié jié
bow / bowknot
jié cǎo xián huán
to repay sb's kind acts (idiom)
jié zhàng
to pay the bill / to settle accounts / also written 結帳|结帐
láo yì jié hé
to strike a balance between work and rest (idiom)
yù jié
to suffer from pent-up frustrations / mental knot / emotional issue

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Pinyin jie2
Four Corner
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