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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

约 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

约 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 约
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 约
Download the worksheet in PNG format

Meaning of

Pinyin yuē、 yāo
weigh, appointment / agreement / to arrange / to restrict / approximately
约 yuē 名 1. 绳索 ([En.] cord) 2. 拘束,限制 ([En.] restrain;bind) 3. 共同商定的事,共同议定要遵守的条文 ([En.] agreement;appointment;pact) 4. 事先说定 ([En.] make an appointment) 5. 邀请 ([En.] ask or invite in advance) 6. 节俭 ([En.] save;economical;frugal) 7. 简要,简单 ([En.] brief) 8. 大略 ([En.] about) 9. 算术上指用公因数去除分子和分母使分数简化 ([En.] simplify fractions) 约 yuē 动 1. 缠束;环束 ([En.] bundle up;bind) 2. 约定,以语言或文字订立共同应遵守的条件 ([En.] make an appointment;arrange) 3. 邀请 ([En.] ask or invite in advance) 4. 束缚,约束 ([En.] restrain;bind) 5. 阻止;阻拦 ([En.] hinder;block) 6. 少;省减;简约 ([En.] save;economical;frugal) 7. 置办;配备 ([En.] prepare) 8. 求取 ([En.] seek) 9. 估量 ([En.] estimate) 10. 涂饰 ([En.] paint) 约 yuē 副 大概 ([En.] about) 如:约有五十人; 约迭 (粗略估计); 约计 (约略计算) 约 yuē 形 1. 贫困 ([En.] poor) 2. 简要 ([En.] brief) 3. 卑微;卑下 ([En.] humble) 约 yuē 动 1. 用秤称物 ([En.] weigh) 2. 另见 yuē 约 yāo 动 1. 用秤称物 ([En.] weigh) 2. 另见 yuē
hé yuē
peace treaty
Yuē hàn nèi sī bǎo
Johannesburg, South Africa
Yuē sè fū
Joseph (name)
qì yuē
agreement / contract
shè huì qì yuē lùn
social contract theory
姿 fēng zī chuò yuē
graceful / charming / feminine
wǎn yuē
graceful and subdued (style)
Lǐ yuē rè nèi lú
Rio de Janeiro
lì xíng jié yuē
to practice strict economy (idiom)
Běi yuē
NATO / abbr. for 北大西洋公約組織|北大西洋公约组织[Bei3 Da4 xi1 Yang2 Gong1 yue1 Zu3 zhi1], North Atlantic Treaty Organization
xié yuē guó
Allies / entente (i.e. Western powers allied to China in WW1)
lǚ yuē
to keep a promise / to honor an agreement
zhì yuē
to restrict / condition
kuò yuē jī
yuē mo
about / around / approximately / also written 約莫|约莫
Yuē dàn
Yuē dàn Hé
Jordan River
西 yuē dàn hé xī àn
West Bank
yuē shù
to restrict / to limit to / to constrain / restriction / constraint
yuē shù lì
(of a contract) binding (law)
tiáo yuē
treaty / pact / CL:個|个[ge4]
hù bù qīn fàn tiáo yuē
nonaggression pact / non-aggression pact
jiǎn yuē
sparing / economical
qín jiǎn jié yuē
diligent and thrifty (idiom)
shuǎng yuē
to miss an appointment
Yuē sè
Joseph (name)
shèng yuē sè
Saint joseph
yuē lüè
approximate / rough
méng yuē
contract of alliance / oath or treaty between allies
tóng méng tiáo yuē
treaty of alliance
qiān yuē
to sign a contract or agreement
Niǔ yuē
New York
dà yuē
approximately / probably
jié yuē
to economize / to conserve (resources) / economy / frugal
gōng yuē
convention (i.e. international agreement)
Yuē hàn
John (name) / Johan (name) / Johann (name)
yuē dìng
to agree on sth (after discussion) / to conclude a bargain / to arrange / to promise / to stipulate / to make an appointment / stipulated (time, amount, quality etc) / an arrangement / a deal / appointment / undertaking / commitment / understanding / engagement / stipulation
bù yuē ér tóng
to agree by chance (idiom); taking the same action without prior consultation
yǐn yuē
vague / faint / indistinct
tè yuē
specially engaged / employed or commissioned for a special task
yuē huì
appointment / engagement / date / CL:次[ci4],個|个[ge4] / to arrange to meet
Yuē hàn xùn
Johnson or Johnston (name)
yuē mo
about / around / approximately
Niǔ yuē zhōu
New York state
Niǔ yuē Shì
New York City
niǔ yuē gǎng
new york port
niǔ yuē chéng
New York City
xù yuē
to renew or extend a contract
chuò yuē
graceful / charming
姿 fēng zī chuò yuē
agreeable manners
dì yuē guó
signatory states / countries that are party to a treaty
dì yuē
to conclude a treaty
dì yuē fāng
party in a contract, treaty etc
yuē hàn sī
Shèng Yuē hàn
Saint John
yuē hàn sēn
Yuē hàn sī dùn
Johnston, Johnson, Johnstone etc, name
shì yuē
oath / vow / pledge / promise
dìng yuē
engage / conclude a bargain / enter into an agreement
fù yuē
to keep an appointment
jiàn yuē
to keep a promise / to honor an agreement
wéi yuē
to break a promise / to violate an agreement / to default (on a loan or contract)
wéi yuē jīn
penalty (fee)
yāo yuē
to invite / to make an appointment
yǐn yǐn yuē yuē
faint / distant / barely audible

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Input Method for
Pinyin yue1
Four Corner
Stroke Number Category
HSK Level Category
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