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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

州 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

州 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 州
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 州
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Meaning of

Pinyin zhōu
(United States) state / province / sub-prefecture
州 [zhōu] 名 1. An ancient administrative division, the size of which varied throughout the dynasties (later often used in place names). 古代的一种行政区划,所辖地区的大小历代不同(后多用于地名)。 2. A type of ethnic autonomous administrative division in China. 中国一种民族自治行政区划。 3. Same as the original meaning. Later written as “洲” (islet). 同本义。后作“洲”([En.] islet)。 4. Also referred to as “洲”. 字亦作洲。 5. An ancient administrative division name in China. It is said that after Yu the Great controlled the floods, he divided the territory into nine states. The establishment and abolishment of this division occurred numerous times throughout history. The Republic of China abolished states. Some place names persisted to this day ([En.] prefecture). 中国古地方行政区划名。相传禹治水后,分其领域为九州。历代多有兴废。民国废州。有些地名仍沿用至今。 6. An ancient household registration unit in China ([En.] district). 中国古代户籍编制单位。 7. A state during the Zhou dynasty ([En.] Zhou state). 周代国名。 8. A surname, Jiang. The historical region is located in the northeastern part of Anqiu County, Shandong Province. 姜姓。故域在今山东省安丘县东北。 9. A surname, Yan. The historical region is located in Jiali County, Hubei Province today. 偃姓。故域在今湖北省监利县。 10. A surname. 姓。
Ēn shī Tǔ jiā zú Miáo zú zì zhì zhōu
Enshi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture in Hubei
Mǎ sà zhū sài zhōu
Massachusetts, US state
Bīn xī fǎ ní yà zhōu
Xià wēi yí zhōu
Hawai, US state
Kè zī lè sū Kē ěr kè zī zì zhì zhōu
Qizilsu or Kizilsu Kyrgyz autonomous prefecture in Xinjiang
Gān zī Zàng zú zì zhì zhōu
Garze or Kandze, Tibetan autonomous prefecture (Tibetan: dkar mdzes bod rigs rang skyong khul), formerly in Kham province of Tibet, present Sichuan
Mèng zhōu
Mengzhou county level city in Jiaozuo 焦作[Jiao1 zuo4], Henan
Jīng zhōu
Jingzhou prefecture-level city on Changjiang in Hubei
Bīn zhōu
Pennsylvania / abbr. for 賓夕法尼亞州|宾夕法尼亚州
宿 Sù zhōu
Suzhou prefecture level city in Anhui
Jiā lì fú ní yà zhōu
Liáng shān Yí zú zì zhì zhōu
Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture, Sichuan
Qióng zhōu Hǎi xiá
Qiongzhou Strait (between Hainan Island and Mainland China)
Péng zhōu
Pengzhou county level city in Chengdu 成都[Cheng2 du1], Sichuan
Shèng zhōu
Shengzhou county level city in Shaoxing 紹興|绍兴[Shao4 xing1], Zhejiang
广 Guǎng zhōu
Guangzhou subprovincial city and capital of Guangdong / Canton
zì zhì zhōu
autonomous prefecture
Suí zhōu
Suizhou prefecture level city in Hubei
Háng zhōu
Hangzhou subprovincial city and capital of Zhejiang province in southeast China
Jīng zhōu shì
Jingzhou prefecture-level city on Changjiang in Hubei
zhōu zhǎng
governor (of a province or colony) / US state governor / premier (Australian states)
È zhōu
Ezhou prefecture-level city in Hubei
Sū zhōu
Suzhou prefecture level city in Jiangsu
È zhōu shì
Ezhou prefecture-level city in Hubei
Huáng zhōu
Huangzhou district of Huanggang city 黃岡市|黄冈市[Huang2 gang1 shi4], Hubei
Yáng zhōu
Yangzhou prefecture level city in Jiangsu
Guì zhōu
Guizhou province (Kweichow) in south central China, abbr. to 黔[Qian2] or 貴|贵[Gui4], capital Guiyang 貴陽|贵阳[Gui4 yang2]
Suí zhōu shì
Suizhou prefecture level city in Hubei
Zhèng zhōu
Zhengzhou prefecture level city and capital of Henan Province in central China
Fú zhōu
Fuzhou prefecture-level city and capital of Fujian province in east China / formerly known as Foochow or Fuchow
Jǐn zhōu
Jinzhou prefecture-level city in Liaoning province 遼寧省|辽宁省 in northeast China
Xú zhōu
Xuzhou prefecture level city in Jiangsu
Xīn zhōu
Xinzhou prefecture level city in Shanxi 山西
Qià pà sī zhōu
Chiapas, state in Mexico
Yōu zhōu
Youzhou, ancient province in north Hebei and Liaoning / Fanyang 範陽|范阳 ancient city near modern Beijing
广 Guǎng zhōu shì
Guangzhou subprovincial city and capital of Guangdong / Canton
zhōu zhèng fǔ
state government
zhōu fǔ
autonomous prefecture center / state capital
Kāng niè dí gé zhōu
Connecticut, US state
Fú jí ní yà zhōu
Virginia, US state
Hóng hé Hā ní zú Yí zú zì zhì zhōu
Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture in Yunnan 雲南|云南
Chǔ xióng Yí zú zì zhì zhōu
Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture in central Yunnan, capital Chuxiong city 楚雄市
Huī zhōu
Huizhou district of Huangshan city 黃山市|黄山市[Huang2 shan1 shi4], Anhui
huī zhōu dì qū
Huizhou area
Xīn zhōu shì
Xinzhou prefecture level city in Shanxi 山西
Huì zhōu
Huizhou prefecture-level city in Guangdong
Fǔ zhōu
Fuzhou prefecture-level city in Jiangxi
Liáng zhōu
Liangzhou district of Wuwei city 武威市[Wu3 wei1 shi4], Gansu
Yǎn zhōu Shì
Yanzhou county level city in Jining 濟寧|济宁[Ji3 ning2], Shandong
Lán zhōu
Lanzhou prefecture-level city and capital of Gansu province 甘肅|甘肃[Gan1 su4]
Jì zhōu
Jishou county level city in Hengshui 衡水[Heng2 shui3], Hebei
bō zhōu
Liǔ zhōu
Liuzhou prefecture-level city in Guangxi
Kūn shì lán zhōu
Queensland (Australia)
Jìn zhōu
Jinzhou county-level city in Hebei / Jin Prefecture, established under the Northern Wei dynasty, centered on present-day Linfen 臨汾市|临汾市[Lin2 fen2 shi4] in Shanxi
Shuò zhōu
Shuozhou prefecture level city in Shanxi 山西
Shuò zhōu shì
Shuozhou prefecture level city in Shanxi 山西
Háng zhōu shì
Hangzhou subprovincial city and capital of Zhejiang province in southeast China
Háng zhōu wān
Hangzhou Bay
háng zhōu lù
Hangzhou Road
Liǔ zhōu shì
Liuzhou prefecture-level city in Guangxi
Yà lì sāng nà zhōu
Wú zhōu shì
Wuzhou prefecture level city in Guangxi
Wú zhōu
Wuzhou prefecture level city in Guangxi
Bā yīn guō léng Měng gǔ Zì zhì zhōu
Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture in Xinjiang
Dé hóng Dǎi zú Jǐng pō zú zì zhì zhōu
Dehong Dai and Jingpo autonomous prefecture in west Yunnan, surrounded on three sides by Myanmar (Burma), capital Luxi 潞西市
yún nán shěng dé hóng dǎi zú jǐng pō zú zì zhì zhōu
Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan Province
怀 Huái é míng zhōu
Wyoming, US state
É lè gāng zhōu
Lú zhōu
Luzhou prefecture-level city in Sichuan
Mì xiē gēn zhōu
Michigan, US state
涿 Zhuō zhōu
Zhuozhou county level city in Baoding 保定[Bao3 ding4], Hebei
Yǒng zhōu
Yongzhou prefecture level city in Hunan
Rǔ zhōu
Ruzhou county level city in Pingdingshan 平頂山|平顶山[Ping2 ding3 shan1], Henan
Biàn zhōu
old name of Kaifeng 開封|开封[Kai1 feng1]
Cāng zhōu
Cangzhou prefecture-level city in Hebei
Cāng zhōu Shì
Cangzhou prefecture-level city in Hebei
Quán zhōu
Quanzhou prefecture level city in Fujian
Quán zhōu shì
Quanzhou prefecture level city in Fujian
Chú zhōu
Chuzhou prefecture-level city in Anhui
Téng zhōu shì
Tengzhou county level city in Zaozhuang 棗莊|枣庄[Zao3 zhuang1 shi4], Shandong
Tài zhōu
Taizhou prefecture level city in Jiangsu
Tài zhōu shì
Taizhou prefecture level city in Jiangsu
Lú zhōu shì
Luzhou prefecture-level city in Sichuan
西 Xīn zé xī zhōu
New Jersey, US state
Zé zhōu
Zezhou county in Jincheng 晉城|晋城[Jin4 cheng2], Shanxi
Rùn zhōu
Runzhou district of Zhenjiang city 鎮江市|镇江市[Zhen4 jiang1 shi4], Jiangsu
涿 Zhuō zhōu shì
Zhuozhou county level city in Baoding 保定[Bao3 ding4], Hebei
Wēn zhōu
Wenzhou prefecture level city in Zhejiang
西 Xiāng xī Tǔ jiā zú Miáo zú zì zhì zhōu
Xiangxi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture in northwest Hunan, capital Jishou 吉首
Chú zhōu shì
Chuzhou prefecture-level city in Anhui
Bīn zhōu
Binzhou prefecture-level city in Shandong
Bīn zhōu shì
Binzhou prefecture-level city in Shandong
Zhāng zhōu shì
Zhangzhou prefecture level city in Fujian
Zhāng zhōu
Zhangzhou prefecture level city in Fujian
Cháo zhōu
Chaozhou prefecture-level city in Guangdong 廣東省|广东省[Guang3 dong1 sheng3] / Chaochou town in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan
Zuǒ zhì yà zhōu
Georgia, US state
Fó luó lǐ dá zhōu
Dān zhōu
Danzhou City, Hainan
Yǎn zhōu
Yanzhou county level city in Jining 濟寧|济宁[Ji3 ning2], Shandong

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Input Method for
Pinyin zhou1
Four Corner
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