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泉 stroke order animation

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泉 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 泉
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 泉
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Meaning of

Pinyin quán
fountain / spring
泉 (quán) (1) A water source that flows from underground. (2) An ancient name for currency. (3) A surname. 泉 (quán) (1) A water source that flows from underground: Spring, waterfall, sweet spring, hot spring, gushing spring, Huangquan (refers to the place where a person goes after death, also known as "Jiuchuan"). (2) An ancient name for currency. (3) A surname. 泉 (quán) (n.) 【Original meaning】: spring water 【Character formation】: pictographic. The shape in oracle bone script represents water flowing from a spring in a mountain cave. (1) Same as the original meaning ([En.] spring) (2) Underground water ([En.] underground water) (3) The dwelling place of the dead ([En.] dwelling place of the dead) (4) Ancient coins ([En.] ancient coins) (5) Hole of spring ([En.] hole of spring) 引例: 1. "Shuowen":泉,人原也。象水流出成川形。字亦作洤。 2. "Shijing · Xiaoya · Xiaomin": 如彼泉流. 3. "Shijing · Daya · Zhaomin": 泉之竭矣。传:“泉水从中以益者也。” 4. "Jin · Tao Yuanming · Guizhonglai Xi": 泉涓涓而始流. 5. "Song · Ouyang Xiu · Zuiweng Shiji": 酿泉为酒. 6. 泉香而酒洌。 7. "Ming · Yuan Hongdao · Manjing Youji": 泉而茗者. 8. "Ming · Gu Yanwu · Fu An Ji": 有泉可汲. Examples: Also like: hot spring; mineral spring; clear spring; spring root (source of spring); spring vein (subterranean flow of spring water); spring gushing (spring rushing out); spring fish (fishes in a deep pool); spring flow (the spring water cascades down from a high mountain); spring rhythm (the sound of spring water). 地水: (1) Underground water ([En.] underground water) 引例: 1. "Zuo Zhuan": 若阙地及泉,隧而相见,其谁曰不然? 泉下: (2) The dwelling place of the dead ([En.] dwelling place of the dead) 引例: 1. Lu Xun's letter: 有志者入泉,无为者住世,岂佳事乎? Examples: Also like: expectation of the deceased in the spring; Huangquan (the underworld); spring village (the realm of the dead); spring fan (grave door; also refers to the underworld); spring interior (beneath the yellow spring). 古钱币: (3) Ancient coins ([En.] ancient coins) 引例: 1. "Zhou Li · Wai Fu": 货泉径一寸,重五铢,右文曰货,左文曰泉,直一也。 Examples: Also like: Quan'er (general term for ancient currency); spring currency (currency, also known as spring goods); spring gold (money); spring fabric (currency made of silk and cloth); spring knife (spring coins and knife coins); Mr. Spring Fabric (a humorous term for currency). 泉眼: (4) Hole of spring ([En.] hole of spring) 引例: 1. "Tang · Li Bai · Mengyou Tianmiao Yin Liubie": 熊咆龙吟殷岩泉. 2. "Song · Wang Anshi · Youbao Chan Shan Ji": 有泉侧出. 3. "Song · Ouyang Xiu · Zuiweng Pavilion Ji": 临于泉上.
Gān quán
Ganquan county in Yan'an 延安[Yan2 an1], Shaanxi
jiàn xiē quán
geyser / intermittent spring
fèi quán
boiling spring
quán shuǐ
spring water / CL:股[gu3]
Quán zhōu
Quanzhou prefecture level city in Fujian
kuàng quán shuǐ
mineral spring water / CL:瓶[ping2],杯[bei1]
Jiǔ quán
Jiuquan prefecture-level city in Gansu
jiǔ quán zhī xià
after death / dwelling place of the dead
Quán zhōu shì
Quanzhou prefecture level city in Fujian
yǒng quán
gushing spring
shān quán
mountain spring
quán yǒng
to gush
kuàng quán
mineral spring
rè quán
thermal spring
liú quán
Flow spring
lèi rú quán yǒng
the tears run like a bubbling spring / a stream of tears
quán yǎn
mouth of a spring or fountain
bō tū quán
Spouting Spring (a famous spring in Jinan City)
Shī quán Hé
Sengge Tsangpo or Shiquan River in west Tibet, the upper reaches of the Indus
hú dié quán
butterfly spring
驿 lóng quán yì qū
Longquanyi district
驿 Lóng quán yì
Longquanyi district of Chengdu city 成都市[Cheng2 du1 shi4], Sichuan

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Input Method for
Pinyin quan2
Four Corner
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