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水 stroke order animation

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水 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 水
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 水
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Meaning of

Pinyin shuǐ
water / river
水 [shuǐ] 名词 (noun) 1. 一种无色、无臭、透明的液体。 (A colorless, odorless, transparent liquid.) 2. 河流。 (A river.) 3. 江河湖海的通称。 (A general term for rivers, lakes, and seas.) 例如: ~库。~利。~到渠成(喻条件成熟,事情就会顺利完成)。~可载舟。跋山涉~。依山傍~。 (E.g.: water storage, benefits of water, conditions are ripe for success, water can support a boat, cross mountains and wade through water, situated by water.) 4. 液汁。 (Juice or liquid.) 5. 指附加的费用或额外的收入。 (Refers to additional fees or extra income.) 6. 指洗的次数。 (Refers to the number of washes.) 7. 姓。 (A surname.) 动词 (verb) 1. 泅水,游泳。 (To swim.) 2. 哄诱探询。 (To coax or probe.) 3. 用水测平。 (To level using water.) 4. (方)不成功,败了。 (To be unsuccessful or defeated.) 形容词 (adjective) 1. (方)马虎的,不负责任的。 (Careless or irresponsible.) 引申义 (extended meanings) 1. 同本义 ([En.] water) 2. 特指河流 ([En.] river) 3. 泛指一切水域 ([En.] waters) 4. 汁、液的通称 ([En.] liquid) 5. 大水;水灾 ([En.] flood) 6. 星名 ([En.] morning star) 7. 官名 ([En.] official’s name) 8. 货币中银的含量 ([En.] silver content in coins) 9. 五行之一 ([En.] water, one of the five elements) 10. 水生动植物 ([En.] water animal or plant) 11. 旧指尼姑和娼妓的痛苦生活境遇 ([En.] deep distress) 12. 额外收入或附加费用 ([En.] extra income) 13. 指水军 ([En.] troops that fight on waters) 14. 水族 ([En.] Shui nationality) 15. 姓 ([En.] surname)
hán shuǐ liàng
water content
xī shuǐ
xián shuǐ hú
salt lake
xián shuǐ
salt water / brine
chī shuǐ
drinking water / to obtain water (for daily needs) / to absorb water / draft (of ship)
shuǐ ba
water bar
shuǐ chǎn pǐn
aquatic products / aquatic animal products
hē shuǐ
drinking / drink water
pēn shuǐ
spray water
shuǐ tǔ
water and soil / surface water / natural environment (extended meaning) / climate
shèng shuǐ
holy water
shuǐ bà
dam / dike
shuǐ gòu
shuǐ yù
waters / body of water
yā shuǐ duī
pressurized water reactor
shuǐ táng
shuǐ mò
ink (used in painting)
mò shuǐ
ink / CL:瓶[ping2]
shuǐ mò huà
ink and wash painting
shuǐ hú
kettle / canteen / watering can
nǎi shuǐ
mother's milk
huà zhuāng shuǐ
skin toner
shuǐ luó bo
summer radish (the small red kind)
lǔ shuǐ
brine / bittern / marinade
shuǐ lěng què
water cooling
shuǐ zhài
Shuizhai Town(地名)
shuǐ píng
level (of achievement etc) / standard / horizontal
shān shuǐ
water from a mountain / mountains and rivers / scenery / landscape
fēn shuǐ lǐng
dividing range / drainage divide / (fig.) dividing line / watershed
shuǐ lián dòng
cave with a waterfall at its mouth
shuǐ lián
nappe / spray
广 Guǎng shuǐ shì
Guangshui county level city in Suizhou 隨州|随州[Sui2 zhou1], Hubei
shuǐ kù
reservoir / CL:座[zuo4]
shuǐ dǐ
fèi shuǐ
waste water / drain water / effluent
shuǐ lì
hydraulic power
shuǐ lì
water conservancy / irrigation works
shuǐ huàn
flooding / water disaster
chōu shuǐ
draw water / pump water / shrink
tuō ní dài shuǐ
lit. wading in mud and water / a slovenly job / sloppy
tiāo shuǐ
Carry water
pái shuǐ
to drain
pái shuǐ liàng
shuǐ lái tǔ yǎn
When the flood approaches bank up to keep it out. / have means to resist
chān shuǐ
to dilute / to water down / watered down
bīng shuǐ
iced water
lěng shuǐ
cold water / unboiled water / fig. not yet ready (of plans)
jìng shuǐ
clean water / purified water
shuǐ zhǔn
level (of achievement etc) / standard / level (surveying)
liáng shuǐ
cool water / unboiled water
hún shuǐ mō yú
to fish in troubled water (idiom); to take advantage of a crisis for personal gain / also written 渾水摸魚|浑水摸鱼
sàn shuǐ
apron (sloping brickwork to disperse water)
kū shuǐ qī
period of low water level (winter in north China)
shuǐ zú
collective term for aquatic animals
shuǐ hàn
floods and droughts
shuǐ tǒng
shuǐ jīng
shuǐ jīng guān
crystal sarcophagus
Shuǐ jīng gōng
The Crystal Palace
shuǐ jīng shí
crystal stone
shuǐ shān
bēi shuǐ
Glass of water
shuǐ xiè
waterside pavilion
shuǐ guǒ
fruit / CL:個|个[ge4]
shuǐ lì shū niǔ
key water control project / hydro-junction
kū shuǐ
scarce water / low water level
shuǐ wū rǎn
water pollution
shuǐ guì
water tank
Zhà shuǐ Xiàn
Zhashui County in Shangluo 商洛[Shang1 luo4], Shaanxi
níng méng shuǐ
shuǐ zhù
stream of water (as from a fountain or a faucet) / jet of water
shuǐ qū liǔ
northeast China ash / fraxinus mandshurica / ashtree / Japanese ash / tamo
shuǐ qī
aquatic / living in water
shuǐ mì táo
honey peach / juicy peach
chōu shuǐ mǎ tǒng
flush toilet
shuǐ huǒ gùn
Fire stick
là jiāo shuǐ
pepper spray
hàn shuǐ
sweat / perspiration
guā shuǐ qì
shuǐ cáo
qiú shuǐ
to swim
gān shuǐ
slop / swill
Sì shuǐ
Sishui County in Jining 濟寧|济宁[Ji3 ning2], Shandong / Surabaya, capital of East Java province of Indonesia
shuǐ qiāo
water ski / hydroski / water sled
shuǐ bèng
water pump
dī shuǐ yán
dripping eave / drip edge
qiǎn shuǐ
shallow water
shuǐ hǔ
edge of the water / shore or sea, lake or river / seashore
Xī shuǐ
Xishui county in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈[Huang2 gang1], Hubei
shuǐ mǔ
jellyfish / medusa
Lái shuǐ
Laishui county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 ding4], Hebei
ān shuǐ
ammonia solution
jiàng shuǐ liàng
precipitation (meteorology) / measured quantity of rain
shuǐ miàn
water surface
shuǐ xì
drainage system
dàn shuǐ yú
freshwater fish
hǎi shuǐ
shuǐ ní
cement / CL:袋[dai4]
lèi shuǐ
teardrop / tears
shuǐ yùn
waterborne transport

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Pinyin shui3
Four Corner
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