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岭 stroke order animation

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岭 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 岭
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 岭
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Meaning of

Pinyin lǐng、 líng
mountain range
岭 lǐng 名 1. 山,山脉。 (En.) Mountain; mountain range. 2. 特指中国大庾岭等五岭。 (En.) Specifically refers to the Five Ridges, including the Dàyǔ Lǐng in China. 3. 同本义 ([En.] mountain road; slope): 山~。分水~。~脊(山脊)。 (En.) Mountain path; watershed ridge; ridge (mountain spine). 4. 顶上有路可通行的山,亦泛指山峰 ([En.] mountain ridge; mountain peak): 例: 翻山越岭; 岭隘(山岭上险要的隘口); 岭北(山峰北面; 五岭之北) (En.) Crossing mountains and ridges; ridge pass (a difficult pass on a ridge); north of the ridge (north side of the peak; north of the Five Ridges). 5. 相连的山,山脉 ([En.] mountains): 例: 岭阴(岭北。山的北面); 岭坫(山岭屏障、边缘) (En.) The north side of the ridge; ridge edge (the barrier or edge of a mountain ridge). 6. 高大的山脉;山脉的干系 ([En.] mountain range): 例: 秦岭; 大兴安岭; 葱岭; 岭梅(大庾岭上的梅花) (En.) Qinling; Greater Khingan Range; Congling; plum blossoms on the Dàyǔ Lǐng. 7. 五岭的简称 ([En.] the Five ridges): 大庾、始安、临货、桂阳、揭阳为五岭。也专指大庾岭(别名“梅岭”)。 (En.) The five major ridges are Dàyǔ, Shì'ān, Línhuò, Guìyáng, and Jiēyáng. Also specifically refers to the Dàyǔ Lǐng (also known as "Meiling"). 8.〔~嵤〕山深貌。亦作“岭巆”。 (En.) Describes a deep mountainous appearance; also written as "岭巆" (Lǐng xí).
zǒu mǎ lǐng
Dà yǔ lǐng
Dayu mountain range between southwest Jiangxi and Guangdong
zhǎng lǐng gǎng
fēn shuǐ lǐng
dividing range / drainage divide / (fig.) dividing line / watershed
Lǐng nán
south of the five ranges / old term for south China, esp. Guangdong and Guangxi
jiè lǐng
Jie Ling
shān lǐng
mountain ridge
hǎi lǐng
mid-ocean ridge
Nán lǐng
Nanling mountain, on the border of Hunan, Jiangxi, Guangdong and Guangxi
Bā dá lǐng
Badaling, a particular section of the Great Wall that is a favorite tourist destination
Cōng lǐng
old name for the Pamir high plateau 帕米爾高原|帕米尔高原[Pa4 mi3 er3 Gao1 yuan2] on the border between Xinjiang and Tajikistan
Shàng gān lǐng
Shanganling district of Yichun city 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang
chóng shān jùn lǐng
towering mountains and precipitous ridges (idiom)
bā dá lǐng cháng chéng
Badaling Great Wall
xīng ān lǐng
Xing'an Ling
huāng shān yě lǐng
wild, mountainous country
wǔ lǐng
the five ranges separating Hunan and Jiangxi from south China, esp. Guangdong and Guangxi, namely: Dayu 大庾嶺|大庾岭[Da4 yu3 ling3], Dupang 都龐嶺|都庞岭[Du1 pang2 ling3], Qitian 騎田嶺|骑田岭[Qi2 tian2 ling3], Mengzhu 萌渚嶺|萌渚岭[Meng2 zhu3 ling3] and Yuecheng 越城嶺|越城岭[Yue4 cheng2 ling3]
fān shān yuè lǐng
to pass over mountains ridges (idiom); fig. hardships of the journey
jùn lǐng
lofty mountain range
Cháng lǐng
Changling county in Songyuan 松原, Jilin
gāo shān jùn lǐng
lofty mountains and steep hills
fèng huáng lǐng
Phoenix Ridge
Dà xīng ān lǐng
Daxing'anling mountain range in northwest Heilongjiang province 黑龍江|黑龙江[Hei1 long2 jiang1] in northeast China / Daxing'anling prefecture
Méng zhǔ lǐng
Mengzhu mountain range between south Hunan and Guangxi
pá shān yuè lǐng
scramble up the hills / climb mountain heights and negotiate mountain ranges / over hills and crests
Jiāo lǐng
Jiaoling county in Meizhou 梅州, Guangdong
wū qiào lǐng
Wushao Mountain

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