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山 stroke order animation

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 山
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 山
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Meaning of

Pinyin shān
mountain / hill
山 [shān] 名词 (Noun) 1. 地面形成的高耸的部分。 (a part of the ground that rises high) 例: 土~ (earthen mountain); ~崖 (mountain cliff); ~川 (mountain river); ~路 (mountain path); ~明水秀 (mountains and rivers are beautiful); ~雨欲来风满楼(喻冲突或战争爆发之前的紧张气氛)(The tense atmosphere before a conflict or war like stormy weather). 2. 形状像山的。 (something shaped like a mountain) 例: ~墙 (gable wall, walls shaped like a mountain). 3. 形容大声。 (to describe something loud) 例: ~响 (loud sound); ~呼万岁 (to shout long live in a loud voice). 4. 姓。 (a surname) 本义: 地面上由土石构成的隆起部分 (Original meaning: A raised part of the ground composed of earth and stone) 造字法: 象形。甲骨文和金文字形,象山峰并立的形状。 (Structure: Pictophonetic. The shapes in oracle bone script and bronze script resemble standing mountain peaks.) “山”是汉字的一个部首。 ("山" is a radical in Chinese characters.) 同本义 ([En.] mountain) 形状像山的东西 ([En.] anything in the shape of a mountain) 特指“五岳” ([En.] the Five mountains) 山墙 ([En.] gable wall) 指酒肆的楼上 ([En.] storey of a bar) 山中。指隐居之处 ([En.] hermitage) 坟 ([En.] mound) 蚕簇。由禾杆、油菜杆搭成的小簇 ([En.] a small bundle of straws, etc., for silkworms to spin cocoons on) 姓 ([En.] surname) 形容词 (Adjective) 1. 大,巨大 ([En.] big) 例: 山嚷怪叫,太吵人了 (The noise was too loud). 2. 粗俗 ([En.] hoarse) 3. 山野——谦称 ([En.] my rustic) 例: 山妻 (the wife of a hermit)
Wǔ tái Shān
Mt Wutai in Shanxi 山西[Shan1 xi1], one of the Four Sacred Mountains and home of the Bodhimanda of Manjushri 文殊[Wen2 shu1]
Jūn shān
Junshan district of Yueyang city 岳陽|岳阳[Yue4 yang2], Hunan
āi láo shān
ailao mountains
Táng gǔ lā shān
Dangla or Tanggula mountain range on the Qinhai-Tibet plateau
Táng shān shì
Tangshan prefecture level city in Hebei
shān ào
col / level ground in the mountains or hills
xiào jù shān lín
form a band and take to the greenwood / call each other to form a gang in the forest / go to the greenwood / take refuge in the forests / take to the forest
Kā ěr bā qiān Shān mài
Carpathian Mountains, 1500-km mountain range in Central and Eastern Europe
Kā shān
bā yán kā lā shān
Bayan Har Mountains
Xǐ mǎ lā yǎ shān
Zhōng shān Gōng yuán
Zhongshan Park, the name of numerous parks in China, honoring Sun Yat-sen 孫中山|孙中山[Sun1 Zhong1 shan1]
shān dì
mountainous region / hilly area / hilly country
fén shān
hill cemetery / graveyard / grave / grave mound / low wall at the back of a traditional tomb
shān pō
zhōng shān táng
Zhongshan Hall
duī jī rú shān
to pile up like a mountain (idiom) / a mountain of (paperwork etc) / a large number of sth
西 Xī sài shān
Xisaishan district of Huangshi city 黃石市|黄石市[Huang2 shi2 shi4], Hubei
西 Xī sài shān qū
Xisaishan district of Huangshi city 黃石市|黄石市[Huang2 shi2 shi4], Hubei
shān qiáng
shān bì
Mountain wall
qiān shān wàn hè
innumerable mountains and valleys
Wǔ yí shān
Mt Wuyi in Fujian / Wuyishan nature reserve / Wuyishan county level city in Nanping 南平[Nan2 ping2] Fujian
wǔ yí shān mài
Wuyi Mountains
Wǔ yí shān shì
Wuyishan county level city in Nanping 南平[Nan2 ping2] Fujian
shān zhài
fortified hill village / mountain stronghold (esp. of bandits) / (fig.) knockoff (goods) / counterfeit / imitation
Qí shān
Qishan County in Baoji 寶雞|宝鸡[Bao3 ji1], Shaanxi
Lán shān
Lanshan district of Rizhao city 日照市[Ri4 zhao4 shi4], Shandong
shān luán
mountain range / unbroken chain of peaks
Láo shān
Laoshan district of Qingdao city 青島市|青岛市, Shandong
ā ěr bēi sī shān
ā ěr bēi sī shān mài
the alps
ā ěr bēi sī shān qū
ā ní mǎ qīng shān
Animaqin Mountain
Hóng shān qū
Hongshan district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市[Wu3 han4 shi4], Hubei
shān qū
mountain area / CL:個|个[ge4]
Huà Shān
Mt Hua in Shaanxi, western mountain of the Five Sacred Mountains 五嶽|五岳[Wu3 yue4]
kūn yú shān
Kunyu Mountain
Sōng Shān
Mt Song in Henan, central mountain of the Five Sacred Mountains 五嶽|五岳[Wu3 yue4]
Wū Shān
Mt Wu on the Changjiang River (Yangtze) by the Three Gorges
Lú shān
Lushan district of Jiujiang city 九江市, Jiangxi / Mt Lushan in Jiujiang, famous as summer holiday spot
Píng shān
Pingshan county in Yibin 宜賓|宜宾[Yi2 bin1], Sichuan
西 Shān xī
Shanxi province (Shansi) in north China between Hebei and Shaanxi, abbr. 晋 capital Taiyuan 太原
Wǔ dāng shān
Wudang Mountain range in northwest Hubei
shān mài
mountain range / CL:條|条[tiao2]
huǒ shān
bǐ jià shān
Beacon Hill
shān shuǐ
water from a mountain / mountains and rivers / scenery / landscape
Shān shàng
Shanshang township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan
jiāng shān
rivers and mountains / landscape / country
kuàng shān
shān hé
mountains and rivers / the whole country
Zhōng shān
refers to Dr Sun Yat-sen / Zhongshan, prefecture-level city in Guangdong, close to Sun Yat-sen's birthplace / Nakayama (Japanese surname)
gāo shān
high mountain / alpine
屿 Dà yǔ shān
Lantau Island
Qí shān Xiàn
Qishan County in Baoji 寶雞|宝鸡[Bao3 ji1], Shaanxi
shān gǎng
hummock / monticule / hillock
huǒ shān yán
volcanic rock
shān lǐng
mountain ridge
chóng shān jùn lǐng
towering mountains and precipitous ridges (idiom)
huāng shān yě lǐng
wild, mountainous country
fān shān yuè lǐng
to pass over mountains ridges (idiom); fig. hardships of the journey
Dài shān
Daishan county in Zhoushan 舟山[Zhou1 shan1], Zhejiang
nán yuè shān
Nanyue Mountain
shān yuè
mountain / hill / lofty mountain
sān shān wǔ yuè
high mountains
Liáng shān Yí zú zì zhì zhōu
Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture, Sichuan
kōng dòng shān
Kongtong Mountain
É méi Shān
Mt Emei in Sichuan, one of the Four Sacred Mountains and Bodhimanda of Samantabhadra 普賢|普贤[Pu3 xian2] / Emeishan city
é shān
É méi shān shì
Emeishan county level city in Leshan 樂山|乐山[Le4 shan1], Sichuan
É méi shān
Mt Emei in Sichuan, one of the Four Sacred Mountains and Bodhimanda of Samantabhadra 普賢|普贤
shān fēng
(mountain) peak
Láo shān qū
Laoshan district of Qingdao city 青島市|青岛市, Shandong
gāo shān jùn lǐng
lofty mountains and steep hills
Qióng lái shān
Mt Qionglai in west Sichuan, the watershed between Minjiang 岷江 and Daduhe 大渡河
shān yá
shān bēng
landslide / landslip
shān bēng dì liè
Mountains fall and the earth splits.
sōng shān shǎo lín sì
Songshan Shaolin Temple
shān diān
shān chuān
landscape / mountains and rivers -- land
wū shān cháng jiāng dà qiáo
Wushan Yangtze River Bridge
Wū shān xiàn
Wushan county in Wanzhou suburbs of north Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan
shān wū líng
Mountain Wuling
yī wū lǘ shān
dà bā shān
Daba Mountain
Héng Shān
Mt Heng in Shanxi, northern mountain of the Five Sacred Mountains 五嶽|五岳[Wu3 yue4] / Hengshan district of Jixi city 雞西|鸡西[Ji1 xi1], Heilongjiang
shān zhuāng
manor house / villa / (used in hotel names)
bì shǔ shān zhuāng
mountain resort / Qing imperial summer residence at Chengde, a world heritage site
Lú shān qū
Lushan district of Jiujiang city 九江市, Jiangxi
bù shì Lú shān zhēn miàn mù
lit. not to know the true face of Lushan Mountain / fig. can't see the forest for the trees
lú shān zhēn miàn mù
the truth of sth.
Péng shān Xiàn
Pengshan County in Meishan 眉山市[Mei2 shan1 Shi4], Sichuan
shān yǐng
Mountain Shadow
shān jìng
trail / mountain path
pī shān
level off hilltops / cut through hills / blast cliffs
shān āo
col / valley
Dà bié shān
Dabie mountain range on the borders of Henan, Anhui and Hubei provinces
yú gōng yí shān
the old man moves mountains (idiom); fig. where there's a will, there's a way

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