Learn to write the Chinese character "山" by watching the stroke order animation of "山".
Stroke by Stroke: 山 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '山' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '山' Step-by-Step
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山 [shān]
名词 (Noun)
1. 地面形成的高耸的部分。
(a part of the ground that rises high)
例: 土~ (earthen mountain); ~崖 (mountain cliff); ~川 (mountain river); ~路 (mountain path); ~明水秀 (mountains and rivers are beautiful); ~雨欲来风满楼(喻冲突或战争爆发之前的紧张气氛)(The tense atmosphere before a conflict or war like stormy weather).
2. 形状像山的。
(something shaped like a mountain)
例: ~墙 (gable wall, walls shaped like a mountain).
3. 形容大声。
(to describe something loud)
例: ~响 (loud sound); ~呼万岁 (to shout long live in a loud voice).
4. 姓。
(a surname)
本义: 地面上由土石构成的隆起部分
(Original meaning: A raised part of the ground composed of earth and stone)
造字法: 象形。甲骨文和金文字形,象山峰并立的形状。
(Structure: Pictophonetic. The shapes in oracle bone script and bronze script resemble standing mountain peaks.)
("山" is a radical in Chinese characters.)
同本义 ([En.] mountain)
形状像山的东西 ([En.] anything in the shape of a mountain)
特指“五岳” ([En.] the Five mountains)
山墙 ([En.] gable wall)
指酒肆的楼上 ([En.] storey of a bar)
山中。指隐居之处 ([En.] hermitage)
坟 ([En.] mound)
蚕簇。由禾杆、油菜杆搭成的小簇 ([En.] a small bundle of straws, etc., for silkworms to spin cocoons on)
姓 ([En.] surname)
形容词 (Adjective)
1. 大,巨大 ([En.] big)
例: 山嚷怪叫,太吵人了 (The noise was too loud).
2. 粗俗 ([En.] hoarse)
3. 山野——谦称 ([En.] my rustic)
例: 山妻 (the wife of a hermit)
form a band and take to the greenwood / call each other to form a gang in the forest / go to the greenwood / take refuge in the forests / take to the forest
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