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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

架 stroke order animation

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Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

架 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 架
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 架
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Meaning of

Pinyin jià
to support / frame / rack / framework / measure word for planes, large vehicles, radios, etc.
架 [jià] 名词: 1. 用做支承的东西: shed frame. 例: 书架 (book rack). 衣架 (clothes rack). 绞架 (twisting frame). 2. 支承,搀扶: support. 例: 架桥 (supporting bridge). 架不住 (cannot support). 架空 (spaced support). 3. 互相殴打,争吵: quarrel; fight. 例: 打架 (get into a fight). 劝架 (mediate a fight). 4. 量词,多指有支柱或有机械的东西: a measure word for objects with supports or machinery. 例: 五架飞机 (five airplanes). 5. 捏造,虚构: fabricate. 例: 架词诬控 (fabricated accusations). 6. 古同“驾”,凌驾: to surpass; to tower over. 动词: 1. 建造;搭设;支撑: to put up; erect; prop; build. 例: 架梁 (put up beams). 架木通 (set up passage). 2. 搀扶: to support. 例: 架把 (assist); 架逃 (help to flee). 3. 超越,凌驾: to surpass; to tower; to override. 例: 架景 (majestic scenery); 架殿 (tall palace structures). 4. 用强力拖拉;绑架: to kidnap. 例: 架票 (kidnapping); 架落 (seize with force). 5. 驾驶;驾御: to drive; to control. 例: 架海 (sail at sea); 架羊 (drive sheep). 6. 争吵: to quarrel; fight. 例: 打群架 (fight in a group). 7. 捏造,虚构: to fabricate. 例: 架谎 (to concoct lies). 8. 挡架,不让进入: fend off. 例: 把刀架住 (block with a knife). 量词: 1. 两柱之间为一架: distance between posts. 例: 三品,堂五间九架 (specific architectural measurement). 2. 用于由某些机件构成的或有支架的物体: used for objects that are constructed with certain mechanisms or have supports. 例: 一架飞机 (an airplane); 五架照相机 (five cameras); 三架电风扇 (three fans). 象声词: 鸟鸣声: chirp. 例: 架架格格 (the sound of birds); 架犁 (a bird named based on its call).
chǎo jià
to quarrel / to have a row / quarrel / CL:頓|顿[dun4]
bǐ jià shān
Beacon Hill
quàn jià
to mediate in a quarrel / to intervene in a dispute and try to calm things down
jiǎo xíng jià
gibbet / hanging post
dān jià
stretcher / litter / bier
zhāo jià
to resist / to ward off / to hold one's own / to receive guests
guà jià
Shén nóng jià
Shennongjialin, directly administered forestry reserve in east Hubei
Shén nóng jià lín qū
Shennongjialin, directly administered forestry reserve in east Hubei
dā jià
scaffold / put up a scaffold
bǐ jià
pen rack / pen-holder
jià gòu
to construct / to build / infrastructure / architecture / framework
gòu jià
yī jià
jià zi
shelf / frame / stand / framework / airs / arrogance
kuàng jià
frame / framework / fig. pattern / outline / organizing plan
jià shè
to construct / to erect
dǎ jià
to fight / to scuffle / to come to blows / CL:場|场[chang2]
jià qǐ
set up
dà lù jià
continental shelf
fēi jià
Flying frame
jià qiáo
to bridge / to put up a bridge
jià shàng
liǎng jià
gǔ jià
framework / skeleton
héng jià
truss (weight-bearing construction of cross-beams)
bǎng jià
to kidnap / to abduct / to hijack / a kidnapping / abduction / staking
bǎng jià zhě
kidnapper / abductor / kidnaper
jiǎo jià
gallows / gibbet
pú táo jià
grape trellis

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Input Method for
Pinyin jia4
Four Corner
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