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杖 stroke order animation

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 杖
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 杖
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Meaning of

Pinyin zhàng
cane, walking stick
杖 [zhàng] 动 1. 扶着走路的棍子:手杖,拐杖。 [En.] A stick used for support when walking: cane; walking stick. 2. 泛指棍棒:擀面杖,禅杖。 [En.] Refers to any stick or rod: rolling pin; Zen stick. 3. 古代刑罚之一,用棍打:杖脊。 [En.] One of the ancient forms of punishment, to beat with a stick: flogging the back. 4. 古同“仗”,恃,凭倚。 [En.] An ancient synonym for "仗," meaning to rely on or lean against: rely; depend. 名 1. 手杖(走路时手里拄着的棍子,俗称“拐杖”) [En.] Cane; stick (a stick leaned on while walking, commonly called a "walking stick"). 2. 泛指棍棒或棒状物 [En.] Refers broadly to sticks or rod-like objects. 3. 指居丧时所执的丧棒 [En.] Mourning stick (a stick held during mourning). 4. 刑具。施杖刑所用的棍棒 [En.] Rod (a stick used for corporal punishment). 动 5. 执;持 [En.] Hold; grasp. 引 1. 《说文》:杖,持也。 [En.] "Shuo Wen": A stick means to hold. 2. 《书·牧誓》:王左杖黄钺。 [En.] "Book of Documents": The king holds a yellow battle axe. 3. 《汉书·韩信传》:杖剑从之。 [En.] "Han Book": Holding a sword, he follows. 4. 《汉书·武帝纪》:杖斧。 [En.] "Han Book": Wields an axe in authority. 例 5. 又如:杖斧(持斧以为威权);杖楫(持杖);杖斧之臣(掌握兵权的武臣);杖策(执马鞭);杖节(执持旌节). [En.] For example: wield an axe (to hold an axe as authority); wield a paddle (to hold a stick); ministers who wield axes (military officials with power); wield a whip (to hold a horsewhip); hold a flag. 6. 用棍子打;拷打 [En.] Flay with a stick; flog. 引 1. 明·高启《书博鸡者事》:尝受守杖。 [En.] Ming Dynasty: Gao Qi's "Story of a Chicken Keeper": Once punished by rod. 例 2. 又如:杖楚(以棍棒拷打);自杖三十;杖牛(打春牛);杖徒(五刑之一。用大竹板、棍棒抽打犯人背部);杖钱(给施杖刑的贿赂钱);杖刑(古代刑罚之一。用荆条拷打犯人);杖治(以杖刑治罪)。 [En.] For example: beat with a stick; self-flagellation; hit the spring ox; corporal punishment (one of the five punishments, hitting the back with large bamboo strips); bribe for corporal punishment; corporal punishment (one of the ancient penalties, beating with willow branches); punish by sticks. 7. 拄着 [En.] Support; leaning on. 引 1. 《礼记·曲礼上》:必操几杖以从之。 [En.] "Book of Rites": One must hold a few sticks to follow. 2. 《仪礼·丧服》:杖名齐其心。 [En.] "Rites": The name of the stick aligns the heart. 3. 《汉书·苏武传》:杖汉节牧羊。 [En.] "Han Book": Support the Han flag while herding sheep. 4. 《中山狼传》:遥望老子杖藜而来。 [En.] "Zhongshan Wolf": From afar watching wise old man comes leaning on a staff. 名 1. 手杖(走路时手里拄着的棍子,俗称“拐杖”) [En.] Cane; stick (a stick leaned on while walking, commonly called a "walking stick"). 引 1. 《礼记·曲礼》:必操几杖以从之。 [En.] "Book of Rites": One must hold a few sticks to follow. 2. 《论语·微子》:植其杖而芸。 [En.] "Analects": Plant its stick and cultivate. 3. 《徐霞客游记·游黄山记》:扶杖望朱砂庵。 [En.] "Xu Xiake's Travels": Support the stick and gaze at the Zhusha Monastery. 4. 落吾杖底 [En.] Drop beneath my staff. 例 5. 又如:锡杖(佛教的杖形法器,头部装有锡环);魔杖(魔术师所用的棍儿);杖者(指老年人);杖几(拐杖与几案);杖父(拄杖老人). [En.] For example: silver staff (a rod-shaped Buddhist ritual instrument with a silver ring at the top); magic wand (a stick used by a magician); the stick holder (refers to the elderly); cane and table; elderly leaning on a staff. 6. 泛指棍棒或棒状物 [En.] Refers broadly to sticks or rod-like objects. 引 1. 韩愈《汴泗交流赠张仆射》:球惊杖奋合且离,红牛缨绂黄金羁。 [En.] Han Yu's "Exchange of Gifts": The ball surprises the stick in both joining and separating, and the red cow is connected with golden restraint. 例 2. 又如:杖棒(棍棒)。 [En.] For example: a stick (rod). 3. 指居丧时所执的丧棒 [En.] Mourning stick. 例 4. 如:杖期(旧时一种服丧礼制,居丧时拿的棒);杖周(居丧持杖周年)。 [En.] For instance: mourning period stick; holding a stick during the mourning anniversary. 5. 刑具。施杖刑所用的棍棒 [En.] Rod (device for corporal punishment). 例 6. 如:杖式(古代刑杖的规格、样式);杖制(对刑杖的大小、长短的规定);杖限(刑法规定的杖击数目);杖架(度量刑杖和长短的器具). [En.] For example: standard for bamboo rods; regulations regarding the size of the bamboo rod for punishment; quantified strikes due to law; apparatus measuring bamboo rod length and size.
zhǔ zhàng
guǎi zhàng
crutches / crutch / walking stick
gǎn miàn zhàng
rolling pin
gǎn zhàng
Rolling pin
chán zhàng
the staff of a Buddhist monk
shǒu zhàng
cane / CL:把[ba3]
tiě zhàng
steel staff / stell stick
xī zhàng
monk's staff (Buddhism)
lí zhàng
Plow stick
quán zhàng
mó zhàng
magic wand
怀 huái zhàng
Huai stick

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