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松 stroke order animation

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松 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 松
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 松
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Meaning of

Pinyin sōng
loose / pine, loose
松 (sōng) 1. A genus of seed plants, generally evergreen trees from which resin can be extracted to produce rosin or turpentine. The seeds can be pressed for oil and are edible. 一种子植物的一属,一般为常绿乔木,脂可提取松香或松节油等。种子可榨油和食用。 2. Sparse, not tight, not close together; in contrast to "tight." 稀散,不紧密,不靠拢,与“紧”相对。 3. Broad, not tense, not strict. 宽,不紧张,不严格。 4. To release or loosen. 放开。 5. Food made from lean meat in a fluffy or minced form. 用瘦肉做成的茸毛或碎末形的食品。 6. A surname. 姓。 松 (sōng) 1. Generally evergreen trees, rarely shrubs, with scaly bark, needle-shaped leaves, unisexual flowers on the same plant, producing strobili that are oval or conical in shape; both the wood and resin are utilizable. 一般为常绿乔木,很少为灌木,树皮多为鳞片状,叶子针形,花单性,雌雄同株,结球果,卵圆形或圆锥形,有木质的鳞片,木材和树脂都可利用。 松 (sōng) 形 (xíng) 1. Tangled; a disheveled appearance. 发乱;乱发貌 ([En.] tangled) 2. Loose; slack. 不紧 ([En.] loose; slack) 3. Not solid; light and flaky; soft. 不坚实 ([En.] light and flaky; soft) 4. Economically ample; not hard up. 经济宽裕 ([En.] not hard up) 5. Useless. 不中用 ([En.] useless) 6. Slow. 慢 ([En.] slow) 松 (sōng) 名 (míng) Dried minced meat. 瘦肉做成的绒状或碎末状的食品 (【英】:dried minced meat) 松 (sōng) 动 (dòng) To loosen. 使松弛 (【英】:loosen)
luò yè sōng
larch tree (Pinus larix) / deciduous pine tree
sōng sōng kuǎ kuǎ
be slack and perfunctory
sōng kuǎ
undisciplined / loose / slack
kuí sōng
sōng nèn píng yuán
Songnen plain
kuān sōng
to relax (policy) / relaxed
sōng chí
to relax / relaxed / limp / lax
xīng sōng
variant of 惺忪[xing1 song1]
sōng xiè
to relax / to relax efforts / to slack off / to take it easy / complacent / undisciplined
fàng sōng
to loosen / to relax
qīng sōng
light / gentle / relaxed / effortless / uncomplicated / to relax / to take things less seriously
sōng san
to relax / loose / not consolidated / not rigorous
sōng kāi
to release / to let go / to loosen / to untie / to come loose
sōng ruǎn
flexible / not rigid / spongy / soft or runny (not set hard) / loose (soil)
shū sōng
to loosen
Sōng zī
Songzi county (Hubei)
Sōng zī shì
Songzi county level city in Jingzhou 荊州|荆州[Jing1 zhou1], Hubei
Sōng huā jiāng
Songhua River in Jilin province 吉林省 through Harbin 哈尔滨, a tributary of Heilongjiang 黑龍江|黑龙江
Sōng jiāng
Songjiang suburban district of Shanghai
sōng shǒu
to relinquish one's grip / to let go
sōng lín
pinery / pinewood / pinetum
sōng lín shān
Pine forest mountain
Sōng shān
Songshan or Sungshan district of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市[Tai2 bei3 shi4], Taiwan / Matsuyama, city in Japan
sōng shǔ
Sōng xià
Matsushita (name) / Panasonic (brand), abbr. for 松下電器|松下电器[Song1 xia4 Dian4 qi4]
sōng dòng
loose / slack / (fig.) to soften (policies, tone of voice) / to give some slack / (of a place) not crowded
yǎn sōng
Yan Song
zhāng zi sōng
pinus sylvestris / mongolica / mongolian scotch pine
Bīn sōng
Hamamatsu, city in Shizuoka prefecture 靜岡縣|静冈县[Jing4 gang1 xian4], Japan
sōng zhú
Song Candle
sōng yóu xī
xī sōng
poor / sloppy / unconcerned / heedless / lax / unimportant / trivial / loose / porous
sōng gāo
sponge cake
sōng bǎng
to untie / (fig.) to ease restrictions
sōng zhī
turpentine / rosin / pine gum / pine resin / galipot
sōng cuì
friability / openess / fragitity
péng sōng jì
raising agent / swelling agent
péng sōng
cāng sōng
Cang Song
sōng róng
matsutake (Tricholoma matsutake), edible mushroom considered a great delicacy in Japan
sōng luó
sunglo (茶叶) / sun-lo
péng sōng
chì sōng
Pinus densiflora / Japanese red pine

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Pinyin song1
Four Corner
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