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板 stroke order animation

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板 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 板
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 板
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Meaning of

Pinyin bǎn
board / plank / plate / slab, boss
板 [bǎn] 名词 1. 成片的较硬的物体:案板、板子、木板、板上钉钉。 (A relatively hard object in a sheet form: table board, panel, wooden board, nailing on the board.) 2. 演奏民族音乐或戏曲时打节拍的乐器,又指歌唱的节奏:檀板、鼓板、一字一板、荒腔走板。 (A percussion instrument used to mark rhythm in folk music or operas, also referring to the rhythm in singing: tanban (a type of wooden clapper), drum boards, every word has a beat, incoherent singing.) 3. 不灵活,少变化:死板、呆板。 (Rigid, lacking flexibility or change: stiff, wooden.) 4. 露出严肃或不高兴的表情:板着脸。 (Displaying a serious or unhappy expression: keeping a straight face.) 5. 见“老”字“老板”。 (Refers to the character "老" in "老板" (boss).) 名词 1. 同“版”。木板 ([En.] board; plank; plate) 2. 泛指板状的扁平之物 ([En.] sth. resembling board; plate; plank) 3. 笏,手板。古代官吏上朝时所执的记事板 ([En.] tablet) 4. 板筑用的夹板 ([En.] slab) 5. 印板,印书用的板片。现用“版” ([En.] printing plate) 6. 拍板,中国民族乐器中用来打拍子的板片。也指音乐中的节拍 ([En.] a plate for percussion in traditional Chinese instruments; also refers to musical beat.) 7. 门窗的遮板,如店铺的门板。常作“板儿” ([En.] shutter) 8. 中国民族音乐或戏曲中的强的拍子 ([En.] an accented beat). 9. 姓 ([En.] surname) 形容词 (神态、书法、文章等) 呆板,不灵活或少变化 ([En.] wooden) 动词 1. 表情上保持严肃 ([En.] keep a straight face). 2. 结成硬块 ([En.] harden) 名词 3. 私营工商业的财产所有者 ([En.] owner of private businesses). 4. 旧尊称戏剧演员 ([En.] a former respectful term for actors).
dāi bǎn
stiff / inflexible / also pr. [ai2 ban3]
bǎn kuài
slab / (geology) tectonic plate / (fig.) sector (of the stock market or of industry) / (economic) bloc
bǎn pī
slab / plate blank / strip breakdown
bǎn yuán
bǎn bì
wooden partition
jiā bǎn
splint / clamp / vise (as torture instrument)
lǎo bǎn niáng
female proprietor / lady boss / boss's wife
dān bǎn
veneer / one board
dì bǎn chǎng
Floor factory
fān bǎn
sailboard / windsurfing
chuáng bǎn
zhuō yǐ bǎn dèng
chairs and tables / household furniture
lěng bǎn dèng
an indifferent post
guā bǎn
scraper blade
pāi bǎn
clapper-board / auctioneer's hammer / to beat time with clappers
dǎng bǎn
flap / baffle / dam-board
ái bǎn zi
to suffer beating / fig. to be severely criticized / to take a hammering
bǎn dèng
wooden bench or stool / CL:張|张[zhang1],條|条[tiao2]
zuò lěng bǎn dèng
to hold an inconsequential job / to receive a cold reception / to be kept waiting for an assignment or audience / to be out in the cold / to be sidelined / to warm the bench / to cool one's heels
lǎo bǎn
boss / business proprietor / CL:個|个[ge4]
bǎn fǔ
broad axe
mù bǎn
slab / board / plank / CL:張|张[zhang1],塊|块[kuai4]
bǎn lì
Chinese chestnut
dì bǎn
xiān wéi bǎn
jiǎ bǎn
deck (of a boat etc)
píng bǎn
slab / plate / dull / monotonous / tablet (computer)
shí bǎn
slab / flagstone / slate
lán bǎn
gāng bǎn
steel plate
miàn bǎn
panel / faceplate
tiào bǎn
springboard / jumping-off point / gangplank
mén bǎn
shutter / door plank / door sheet
xuè xiǎo bǎn
blood platelet
tiě bǎn
iron panel / hot iron plate for fast grilling (Japanese: teppan)
tiān huā bǎn
tán bǎn
hardwood clappers
lán bǎn
breast board
bǎn lì shù
Chestnut tree
bào huā bǎn
particle board / chipboard
zhǎng tíng bǎn
daily upper limit on the price of a stock
bō li bǎn
glass pane
zhēn bǎn
chopping board or block
yún bǎn
Cloud board
lán bǎn qiú
rebound (basketball)
huì tú bǎn
drawing board / drawing table
shān bǎn
sampan / also written 舢舨
jiāo hé bǎn
yāo bǎn
waist and back / fig. upright and still healthy
bǎn lán gēn
indigo woad root / root of Isatis indigotica (used in TCM)
tà bǎn
pedal (in a car, on a piano etc) / treadle / footstool / footrest / footboard
zhèng bǎn qiáo
Zheng Banqiao
bǎn shàng dìng dīng
that clinches it / that's final / no two ways about it
tóng bǎn
copper coin / copper plate (e.g. for printing)
gé bǎn
clapboard / cross wall / septum / dummy plate
bǎn yā
pressed (dried) salted duck
guī bǎn
tortoise plastron / turtle shell

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Pinyin ban3
Four Corner
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