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老 stroke order animation

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 老
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 老
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Meaning of

Pinyin lǎo
(a prefix used before the surname of a person or a numeral indicating the order of birth of the children in a family to indicate affection or familiarity) / old (of people)
老 [lǎo] 1. 年纪大,时间长,有经验,陈旧的:Old; aged; experienced; long-standing; antiquated. 2. 对年纪大的人的尊称:Honorific term for elderly people. 3. 极,很:Very; extremely. 4. 老年人:Old people; the aged. 5. 晚年:Old age; late years. 6. 敬老,养老:Respecting the elderly; caring for the elderly. 7. 总是,经常:Always; frequently. 8. 原来的:Original; former. 9. 与“嫩”相对:Opposite of tender; mature. 10. 词头,用于表排行,用于表相互尊称,或加在某些动植物名前构成多音节词:Prefix used in naming order, mutual respect, or to form multi-syllabic words with certain plants and animals. 11. 老子(中国先秦思想家)及其学说的简称:Abbreviation for Laozi (Chinese pre-Qin thinker) and his philosophy. 12. 死的讳称:Euphemism for death. 13. 指业主或企业的经营者:Refers to the owner or operator of a business. 14. 姓:Surname. 1. 年纪大,时间长,有经验,陈旧的:Old; aged; experienced; long-standing; antiquated. 例:~当益壮 (The older one is, the stronger one becomes.)。 2. 对年纪大的人的尊称:Honorific for the elderly: 吴 ~ (Mr. Wu, referring to an elder). 3. 极,很:Very; extremely: ~早 (very early)。 4. 老年人:Respect for the elderly: 敬 ~ 院 (nursing home)。 5. 晚年:Old age; late years: ~ 年 (old age)。 6. 敬老,养老:Respecting the elderly: “~吾老,以及人之老。” (Respect my elders and those of others)。 7. 总是,经常:Always; frequently: ~ 是生病 (always sick)。 8. 原来的:Original: ~ 地方 (original place)。 9. 与“嫩”相对:Opposite of tender: 黄瓜长 ~ 了 (The cucumber has matured)。 10. 词头,用于表排行,用于相互尊称:~ 大 (elder brother)。 11. 老子及其学说的简称:Referring to Laozi and his teachings。 12. 死的讳称:Euphemism for death: ~ 了 (passed away)。 13. 指业主或企业的经营者:Owner or operator of a business。 14. 姓:Surname. 形 [lǎo] 本义:年老,衰老: Old; aged. 造字法:会意。甲骨文字形,象一个手里拿着拐杖的老人形: Originally a pictograph representing an old person with a cane. 1. 五十至七十岁的高龄(Old; aged): Referring to old age between fifty and seventy. 2. 历时长久(Long-standing): Refers to a long duration. 3. 娴熟,富有经验,阅历深(Experienced): Referring to deep experience and skill. 4. 厚(Thick): Describes thickness. 5. 大(Great): Refers to greatness. 6. 排行在最后的(Youngest): Referring to being the youngest in rank. 名 [lǎo] 1. 老年;晚年(Old age): Referring to late years. 2. 老年人(Old people; the aged): Referring to elderly individuals. 3. 对先辈、年长者的尊称(Your): Honorific for seniors. 4. 对老人的尊称:Formal address for the elderly. 5. 敬词,多不表示年岁(Respectful term, not indicating age). 6. 自称(I): Self-referring term. 7. 古时对某些臣僚的尊称:Historical term of respect for some officials. 8. 指父母或兄长(Parents or brother). 9. 老子及其哲学的省称(Laozi): An abbreviated reference to Laozi. 10. 姓(Surname): Used as a family name. 动 [lǎo] 1. 死的讳称(Die): Euphemistic expression for death. 2. 敬爱,敬重(Respect and love; honor). 3. 告老(Retire from age): Referring to retirement due to age. 4. 变老;衰老(Be old and feeble): Indicates aging. 5. 衰老;衰颓(Old and feeble; senile; decrepit). 副 [lǎo] 1. 用在动词前面,表示某种动作、行为或状态在一段较长时间里一直持续不断发生或时常重复出现,有“经常”、“时常”的意思; 有时“老”和“是”连用,有强调的意味(Always). 2. 用在形容词前面,表示程度深,相当于“很”、“极”(Very). 3. 很久(For a long time). 前缀 [lǎo] 1. 加在姓、名和某些称谓的前面(Prefix before surnames and certain titles). 2. 加在兄弟姐妹排行次序上(Used in sibling order). 3. 加在某些动植物名词前面(Used with certain nouns of plants and animals). 后缀 [lǎo] 代指人(含有轻视意):Used as a suffix to refer to people in a derogatory sense, also written as “佬”. Examples: 庄稼老 (farmer), 外国老 (foreigner).
lǎo nián chī dāi zhèng
senile dementia / Alzheimer's disease
lǎo péng you
old friend / (slang) period / menstruation
lǎo gē
lǎo yù
old woman (formal writing)
lǎo fén
Old grave
lǎo pó
(coll.) wife
lǎo nǎi nai
(coll.) father's father's mother / paternal great-grandmother / respectful form of address for an old woman
lǎo jiān jù huá
cunning / crafty / wily old fox
lǎo fù
old woman
lǎo mā
mother / mom
lǎo bǎi xìng
ordinary people / the "person in the street" / CL:個|个[ge4]
lǎo niáng
my old mother / I, this old woman / my old lady (colloquial) / maternal grandmother / midwife
lǎo bǎn niáng
female proprietor / lady boss / boss's wife
lǎo zhái
old house
lǎo rén jiā
polite term for old woman or man
gū guǎ lǎo rén
an elderly person of no family
lǎo jiàng
lit. old general / commander-in-chief 將帥|将帅, the equivalent of king in Chinese chess / fig. old-timer / veteran
lǎo shàng
Lao Shang
lǎo shǔ shǐ
mouse droppings / mouse dung
lǎo cháo
den / nest
lǎo shī
teacher / CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]
lǎo yòu
Young and old
nán nǚ lǎo yòu
men, women, young and old / everybody
fú lǎo xié yòu
taking everyone along, young and old / to look after the elderly and the young
lián pǒ lǎo yǐ
Lian Po old man
nín lǎo
You are old
lǎo shì
old-fashioned / old type / outdated
lǎo dì
(affectionate form of address for a male who is not very much younger than oneself) my boy / old pal
Lǎo wō
lǎo wō rén mín mín zhǔ gòng hé guó
Lao People's Democratic Republic
lǎo dā dàng
old partner / old workmate
lǎo bǎn
boss / business proprietor / CL:個|个[ge4]
xīn lǎo jiāo tì
replace old cadres with younger ones / supersession of the old by the new / succession of the new to the old
lǎo xiǔ
decrepit and behind the times / old and useless
lǎo guī ju
convention / old rules and regulations / established custom or practice
bái tóu xié lǎo
(to live together until the) white hairs of old age (idiom); to live to a ripe old age in conjugal bliss / until death do us part
xié lǎo
to grow old together
lǎo xiōng
'old chap' (form of address between male friends)
lǎo guān
Old man
yǐ lǎo mài lǎo
take advantage of one's seniority
lǎo mǔ
Old mother
lǎo tāng
soup stock
lǎo lèi zòng héng
The old man wept bitterly. / Tears coursed down the old man's cheeks. / tears flowing from aged eyes / The old man's face was covered with tears.
lǎo hú tu
lǎo ye
(respectful) lord / master / (coll.) maternal grandfather
lǎo bàn
(of an elderly couple) husband or wife
nǐ lǎo
You are old
fù lǎo
lǎo fù
father / old man / venerable sir
lǎo yé zi
my (you etc) old father / polite appellation for an elderly male
lǎo bà
father / dad
lǎo niú
old ox
lǎo hú li
old fox / fig. cunning person
nán nǚ lǎo shào
men, women, young and old / all kinds of people / people of all ages
chuí chuí lǎo yǐ
Old man
lǎo xiāng
fellow townsman / fellow villager / sb from the same hometown
lǎo wō
Old nest
fǎn lǎo huán tóng
to recover one's youthful vigor / to feel rejuvenated (idiom)
lǎo xiū chéng nù
see 惱羞成怒|恼羞成怒[nao3 xiu1 cheng2 nu4]
zhǎng lǎo
elder / term of respect for a Buddhist monk
lǎo rén
old man or woman / the elderly / one's aged parents or grandparents
lǎo zhě
old man / elderly man
lǎo zi
father / daddy / "I, your father" (in anger, or out of contempt) / I (used arrogantly or jocularly)
lǎo tóu
old fellow / old man / father / husband
lǎo dà
old age / very / eldest child in a family / leader of a group / boss / captain of a boat / leader of a criminal gang
lǎo shǔ
rat / mouse / CL:隻|只[zhi1]
lǎo shi
honest / sincere / well-behaved / open and guileless / naive
lǎo jiā
native place / place of origin / home state or region
lǎo tóu zi
(coll.) old man / (said of an aging husband) my old man
lǎo nián rén
old people / the elderly
qí lǎo
old people
lǎo pí qì
Old temper
lǎo zhàng
sir (respectful form of address for an old man)
lǎo zhàng ren
(coll.) father-in-law (wife's father)
lǎo chén
old minister
lǎo jiù
Old uncle
Lǎo Shě
Lao She (1899-1966), Chinese novelist and dramatist
jiǎng lǎo quán shī
Old Boxer Jiang
cāng lǎo
old / aged / (of calligraphy or painting) vigorous / forceful
lǎo jiǎn
callus (patch or hardened skin) / corns (on feet) / also 老趼
zhǐ lǎo hǔ
paper tiger
shuāi lǎo
to age / to deteriorate with age / old and weak
Shèng dàn Lǎo rén
Father Christmas / Santa Claus
lǎo lài
(coll.) debt dodger
lǎo qián bèi
one's senior / one's elder
lǎo yī bèi
previous generation / older generation
lǎo là
shrewd and ruthless / efficient and unscrupulous
lǎo chén cù
superior mature vinegar / mature vinegar / aged vinegar
lǎo cù
old vinegar
cí lǎo hǔ
a tigress -- a ferocious woman
lǎo bǎo
female brothel keeper
lǎo guā
a crow
lǎo yā
lǎo líng
old age / aging / aged / geriatric / the aged
lǎo líng huà
aging (population)

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