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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

赖 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

赖 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 赖
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 赖
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Meaning of

Pinyin lài
disclaim / rely / to blame
赖 (lài) 1. 倚靠,仗恃。 (To lean on; to rely on.) 2. 留在某处不肯走开。 (To stay somewhere and not leave.) 3. 不承认。 (To deny.) 4. 刁钻泼辣,不讲道理;游手好闲,行为不端的人。 (Cunning and unreasonable; a person who is idle and behaves poorly.) 5. 诬,怪罪。 (To slander; to blame.) 6. 不好,劣。 (Bad; inferior.) 7. 姓。 (A surname.) 赖 (lài) 1. 倚靠,仗恃:依~。仰~。百无聊~(精神上无所寄托,感到什么都没意思). (To rely on; to lean on: depending on; to have nothing to lean on spiritually, feeling that everything is meaningless.) 2. 留在某处不肯走开:~着不走。 (To stay somewhere and not leave: staying and not leaving.) 3. 不承认:抵~。~账。~婚。 (To deny: to refuse to admit; to deny debts; to deny marriage.) 4. 刁钻泼辣,不讲道理;游手好闲,行为不端的人:~子。无~。 (Cunning and unreasonable; an idle and poorly behaved person: a rogue; a scoundrel.) 5. 诬,怪罪:诬~。 (To slander; to blame: to slander.) 6. 不好,劣:好~。 (Bad; inferior: not good.) 7. 姓。 (A surname.) 赖 (lài) 1. 同本义 (Profit; gain.) 2. 依靠;依赖;依恃、凭藉 (To rely on; to depend on.) 3. 拒绝承认,抵赖 (To refuse to acknowledge; to deny.) 4. 耍赖。亦指无赖的作风和行为 (To play tricks; also refers to a rogue's behavior.) 5. 留在某处不肯离开 (To stay somewhere and refuse to leave.) 6. 责怪,应该受责 (To blame; to be to blame for.) 7. 〈方〉∶逃 (To escape.) 赖 (lài) 1. 幸而;幸亏 (Luckily; fortunately.) 2. 通“懒”。懒惰 (To be lazy.) 赖 (lài) 1. 利;好处 (Advantage; benefit.) 2. 姓 (A surname.)
Dá lài Lǎ ma
Dalai Lama
fú lài bǎo
Kè lài sī tè chè qí
Christchurch (New Zealand city)
dǐ lài
to refuse to admit (what one has done) / to disavow / to renege
yǐ lài
to rely on / to be dependent on
lài ān suān
lysine (Lys), an essential amino acid
yī lài
to depend on / to be dependent on
yī lài xìng
dependency / dependence
yǎng lài
to rely on
sǐ qi bái lài
to pester someone again and again
shuǎ lài
to act shamelessly / to refuse to acknowledge that one has lost the game, or made a promise etc / to act dumb / to act as if sth never happened
shuǎ wú lài
to act shamelessly / to behave in a way that leaves others tut-tutting and shaking their heads in disapproval
bǎi wú liáo lài
bored to death (idiom) / bored stiff / overcome with boredom
wū lài
to accuse falsely
xìn lài
to trust / to have confidence in / to have faith in / to rely on
wú lài
hoodlum / rascal / rogue / rascally / scoundrelly
lài yǐ
to rely on / to depend on
Dá lài
the Dalai Lama / abbr. of 達賴喇嘛|达赖喇嘛[Da2 lai4 La3 ma5]
yǒu lài yú
to rely on / to depend on
lài yǐ shēng cún
survive on / live on
lǎo lài
(coll.) debt dodger
bù lài
(coll.) not bad / good / fine
yī lài dù
degree of dependency
Ào ěr bù lài tè
Madeleine Albright (1937-), former US Secretary of State
lài zhàng
to renege on a debt

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Input Method for
Pinyin lai4
Four Corner
Stroke Number Category
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