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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

度 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

度 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 度
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 度
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Meaning of

Pinyin dù、 duó
capacity / degree / standard
度 [dù] 名词 1. 计算长短的器具或单位。 (Tool or unit for measuring length.) 2. 事物所达到的境界。 (The state or level that something has reached.) 3. 分角的单位,一圆周角分为360度。 (A unit for measuring angles; one complete angle is divided into 360 degrees.) 4. 依照计算的一定标准划分的单位。 (A unit defined according to a specific measurement standard.) 5. 电能的单位,一千瓦小时电量的通称。 (A unit of electrical energy; commonly referred to as a kilowatt-hour.) 6. 法则,应遵行的标准。 (A law or standard that should be followed.) 7. 哲学上指一定事物保持自己质的数量界限。 (In philosophy, it refers to the quantitative limits that a certain thing keeps to itself.) 8. 能容受的量。 (The amount that can be contained.) 9. 考虑,打算。 (Consideration or intention.) 10. 过,由此到彼。 (To pass from one place to another.) 11. 量词,次。 (A measure word for occasions or instances.) 12. 僧尼道士劝人出家。 (Monks and priests persuading people to leave secular life.) 13. 姓。 (A surname.) 动词 1. 度过,越过。 (To pass or go beyond.) 2. 僧尼道士劝人离俗出家。 (To persuade someone to become a monk, nun, or Taoist priest.) 3. 超度;宗教说法,使死者灵魂得以脱离地狱诸苦难。 (To perform prayers or rituals to release souls from purgatory.) 4. 谱写 (乐曲)。 (To compose music.) 次 (times) 词缀: 加在“年、季、月”后,指时间段落。 (A suffix indicating a period of time when added to "year," "season," or "month.") 额外含义 - 计算,推测。 (Calculate, speculate.) 例句: - 忖度。 (Speculate.) - 揣度。 (Gauge.) - 审时度势。 (Assess the situation.) - 度德量力。 (Measure one's abilities and resources.)
hòu dù
pō dù
gradient / slope
pá pō dù
nú lì zhì dù
Yìn dù yáng
Indian Ocean
Yìn dù Hé
Indus River
jūn yún dù
uniformity / evenness / homogeneity
jì dù
quarter of a year / season (sports)
yī jì dù
the first quarter
yǔ zhòu sù dù
escape velocity
kuān dù
mì dù
density / thickness
zhōng mì dù
medium density
chǐ dù
scale / yardstick
fú dù
width / extent / range / scope
dà fú dù
by a wide margin / substantial
广 guǎng dù
Bǎi dù
Baidu, Internet portal and search engine,, listed as BIDU on NASDAQ since 1999
gāo dù
height / altitude / elevation / high degree / highly / CL:個|个[ge4]
sù dù
speed / rate / velocity / (music) tempo / CL:個|个[ge4]
chéng dù
degree (level or extent) / level / CL:個|个[ge4]
wēn dù
temperature / CL:個|个[ge4]
tài du
manner / bearing / attitude / approach / CL:個|个[ge4]
jiǎo dù
angle / point of view
nián dù
year (e.g. school year, fiscal year) / annual
yī dù
for a time / at one time / one time / once
cháng dù
qiáng dù
strength / intensity / CL:個|个[ge4]
shēn dù
depth / (of a speech etc) profundity / advanced stage of development
nán dù
trouble / problem
hú dù
radian / arc / curve / curvature
tì dù
to take the tonsure / to shave the head / tonsure (shaved head of Buddhist monk)
lì dù
strength / vigor / efforts / (music) dynamics
gāng dù
cǔn duó
to speculate / to surmise / to wonder whether / to guess
zhōng chéng dù
loyalty index
chuǎi duó
to estimate / to surmise / to appraise
Yìn dù
zài dù
once more / once again / one more time
Shè shì dù
°C (degrees Celsius)
líng mǐn dù
(level of) sensitivity
mǐn gǎn dù
sensitiveness / susceptibility / sensitivity
qīng xī dù
definition / sharpness / clarity
dù jià cūn
jí dù
tī dù
dù jià
to go on holidays / to spend one's vacation
zhì dù
system (e.g. political, adminstrative etc) / institution / CL:個|个[ge4]
nóng dù
concentration (percentage of dissolved material in a solution) / consistency / thickness / density / viscosity
gāo nóng dù
high concentration
wēn dù jì
thermometer / thermograph
湿 shī dù
humidity level
湿 xiāng duì shī dù
relative humidity
róng jiě dù
使 jié dù shǐ
Tang and Song dynasty provincial governor, in Tang times having military and civil authority, but only civil authority in Song
dù dié
a monk's or nun's certificate issued by the government
cāi duó
to surmise / to conjecture
tián dù
yán dù
shùn shí sù dù
instantaneous speed / instantaneous velocity
yìng dù
jīng què dù
accuracy / precision
suān jiǎn dù
power of hydrogen / pH value
shè huì zhì dù
social system / social institution
liàng dù
亿 yì dù
Billion degrees
西 Yìn dù ní xī yà
nián chóu dù
nián chóu dù
viscosity / consistency / stickiness
guī zhāng zhì dù
regulatory framework / rules and regulations
lì dù
granularity / fineness / grading / particle size
zhān dù
jīng dù
cū cāo dù
roughness / unevenness / pimpling
fēng dù piān piān
graceful bearing / be dapper in appearance
wěi dù
dī wěi dù
low latitude
gāo wěi dù
high latitude (i.e. near the poles)
zhōng wěi dù
middle latitude
jīng wěi dù
longitude and latitude
chún dù
zhì zhī dù wài
to give no thought to / to have no regard for / to disregard
fēng dù
shū shì dù
comfort level
dù liàng héng
fù gài dù
cover degree / degree of coverage
měi yù dù
kuà dù
span / horizontal distance between vertical supports
huò dá dà dù
be generous and open-minded / open-minded and magnanimous
yī lài dù
degree of dependency
guò dù
excessive / over- / excess / going too far / extravagant / intemperate / overdue
dù guò
to pass / to spend (time) / to survive / to get through
shì dù
moderately / appropriate
tòu míng dù
transparency / (policy of) openness
xiàn dù
limitation / limit
yōng róng dà dù
é dù
quota / (credit) limit
bǎo hé dù

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Input Method for
Pinyin du4
Four Corner
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