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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

章 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

章 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 章
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 章
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Meaning of

Pinyin zhāng
(surname) / chapter / seal / section
章 [zhāng] 【量】 1. Music piece; now referred to as “乐章” (a song). 【名】 1. Section of a song or poem: 节 (section), 句 (sentence), 乐章 (music piece), 回体 (type of music), 顺理成章 (develops logically). 2. Items, rules: 程 (procedure), 法 (law), 简章 (brief regulations), 党章 (party constitution), 约法三章 (three legislative articles). 3. Repair: 杂乱无章 (chaotic). 4. Pattern, decorative design: 黑质而白章 (black and white pattern). 5. Seal or stamp: 图章 (graphic seal), 盖章 (to stamp). 6. Mark or badge worn: 袖章 (sleeve badge), 领章 (collar badge), 徽章 (emblem), 像章 (portrait badge). 7. A formal document (e.g., written report to the emperor): 奏章 (petition to the emperor), 本章 (the chapter of music). 8. Synonym for “彰”, which means to be clear or evident. 9. Surname. 【形】 1. Synonym for “彰”, meaning remarkable or evident. 2. Systematic; well-ordered. 【动】 1. To show or indicate; to become visible. 2. To commend; to express praise. 3. To report or inform against, as in filing a complaint. --- 章 [zhāng] 【量】 【本义】: A piece of music. 【造字法】: Combined meaning representation. From 音 (music), with 十 indicating completion; together suggesting the completion of music. 【引】 1. 《说文》: 章, 乐竟为一章. 2. 《礼记·曲礼》: 读乐章. 疏: “谓乐书之篇章.” 3. 苏轼《前赤壁赋》: 诵明月之诗, 歌窈窕之章. 4. 《史记·吕太后本纪》: 王乃为歌诗四章, 令乐人歌之. 【例】 如: 章夏 (an ancient name for a musical piece). 【名】 1. A decorative pattern in paintings or embroidery alternating between red and white: 方; 2. Colored silks. 3. Articles or poetry sections, also referring to a chapter or part of a writing. 4. Regulations and statutes. 5. Legal clauses and subclauses. 6. Seal or stamp. 7. Badge or medal. 8. Banner or flag. 9. Official reports presented to the emperor. 10. Large timber. 11. Surname. 【形】 1. Remarkable or evident in nature. 2. Well-ordered and systematic. 【动】 1. To become visible or evident. 2. To commend or express praise. 3. To lodge a formal complaint.
zòu zhāng
memorial to the throne
jiǎng zhāng
medal / CL:枚[mei2]
yìn zhāng
seal / signet / chop / stamp / CL:方[fang1]
xiàn zhāng
xiàn zhāng pài
the Chartist movement (in the 1840s in England)
huī zhāng
badge / emblem / insignia / crest / logo / coat of arms
dǎng zhāng
party constitution
diǎn zhāng
institution / institutional
wén zhāng
article / essay / literary works / writings / hidden meaning / CL:篇[pian1],段[duan4],頁|页[ye4]
xūn zhāng
medal / decoration
jiǔ zhāng
nine chapters
zhāng chéng
rules / regulations / constitution / statute / articles of association (of company) / articles of incorporation / charter (of a corporation) / by-laws
běn zhāng
this chapter
guī zhāng
rule / regulation
dì yī zhāng
chapter one
dì sān zhāng
chapter three
dì èr zhāng
chapter two
guī zhāng zhì dù
regulatory framework / rules and regulations
yī zhāng
A chapter
piān zhāng
writing / sections and chapters
dì sì zhāng
chapter four / title IV
dì liù zhāng
chapter 6
dì qī zhāng
Chapter VII
Zhāng qiū shì
Zhangqiu county level city in Ji'nan 濟南|济南[Ji3 nan2], Shandong
xiù zhāng
armband (e.g. as part of uniform or to show status)
wéi zhāng
to break the rules / to violate regulations
shùn lǐ chéng zhāng
logical / only to be expected / rational and clearly structured (of text)

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Input Method for
Pinyin zhang1
Four Corner
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