Learn to write the Chinese character "竦" by watching the stroke order animation of "竦".
Stroke by Stroke: 竦 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '竦' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '竦' Step-by-Step
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Chinese Character '竦'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
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竦 [sǒng]
【本义】: 肃敬; 恭敬
[Basic meaning]: respect; reverence
1. 伸长脖子,提起脚跟站着。
[En.] crane: to stretch the neck and raise the heels while standing.
2. 恭敬,肃敬。
[En.] respect: to show reverence or esteem.
3. 同“悚”。
[En.] fear: to experience anxiety or fear.
4. 耸立
[En.] shoot high up; to tower: to stand tall or erect.
5. 通“耸”。往上跳。
[En.] jump up: to spring up or leap.
6. 振动; 振作。
[En.] vibrate; to bestir oneself: to shake or invigorate oneself.
7. 执; 握。
[En.] hold: to grasp or seize.
8. 通“怂”。劝戒。
[En.] advise: to encourage or caution someone.
1. 《说文》: 竦,敬也。段注: “敬者,肃也。”
[Quotation]: “Understanding the meaning of '竦' as respect.”
2. 《聊斋志异·促织》: 巫从旁望空代祝,唇吻翕辟,不知何词。各各竦立以听。
[Quotation]: "Everyone stood in respect to listen."
1. 竦然(肃然起敬的样子);
[Example]: "竦然" refers to the appearance of respect.
2. 竦立(恭敬的站着);
[Example]: "竦立" describes standing respectfully.
3. 竦企(引领举踵以待);
[Example]: "竦企" means to stand on tiptoe in anticipation.
4. 竦耳(竖起耳朵).
[Example]: "竦耳" means to perk up the ears in attention.
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