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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

底 stroke order animation

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底 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 底
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 底
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Meaning of

Pinyin dǐ、 de
(possessive part.) / (subor. part.), background / bottom / base
底 [dǐ] 1. 最下面的部分。 [En.] The lowest part. 例: ~层。~座。~下(➊下面;➋以后)。海~。~肥。 Example: bottom layer, base seat, bottom (1. below; 2. thereafter), sea bottom, bottom fertilizer. 2. 末了。 [En.] The end; the last. 例: 年~。月~。到~。 Example: by the end of the year, by the end of the month, to the end. 3. 根基,基础,留作根据。 [En.] Foundation, basis; reserved as a reference. 例: 刨根问~。~蕴。~稿。~版。 Example: to dig deep for the root, foundationally rooted, draft, base edition. 4. 图案的基层。 [En.] The base layer of a design. 例: 白~蓝花的瓶子。 Example: a vase with a white base and blue flowers. 5. 何,什么。 [En.] What; something. 例: ~事伤感。 Example: What is sad? 6. 古同“抵”,达到。 [En.] An ancient term meaning "to reach." 动 [dǐ] 本义: 止住; 停滞 [En.] Basic meaning: to stop; to stagnate. 造字法: 形声。从广(yǎn), 氐(dǐ)声。 [En.] Character formation: Phono-semantic composition; combined forms of 广 (yǎn) and 氐 (dǐ). 1. 同本义 ([En.] stop) 2. 隐藏 ([En.] hide). 3. 达到 ([En.] arrive). 4. 引致 ([En.] incur). 5. 磨砺 ([En.] grind). 名 [dǐ] 1. 最下面,底端 ([En.] bottom; base) 例: 鞋底;箱底;桶底。引申为下层,下面。如: 底下人(仆役);底土层;底冰。 Example: shoe sole, box bottom, bucket bottom. Extended meaning includes lower levels, below, such as: bottom people (servants), bottom soil layer; bottom ice. 2. 底子;基础 ([En.] foundation). 例: 底簟(根基,基础);底下书(指学有根底的著作)。 Example: foundation mat, foundational book (referring to works with solid grounding). 3. 草图、草案、草稿、预备性或试验性的略图或文本 ([En.] rough draft). 例: 底样。 Example: draft sample. 4. 底细;内情 ([En.] the ins and outs (of a matter)). 例: 底里(内幕,内情;详细);底脚(底细;住址);底脚里人儿(内线人物)。 Example: insider details, bottom detail, insider person. 5. 引申为尽头;末尾 ([En.] end). 例: 年底;月底;底极(终点;终极)。 Example: end of the year, end of the month, bottom limit. 6. 几何图形的基线或基面 ([En.] base). 例: 圆锥的底。 Example: base of a cone. 7. 文物,史料,以永久性形式保存下来的证据、知识或资料 ([En.] record). 例: 留个底儿。 Example: leave a record. 8. 构成观察或体验事物的背景的那些自然、物理或物质条件 ([En.] background). 例: 白底红花。 Example: white background with red flowers. 代 [dǐ] 1. 疑问代词。何,什么 ([En.] what) 例: 又如: 底作(何为,干什么);底事(何事);底物(何物);底处(何处);底许(几许,多少)。 Example: for instance: what to do, what matter, what object, where, how much. 2. 指示代词。此,这 ([En.] this). 例: 如: 底事(此事)。 Example: this matter. 副 [dǐ] 1. 尽;极 ([En.] very). 例: 如: 底发(尽量发出);底烦(愁闷之至)。 Example: give it all, to the point of distress. 2. 的确;确实 ([En.] certainly). 例: 如: 底确(定准)。 Example: certainly correct. 底 [de] 1. “底”在五四时期至三十年代用于领属关系,现已不用。 [En.] "底" was used in hierarchical relationships from the May Fourth Movement to the 1930s, but is no longer used. 2. 另见 dǐ [En.] See also dǐ.
Lóu dǐ shì
Loudi prefecture-level city in Hunan
wò dǐ
to hide (as an undercover agent) / an insider (in a gang of thieves) / a mole
dǐ céng
ground or first floor / bottom (of a pile) / lowest rung (of society)
nián dǐ
the end of the year / year-end
Yòu fā lā dǐ Hé
Euphrates River
chè dǐ
thorough / thoroughly / complete
hǎi dǐ
seabed / seafloor / bottom of the ocean
xīn dǐ
bottom of one's heart
dǐ xia
the location below sth / afterwards
Sū gé lā dǐ
Socrates (469-399 BC), Greek philosopher / José Sócrates (1957-), prime minister of Portugal (2005-2011)
dǐ bù
shuǐ dǐ
shuō dào dǐ
in the final analysis / in the end
yuè dǐ
end of the month
píng dǐ
flat bottomed / low heeled
dǐ miàn
bottom / bottom side / bottom surface
dǐ zuò
base / pedestal / foundation
jiāng dǐ
River bottom
gǔ dǐ
valley floor / (fig.) lowest ebb / all-time low
dǐ pán
dì dǐ
subterranean / underground
méi dǐ
unsure / uncertain / unending
guī gēn jié dǐ
in the final analysis / ultimately
chè dǐ xìng
chè chè dǐ dǐ
páo gēn wèn dǐ
to dig up roots and inquire at the base (idiom); to get to the bottom of sth
dào dǐ
finally / in the end / when all is said and done / after all / to the end / to the last
dōu dǐ
to reveal / to expose
Gāng dǐ sī shān mài
Gangdisê mountain range in southwest Tibet
mō dǐ
to have a clear view (of a situation) / to fish for information / fact-finding
Nuò màn dǐ
Normandy, France
dǐ qī shēng wù
xiē sī dǐ lǐ
hysteria (loanword) / hysterical
qīng chè jiàn dǐ
water so clear you can see the bottom
bā shì dǐ yù
the Bastille (14到18世纪法国巴黎的城堡和国家监狱)
jǐng dǐ
landing / gag / shaft bottom / pit bottom
xiāng dǐ
the bottom of a chest / valuables stowed away at the bottom of the chest / one's store of valuables
jiǎo dǐ
soles of the feet
dǐ cāng
bilge / bilged compartment
dǐ yùn
inside information / concrete details
dǐ xīn
basic salary / base pay / salary floor
fǔ dǐ chōu xīn
to take drastic measures to deal with a situation / to pull the carpet from under sb
jǐng dǐ zhī wā
the frog at the bottom of the well (idiom) / fig. a person of limited outlook and experience
chèn dǐ
substrate / underlayment / substratum / supporting base
wà dǐ
sole of a stocking
mí dǐ
answer to a riddle
hè bù lǐ dǐ
guō dǐ
the bottom of a pan
xié dǐ
sole (of a shoe)
lú dǐ
base of the skull

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Four Corner
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