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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

布 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

布 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 布
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 布
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Meaning of

diffuse / extend / notify, to declare / to announce / to spread / to make known / spread / (cotton) cloth
布 [bù] 1. **Fabric made from cotton, hemp, and cotton-type chemical fibers after being spun.** 棉、麻及棉型化学短纤维经纺纱后的织成物。 Examples: 一匹布 (a piece of cloth), 帛 (silk), 衣 (clothes). 2. **An ancient type of currency.** 古代的一种钱币。 Examples: 布儿 (general term for ancient coins), 布缗 (coins strung together with rope). 3. **To announce or declare; to state to the public.** 宣告,对众陈述。 Examples: 宣布 (announce), 开诚布公 (to speak frankly and honestly). 4. **To scatter or distribute widely.** 分散到各处。 Examples: 散布 (spread), 星罗棋布 (scattered like stars in the sky). 5. **To circulate or disseminate.** 流传,散播。 Examples: 布施 (to distribute or offer), 传播 (to disseminate). 6. **To arrange or make plans.** 做出安排。 Examples: 布置 (to arrange), 布局 (to layout). 7. **A surname.** 姓。 --- 布佈 [bù] 1. **To spread out.** 铺开。 Example: 收葱子,必薄布阴干 (when harvesting scallions, spread them out thinly to dry). 2. **Extended meaning refers to dispersing or distributing.** 引申为散开,分布。 Example: 天下英豪布在州郡 (the heroes of the world are distributed across various regions). 3. **To arrange or display.** 布列。 Example: 布阵 (to arrange troops for battle). 4. **To carry out or perform.** 布施;施行。 Example: 阳春布德泽 (the spring brings forth goodness). 5. **To announce or promulgate.** 公布,颁布。 Example: 布教 (to promulgate teachings). 6. **To stretch out.** 伸开。 Example: 布展 (to unfold or extend). 7. **To disseminate or spread.** 传布。 Example: 布旨 (to convey an order). 8. **To state or express.** 陈述。 Example: 布达 (to express or articulate). 9. **To arrange or set up.** 布置。 Example: 布席 (to lay out seating).
Sà ěr bù lǚ kěn
Saarbrücken, capital of Saarland, Germany
fā bù
to release / to issue / to announce / to distribute / also written 發布|发布[fa1 bu4]
Hā bù sī bǎo
Hapsburg (European dynasty)
Kā bù ěr
Kabul, capital of Afghanistan
bù ēn kǎn pǔ
pī bù
unbleached and undyed cloth / gray cloth
sù liào bù
plastic cloth
Bù lǔ sài ěr
Brussels, capital of Belgium
hú kǒu pù bù
hukou waterfalls
xuān bù
to declare / to announce / to proclaim
xià rōng gǎ bù
Xia Rong Gabu
Lú bù ěr yǎ nà
Ljubljana, capital of Slovenia
fā bù tīng
Release hall
Bù jiā lè sī tè
Bucharest, capital of Romania
bù pǐ
cloth (by the yard)
Bù yí nuò sī Ài lì sī
Buenos Aires, capital of Argentina
mì bù
to cover densely
尿 niào bù
bù jú
arrangement / composition / layout / opening (chess jargon)
Zhí bù luó tuó Hǎi xiá
Strait of Gibraltar
bān bù
to issue / to proclaim / to enact (laws, decrees etc)
pù bù
bù zhì
to put in order / to arrange / to decorate / to fix up / to deploy
广 guǎng bù
biàn bù
to cover the whole (area) / to be found throughout
sàn bù
to disseminate
Bù dài
pouch / sack / bag / Budai (the Laughing Buddha) / Budai or Putai town in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县[Jia1 yi4 xian4], west Taiwan
má bù
zhī bù
woven cloth / to weave cloth
Bù lā gé
Prague, capital of Czech Republic
xīng luó qí bù
scattered about like stars in the sky or chess pieces on a board (idiom); spread all over the place
fān bù
canvas / sailcloth
pà lóng cáng bù
Pallong Zangbo
bù lián
door curtain made of cloth
lián zi bù
tyre fabrics
lián bù
cord fabric used in vehicle tires
nǔ wǎ dí bù
fēn bù
to scatter / to distribute / to be distributed (over an area etc) / (statistical, geographic) distribution
Ā bù zhā bǐ
Abu Dhabi, capital of United Arab Emirates (UAE)
mā bù
cleaning rag / also pr. [mo3 bu4]
gōng bù
to announce / to make public / to publish
Lái bù ní zī
Leibnitz (name) / Gottfriend Wilhelm von Leibniz (1646-1716), German mathematician and philosopher, co-inventor of the calculus
Ā bù hā zī
Abkhazia, region in Georgia
bǎi bù
to arrange / to order about / to manipulate
lēi bù lǎng
mián bù
cotton cloth
gài lǜ fēn bù
probability distribution
Jīn bā bù wéi
luó bù nào ěr
Rob Nur
lǜ bù
filter cloth / press cloth / filtration fabric
ā ěr bù zuǒ
Yī sī tǎn bù ěr
Istanbul, Turkey
fā bù huì
news conference / briefing
Gē lún bù
Cristóbal Colón or Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) / Columbus, capital of Ohio
Bù shí
Bush (name) / George H.W. Bush (1924-), US president 1988-1992 / George W. Bush (1946-), US President 2000-2008
Bù ěr shí wéi kè
bù péng
péng bù
cū bù
crash / coarse cloth / handwoven cloth / homespun cloth
Bù jī nà Fǎ suǒ
Burkina Faso
shā bù
róng bù
chóu bù
silk / mercery
Xīn Hǎn bù shí ěr zhōu
New Hampshire, US state
Xīn Hǎn bù shí ěr
New Hampshire, US state
zhē xiū bù
G-string / loincloth / fig. last semblance / CL:塊|块[kuai4]
shàn bù
tarpaulin / manta
bù ní cí
Bù lái kè běn
Kǎ sà bù lán kǎ
Casablanca (Morocco's economic capital)
Yǎ lǔ Zàng bù Jiāng
Yarlung Tsangpo River, Tibet
guǒ jiǎo bù
Foot wrap
kāi chéng bù gōng
lit. deal sincerely and fairly (idiom); frank and open-minded / plain speaking / Let's talk frankly and openly between ourselves. / to put one's cards on the table
Gòng bù
Kampot, town in Cambodia, capital of Kampot Province
Ào ěr bù lài tè
Madeleine Albright (1937-), former US Secretary of State
hè bù lǐ dǐ
Bù lā dí sī lā fā
Zhí bù luó tuó
bù xié
cloth shoes / CL:雙|双[shuang1],隻|只[zhi1]
bù lǔ kè sī
Qián nán Bù yī zú Miáo zú zì zhì zhōu
Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture in Guizhou, capital Duyun city 都勻市
西 Qián xī nán Bù yī zú Miáo zú zì zhì zhōu
Qianxinan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture in Guizhou, capital Xing'yi city 興義市|兴义市

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Input Method for
Pinyin bu4
Four Corner
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