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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

带 stroke order animation

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带 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 带
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 带
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Meaning of

Pinyin dài
band / belt / girdle / ribbon / area / zone / region / wear / carry / lead / bring / consists of / show / and
带 dài 名 1. 用皮、布或线等做成的长条物。 (a long strip made of leather, cloth, or string) 例: 带子。皮带。领带。一衣带水。 (Example: belt. leather belt. tie. One ribbon connects water.) 2. 像带子的长条物。 (a long strip resembling a belt) 例: 带钢。带鱼。声带。 (Example: belt steel. ribbon fish. vocal cords.) 3. 车轮胎。 (car tire) 例: 车带。外带。 (Example: car tire. outer tire.) 4. 区域。 (zone) 例: 地带。温带。 (Example: land zone. temperate zone.) 5. 佩戴,披挂。 (to wear or to drape) 例: 带孝。带剑。 (Example: to wear mourning. to carry a sword.) 6. 随身拿着。 (to carry on oneself) 例: 携带。带着钱。 (Example: to carry. carrying money.) 7. 捎,连着,顺便做。 (to bring along, to connect) 例: 连带。带职。带累。 (Example: to bring along. to undertake tasks together.) 8. 含有,呈现。 (to contain, to present) 例: 带电。带伤。 (Example: carrying voltage. carrying injury.) 9. 率领,引导。 (to lead, to guide) 例: 带领。带头。 (Example: to lead the way.) 10. 女子阴道分泌的白色黏液。 (the white mucus secreted from a woman's vagina) 例: 白带。 (Example: leukorrhea.) 动 1. 佩带。 (to wear) 例: 带剑拥盾。 (Example: to carry a sword and shield.) 2. 携带。 (to bring) 例: 带了两本书。 (Example: brought two books.) 3. 抚养。 (to bring up) 例: 由农民大娘带大。 (Example: raised by a peasant woman.) 4. 引导某人或某物。 (to lead someone or something) 例: 带路。 (Example: to lead the way.) 5. 兼管。 (to concurrently handle) 例: 带锦。 (Example: concurrently manage Jinling county.) 6. 具有某种标志或特征。 (to have a certain mark or characteristic) 例: 带叶子的橘子。 (Example: oranges with leaves.) 7. 表示两个动作同时进行,相当于“又”。 (indicates simultaneous actions, equivalent to "also") 例: 连说带比划。 (Example: talking while gesturing.) 8. 表示附有较小的数量。 (indicates a small amount attached) 例: 三十带点。 (Example: thirty and a bit.)
diào dài
suspenders / garters / shoulder strap / brace / sling
chuí zhí dài
Vertical band
jiā dài
to carry within it / to be mixed in / to slip sth in / to intersperse / (hydrology etc) to entrain / to smuggle / notes smuggled into an exam
dài lái
to bring / to bring about / to produce
kuān dài
dài kuān
hán dài
polar climate
lǚ dài
caterpillar track (propulsion system used on bulldozers etc) / (literary) shoes and belt
lǚ dài shì
é guān bó dài
official class / intellectual class (idiom)
yī dài
region / district
dì dài
zone / CL:個|个[ge4]
dài yǒu
to have / to involve
rè dài
the tropics / tropical
dài lǐng
to guide / to lead
xié dài
to carry (on one's person) / to support (old) / Taiwan pr. [xi1 dai4]
dài dào
lead / bring / take
wēn dài
temperate zone
zì dài
to bring one's own / BYO / (of software) preinstalled
dài dòng
to spur / to provide impetus / to drive
dài zǒu
to carry / to take away
dài shàng
to take along with one
dài huí
to bring back
dài tóu
to take the lead / to be the first / to set an example
dài bīng
to lead troops
dài gěi
to give to / to provide to / to bring to / to take to
dài diàn
to electrify / to charge / electrification / live (as in "live wire")
yāo dài
shāo dài
incidentally / in passing
guǎi dài
abduction / kidnap / child stealing
tuō ní dài shuǐ
lit. wading in mud and water / a slovenly job / sloppy
tuō dài
traction / towing / pulling
dài qiè
take along
xié dài
to carry along / to carry on one's person / to carry secretly
xié dài zhě
(medicine) carrier (of a recessive gene, virus etc)
xié jiā dài kǒu
to take all one's family along (idiom); encumbered by a family / tied down by family obligations
rè dài yǔ lín
tropical rain forest
lí huā dài yǔ
lit. like raindrops on a pear blossom (idiom) / fig. tear-stained face of a beauty
zhān qīn dài gù
share (benefits) with relatives and friends / be related somehow or other / have ties of kinship or friendship / with blood or marital relationship
jīng jì dài
economic belt
lián gǔn dài pá
rolling and crawling / trying frantically to escape (idiom)
cháo jiān dài
intertidal zone
pèi dài
to wear (as accessories) / carry at the waist
dài zhuàng
yù dài
jade belt
lüè dài
having slightly / somewhat carrying
cí dài
magnetic tape / CL:盤|盘[pan2],盒[he2]
yà rè dài
subtropical (zone or climate)
zhǎi dài
tab / narrow-band
shòu dài
ribbon (as a decoration) / cordon (diagonal belt worn as a sign of office or honor)
bēng dài
bandage (loanword)
niǔ dài
tie / link / bond
dài tāo chóng
chóu dài
绿 lǜ huà dài
green belt / treelawn
duàn dài
jiāo dài
adhesive tape / rubber belt / recording tape
qí dài
umbilical cord
duàn liè dài
fault zone (geology)
qún dài
waistband of a skirt / (fig.) related to the wife or another female family member
qún dài guān xi
favoritism shown to sb because of the influence of the person's wife or other female relative / (by extension) favoritism towards relatives, friends or associates
qún dài cài
wakame (Undaria pinnatifida), an edible seaweed
qún dài fēng
the practice of favoring sb because of the influence of the person's wife or other female relative / (by extension) culture of favoritism towards relatives, friends and associates
kù dài
belt (in trousers) / CL:根[gen1]
kù yāo dài
yī dài zhào
Clothes belt
fù dài
supplementary / incidentally / in parentheses / by chance / in passing / additionally / secondary / subsidiary / to attach
dì zhèn dài
seismic zone / earthquake belt
xié dài
shoelace / CL:根[gen1],雙|双[shuang1]
rèn dài
pín dài
frequency range / bandwidth
piāo dài
streamer / pennant

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Input Method for
Pinyin dai4
Four Corner
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