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热 stroke order animation

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热 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 热
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 热
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Meaning of

heat / to heat up / fervent / hot (of weather) / warm up
热 熱 rè 类别:形 【本义】: 温度高 1. 同本义。跟“冷”相对 [En.] hot 2. 满腔热情; 热心肠 [En.] enthusiastic 如: 热莽(热蟒。感情狂热得不能自制); 热气换冷气(好心没好报); 热合(热心) 3. 有权势的,权势显赫的 [En.] with power and influence 4. 形容羡慕至极 [En.] envious 5. 新; 新近 [En.] new 6. 情意深厚 [En.] ardent; profound 7. 喧闹; 热闹 [En.] noisy 8. 亲热 [En.] intimate 9. 很受人关注或欢迎的 [En.] be acceptable; be well received 热 熱 rè 类别:名 1. 滚热的物体 [En.] hot object 2. 热气 [En.] heat 3. 中医学亦泛指因外感而引起的热性疾病 [En.] fever; temperature 4. 反常的人体高温; 发烧 [En.] temperature 5. 一时激起的极度热情 [En.] craze; popular; be in great demand 热 熱 rè 类别:动 1. 加温; 使之热 [En.] heat up 2. 烧,烧灼 [En.] burn 3. 烦躁 [En.] be fidgety 4. 激动 [En.] excite 热 熱 rè 类别:形 【本义】: 温度高 1. 同本义。跟“冷”相对 [En.] hot 例: 热天; 热釜(热锅); 热浪; 炽热; 滚热; 火热 2. 满腔热情; 热心肠 [En.] enthusiastic 例: 热莽(热蟒。感情狂热得不能自制); 热气换冷气(好心没好报); 热合(热心) 3. 有权势的,权势显赫的 [En.] with power and influence 例: 热官(权势显赫的官吏); 热势(显赫的权势) 4. 形容羡慕至极 [En.] envious 例: 热眼(热切的目光); 热念(热切的愿望) 5. 新; 新近 [En.] new 例: 热话(方言。新的话题); 热尸(刚死的人的尸体。指新近去世者) 6. 情意深厚 [En.] ardent; profound 例: 热手辣的(依依不舍); 热腹(热心肠) 7. 喧闹; 热闹 [En.] noisy 例: 热乱(胡闹; 纷乱); 热嘈嘈(形容热闹嘈杂) 8. 亲热 [En.] intimate 例: 热乱(亲密,亲热); 热火(亲热) 9. 很受人关注或欢迎的 [En.] be acceptable; be well received 例: 热门货; 热门 热 熱 rè 类别:名 1. 滚热的物体 [En.] hot object 例: 《韩非子·扬权》:亏之若月,靡之若热。 2. 热气 [En.] heat 例: 汉·扬雄《解嘲》:天收其声,地藏其热。 3. 中医学亦泛指因外感而引起的热性疾病 [En.] fever; temperature 例: 又如: 热入血室(热邪进入下焦、胞宫); 热风(由风邪挟热所致病症) 4. 反常的人体高温; 发烧 [En.] temperature 例: 如: 先给他退热再说 5. 一时激起的极度热情 [En.] craze; popular; be in great demand 例: 如: 乒乓热 热 熱 rè 类别:动 1. 加温; 使之热 [En.] heat up 例: 如: 热化(受热而熔化); 热饭(给饭或饭菜加热) 2. 烧,烧灼 [En.] burn 例: 如: 热灼(灼热; 火烫) 3. 烦躁 [En.] be fidgety 例: 如: 热呼辣(焦灼; 发烫); 热忽刺(匆急; 急躁) 4. 激动 [En.] excite
rè hū hū
variant of 熱乎乎|热乎乎[re4 hu1 hu1]
shòu rè
heated / sunstroke
lěng cháo rè fěng
frigid irony and scorching satire (idiom); to mock and ridicule
rè sù xìng
thermoplasticity / pyroplasticity
Lǐ yuē rè nèi lú
Rio de Janeiro
hán rè
chills and fever
rè chén
zeal / enthusiasm / ardor / enthusiastic / warmhearted
rè dài
the tropics / tropical
jiā rè
to heat
rè qiè
mǎn qiāng rè chén
full of enthusiasm
hū lěng hū rè
now hot, now cold / (of one's mood, affection etc) to alternate
rè liàn
to fall head over heels in love / to be passionately in love
rè qíng
cordial / enthusiastic / passion / passionate / passionately
còu rè nao
to join in the fun / to get in on the action / (fig.) to butt in / to create more trouble
rè nào fēi fán
boisterous / bustling
rè mǐn
heat-sensitive / thermal (printing)
rè fū
hot compress
shǔ rè
hot (summer) weather
rè dài yǔ lín
tropical rain forest
diàn rè tǎn
electric blanket
rè tāng
hot soup
rè xuè fèi téng
to be fired up (idiom) / to have one's blood racing
rè quán
thermal spring
rè lèi
hot tears
rè lèi yíng kuàng
eyes brimming with tears of excitement (idiom) / extremely moved
rè bèng
heat pump
qīng rè xiè huǒ
clearing heat-fire / clear away heat and purge pathogenic fire / heat-clearing and fire-purging
sǎ rè xuè
Shed blood
rè làng
heat wave
zhuó rè
burning hot / scorching / worried
chì rè
red-hot / glowing / blazing / (fig.) passionate
táo jīn rè
gold rush
wēn rè
tepid / to warm up (food etc)
湿 shī rè
muggy / damp and hot
rè qíng yáng yì
brimming with enthusiasm (idiom); full of warmth
yù rè
gǔn rè
burning hot
rè cháo
upsurge / popular craze
rè shuǐ zǎo
hot bath or shower
zhuó rè gǎn
burning heat sensation
yán rè
blistering hot / sizzling hot (weather)
rè chǎo
stir-fried dish (Tw)
rè kàng
heated floor
zhì rè
scorching / hot
zhì shǒu kě rè
lit. burn your hand, feel the heat (idiom) / fig. arrogance of the powerful / a mighty figure no-one dares approach / hot (exciting or in favor)
rè diǎn
hot spot / point of special interest
rè liè
enthusiastic / ardent / warm
rè hōng hōng
very warm
rè nao
bustling with noise and excitement / lively
rè ài
to love ardently / to adore
rè liàng
heat / quantity of heat / calorific value
rè xīn
enthusiasm / zeal / zealous / zest / enthusiastic / ardent / warmhearted
rè mén
popular / hot / in vogue
rè shuǐ
hot water
kuáng rè
zealotry / fanatical / feverish
线 rè xiàn
hotline (communications link)
rè lì xué
fā rè
to have a high temperature / feverish / unable to think calmly / to emit heat
rè róng
hot melting
zào rè
dryness-heat / hot and dry
xīng hóng rè
scarlet fever
rè shuǐ píng
thermos bottle / vacuum bottle / hot water dispenser (appliance) / CL:個|个[ge4]
tóu téng nǎo rè
headache and slight fever / slight illness
rè lèi duó kuàng
qīn rè
affectionate / intimate / warmhearted / to get intimate with sb
yà rè dài
subtropical (zone or climate)
Sà lā rè wō
Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina
nài rè
heat resistant / fireproof
rè zhàng lěng suō
heat makes something expand and cold makes it contract
rè péng zhàng
thermal expansion / thermal dilation
rè qì téng téng
piping hot
rè hū hū
nice and warm
rè hu
warm / hot / affectionate / ardent
rè téng téng
steaming hot / boiling hot
rè guō shang de mǎ yǐ
(like) a cat on a hot tin roof / anxious / agitated
rè xuè
hot blood / warm-blooded (animal) / endothermic (physiology)
rè zhōng
to feel strongly about / to be fond of / obsession / deep commitment
rè zhōng yú
high on / be wild about / be big on / be bound up in
rè chéng
devotion / fervor
chèn rè dǎ tiě
to strike while the iron is hot
rè yà
hot rolling
rè là là
scorching / burning hot
jiǔ hān ěr rè
tipsy and merry (idiom)
kù rè
torrid heat
mēn rè
sultry / sultriness / hot and stuffy / stifling hot
rè rè nào nào
buzzing with excitement / bustling
gé rè
to insulate thermally / insulating (material, effect etc)

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