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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

灼 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

灼 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 灼
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 灼
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Meaning of

Pinyin zhuó
brilliant / cauterize
灼 [zhuó] 1. 烧,炙:to burn; to scorch. - 例如:灼热 (scorching hot); 灼伤 (burn injury); 焦灼 (scorched); 心急如灼 (anxious as if burned). 2. 明白透彻:to understand clearly and thoroughly. - 例如:真知灼见 (deep and clear understanding). 3. 鲜明:bright; luminous. - 例如:灼灼 (bright; luminous); 灼亮 (bright); 灼然 (radiant). --- 灼 [zhuó] (动) 本义: 烧,灸 造字法: 形声。从火,勺声。 1. 同本义 ([En.] burn; scorch; cauterize) - 引: 《说文》:灼,炙也。 - 皆忧心如火灼烂之矣。——《诗·节南山》笺 - 《史记·龟策传》:征丝灼之。 - 《淮南子·泛论》:不可灼也。 - 《楚辞》:唐虞点灼而毁议。 - 《书·洛诰》:无若火始焰焰,厥攸灼叙,弗其绝。 - 例如: 灼艾(燃烧艾绒熏灸人体一定的穴位); 灼臂落发(烧炙手臂剃去头发); 灼火(燃火). 2. 烫伤 ([En.] scald) - 引: 《水经注》:泉源沸涌,浩气云浮,以腥物投之,俄倾即熟,其中时有细赤鱼游之,不为灼也。 3. 照亮,用光亮照明 ([En.] illuminate) - 引: 徐珂《清稗类钞》:皆仆掩门户。以烛灼之,惧有野犬留厨下。 - 例如:灼灼(鲜明;明亮的样子); 灼天(照亮天空); 灼夜(照亮黑夜). --- 灼 [zhuó] (形) 1. 通“焯”( zhuō)。明亮,鲜明 ([En.] bright; luminous) - 引: 《书·立政》:灼见三有俊心。 - 例如:我其克灼知厥若. - 引: 潘岳《射雉赋》:灼绣颈而衮背。 - 例如: 灼灼辉辉(明亮炽盛); 灼耀(明亮耀眼); 灼如(昭明显赫的样子); 灼粲(光辉灿烂); 灼眼(明亮耀眼). 2. 明光; 透彻 ([En.] penetrating) - 例如:灼知(明白了解); 灼灼; 灼戒(洞鉴); 真知灼见. 3. 焦急 ([En.] anxious) - 例如:灼急; 灼热.
zhuó rè
burning hot / scorching / worried
jiāo zhuó
(literary) deeply worried
zhuó shāng
a burn (tissue damage from heat, chemicals etc) / to burn (the skin etc) / (fig.) (of anger, jealousy etc) to hurt (sb)
zhuó zhuó
shining / brilliant
shāo zhuó
to burn / to scorch / to cauterize
zhuó shāo
zhuó tòng
burn (i.e. wound) / burning pain
zhēn zhī zhuó jiàn
penetrating insight
shǎn zhuó
zhuó jiàn
to see clearly / deep insight / profound view
shāo zhuó gǎn
burning pain
zhuó rè gǎn
burning heat sensation

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Input Method for
Pinyin zhuo2
Four Corner
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