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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

溢 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

溢 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 溢
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 溢
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Meaning of

溢 [yì] 1. 充满而流出来: to overflow. Example: 河水四溢 (The river water overflows in all directions). Example: 洋溢 (to brim over). Example: 充溢 (to be filled). Example: 溢于言表 (to be evident from words). 2. 过分: excessive. Example: 溢美 (excessive praise). Example: 溢恶 (excessive blame). Example: 溢誉 (excessive acclaim). 3. 超出: to exceed. Example: 溢出此数 (exceed this number). 4. 古同“镒”,古代重量单位: refers to an ancient unit of weight similar to "镒". 动 (verb): - 本义: 水漫出来 (The original meaning: water overflows). - 造字法: 形声。从水,益声 (The character formation combines the meaning of water with a phonetic component). 1. 同本义 (same as the original meaning): overflow; brim over. 2. 水泛滥成灾,淹没 (flood). 3. 满,充塞 (to be full). 4. 增加; 提高 (to increase). 形 (adjective): 1. 过度,过分 (excessive). 2. 过甚 (exaggerated). 3. 非分 (overstepping one's bounds). 4. 过多; 超过 (surplus). 5. 盛 (vigorous). 引 (quotations): 1. 《说文》:溢,器满也 (Overflowing means the vessel is full). 2. 《尔雅》:溢,盈也 (Overflowing means to be brimming). 3. 《广雅》:溢,满也 (Overflowing means full; exceeding the limit is called overflowing). 4. 《考经·诸侯》:满而不溢 (full but not overflowing). 5. 《楚辞》:东流不溢,孰知其故? (The east flows without overflowing; who knows why?). 6. 唐·魏征《谏太宗十思疏》:惧满溢 (Fear of overflowing). 7. 清·黄宗羲《原君》:溢于辞 (overflowing in words). Examples: 又如: 溢决 (the water breaks the dam); 溢满 (to be full). 水泛滥成灾,淹没 (flood). Examples: 又如: 溢涌 (the flood rushes). 满,充塞 (to be full). Examples: 如: 溢气坌涌 (talent flows out abundantly); 溢满 (filled). 增加; 提高 (to increase). Examples: 如: 溢滋 (to increase); 溢课 (additional taxes). 形 (adjective): 1. 过度,过分 (excessive). 引 1. 《庄子》:夫两喜必多溢美之言,两怒必多溢恶之言 (When there are two joys, there will be excessive praise; when there are two angers, there will be excessive blame). Examples: 又如: 溢羡 (excessive profit); 溢誉 (excessive acclaim); 溢恶 (excessive blame); 溢利 (excessive profit); 溢分 (excessive); 溢美 (excessive praise); 溢望 (excessive hope). 2. 过甚 (exaggerated). Examples: 如: 溢尤 (excessive); 溢言 (exaggerated remarks); 溢言虚美 (exaggerated praise that doesn't match reality). 3. 非分 (overstepping one's bounds). Examples: 如: 溢喜 (extraordinary joy); 溢志 (unreasonable ambition); 溢利 (excessive profit). 4. 过多; 超过 (surplus). Examples: 如: 溢羡 (excessive profit); 溢销 (exceeding the sales quota); 溢额 (exceeding the limit). 5. 盛 (vigorous). Examples: 如: 溢刚 (strong and vigorous).
yì liú bà
overflow dam
liú guāng yì cǎi
lit. flowing light and overflowing color / brilliant lights and vibrant colors (idiom)
yáng yì
brimming with / steeped in
yì chū
to overflow / to spill over / (computing) overflow
yì yú yán biǎo
to exhibit one's feelings in one's speech
sì yì
(of a perfume or a foul odor) permeating the whole place / (of grease etc) dripping everywhere / flowing all over the place
yì jià
premium / appreciation / at a premium
chōng yì
to overflow (with riches) / replete
cái huá héng yì
brimming over with talent (esp. literary) / brilliant
yì hóng dào
rè qíng yáng yì
brimming with enthusiasm (idiom); full of warmth
wài yì
overfall / overflow / spill over
nǎo yì xuè
cerebral hemorrhage / stroke
héng yì
to overflow / brimming with
yì liú
effusion / spillover / overflow
liú yì
flush / spillover
yì měi zhī cí
flattering words / inflated praise
màn yì
to overflow / to be brimming over
piāo yì
float and brim with
cái qì héng yì
brim with talent / be overflown with animation / have superb talent / scintillating with wit

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Input Method for
Pinyin yi4
Four Corner
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