Learn to write the Chinese character "頤" by watching the stroke order animation of "頤".
Stroke by Stroke: 頤 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '頤' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '頤' Step-by-Step
Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '頤' through a video tutorial with a
calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the
Chinese Character '頤'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
practice writing together with pen and paper.
1. 面頰,腮。
(English: The cheek; jaw.)
Example: 支頤 (Support the jaw). 解頤 (Relieve the jaw).
2. 休養,保養。
(English: Resting; maintaining good health.)
Example: 頤神 (Maintain spirit). 頤養 (Keep in good condition).
3. 文言助詞,無義。
(English: A classical Chinese particle with no specific meaning.)
Example: “夥頤!涉之為王沈沈者”。
頤 (名)
(形聲。从頁( xié),臣( yí )聲。臣,面頰,繁化作“頤”。本義:下巴)
(English: The lower jaw.)
1. 《方言十》:頤,頜也。
(English: The lower jaw, or mandible.)
2. 《釋名》:頤,或曰輔車,或曰牙車,或曰頰車。
(English: The lower jaw is sometimes referred to as the supporting cart, the tooth cart, or the cheek cart.)
3. 《春秋元命苞》:后稷岐頤自求。
4. 《禮記·玉藻》:端行頤霤如矢。
5. 《莊子·天地》:手指頤指。
6. 《漢書·東方朔傳》:擢項頤。
7. 《易·噬嗑》:彖曰:“頤中有物曰噬嗑。”
8. 《西遊記》:大耳橫頤方面相,肩查腹滿身軀胖。
9. 《新唐書》:方額廣頤。
又如: 頤腮 (頭顱); 頤脫 (下顎骨脫臼); 頤溜 (俯身伸首平視, 下巴如屋溜下垂。形容禮敬的樣子).
頤 (動)
(English: Keep fit; take care of oneself.)
1. 《易·序卦》:頤者,養也。
(English: The concept of Yí is to nourish.)
2. 《禮記·曲禮》:百年曰期頤。
(English: A hundred years is referred to as a period of nourishment.)
3. 唐· 韓愈《閔己賦》:惡飲食乎陋巷兮,亦足以頤神而保年。
(English: Avoid eating in filthy alleys, as it can still nourish the spirit and prolong life.)
又如: 頤志 (養志); 頤育 (養育); 頤神 (保養精神); 頤愛 (保養愛惜); 頤賢 (培養人才); 頤養精神 (保養元氣); 頤身 (保養身心); 頤年 (保養延年); 頤老 (養老); 頤養天年 (保養年壽); 頤神養性 (保養精神元氣).
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