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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

藝 stroke order animation

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Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

藝 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 藝
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 藝
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Meaning of

skill / art
藝 藝 yì 1. 才能,技能,技術。 [En.] Talent, skill, craftsmanship. Example: 工藝 (craftsmanship), 技藝 (artistry), 文藝 (literature and art), 藝人 (performer), 藝術 (1. A general term for the arts including drama, music, fine arts, architecture, dance, film, poetry, and literature; 2. Refers to creative methods; 3. Unique and aesthetically pleasing forms). 藝苑奇葩 (rare talents in the artistic field). 藝高人膽大 (those with great skill are bold). 2. 種植。 [En.] Cultivation, planting. Example: 園藝 (gardening). 3. 準則、法度、限度。 [En.] Standards, norms, limits. Example: 驕泰奢侈,貪欲無藝 (in arrogance and extravagance, there is no limit to greed). --- 藝 yì (动) (An ideogram. The ancient script depicts “木” (wood), representing plants; the right part represents hands at work. It is also written as "埶" with components "坴" (lù), indicating soil; and "丮" (jí), meaning to hold. Later it evolved to "藝". It shares the original meaning to plant and grow.) 【引】 1. 《說文》: 藝,種也。 [En.] "Etymology": "藝" means to grow. 2. 《詩·齊風·南山》: 藝麻之如何? 衡從其畝。 [En.] “How is the hemp grown? Measure according to its furrow.” 3. 《詩·唐風·鴇羽》: 不能藝稷黍。 [En.] "Unable to cultivate millet." 4. 《左傳·昭公十六年》: 藝山林也。 [En.] "Cultivation of mountains and forests." 5. 《孟子·滕文公上》: 樹藝五穀。 [En.] "To plant five grains." 6. 明·劉基《誠意伯劉文成公文集》: 以藝粟菽。 [En.] "To cultivate grains." 7. 清·張廷玉《明史》: 藝蔬自給。 [En.] "Self-sufficient in vegetable cultivation." Example: 藝植 (to cultivate; plant); 藝人 (a person who farms); 藝圃 (a flower garden). --- 藝 yì (名) 1. 技能;才能 ([En.] Skill; craftsmanship.) 【引】 1. 《論語·雍也》: 求也藝。 [En.] "He seeks for skill." 2. 宋·王讜《唐語林·雅量》: 藝天下無雙。 [En.] "Skill unmatched in the world." 3. 藝天下第一。 [En.] "The best in the world." 4. 惜羅程藝。 5. 清·徐珂《清稗類鈔·戰事類》: 以三保勇而多藝,推爲長。 [En.] "Those with courage and multiple skills are promoted as leaders." Example: 球藝 (sports skills), 藝業 (skills in scholarship), 藝高人膽大 (where skilled individuals are bold and daring). 2. 指禮、樂、射、御、書、數六種古代教學科目 ([En.] Artistry; skill.) 【引】 1. 《後漢書·張衡傳》: 遂通五經,貫六藝。 [En.] "He mastered the five classics and the six arts." 3. 指經籍稱《詩》、《書》、《禮》、《樂》、《易》、《春秋》六經為六藝 ([En.] Classics.) 【引】 1. 班固《漢書》: 能通一藝以上,補文學掌故缺。 [En.] "To master more than one art compensates for the gaps in literature." Example: 藝學 (study of classics; study of literature). 4. 藝術 ([En.] Art.) Example: 藝苑青錢 (metaphor for extraordinary prose); 藝文 (refers to the realm of literature and art). 5. 極限 ([En.] Limits.) 【引】 1. 《國語·晉語》: 驕泰奢侈,貪慾無藝。 [En.] "In arrogance and luxury, there is no limit to greed." Example: 藝極 (standards, limits). 6. 標準;準則 ([En.] Standard; norm.) 【引】 1. 《國語·越語》: 用人無藝。 [En.] "Those who hire have no standards."

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