Learn to write the Chinese character "壹" by watching the stroke order animation of "壹".
Stroke by Stroke: 壹 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '壹' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '壹' Step-by-Step
Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '壹' through a video tutorial with a
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Chinese Character '壹'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
practice writing together with pen and paper.
1. "一"的大写。
([En.] Capital form of "one".)
【本义】: 专一
([En.] Original meaning: single-minded.)
【造字法】: 形声。小篆字形。从壶,吉声。"一"的大写。
([En.] Phonetic-alphabetic structure. The small seal character is composed of the radical 壶 and phonetic 吉. Capital form of "one".)
1. 《说文》:壹,专一也。
([En.] "Shuowen": "壹 means single-minded.")
2. 《荀子·大略》:君子壹教,凝子壹学,亟成。
([En.] "Xunzi: The gentleman teaches with a united mind, and his students learn with a focused heart for quick success.")
3. 《左传·文公三年》:与人之壹也。 注: "壹,无贰心。"
([En.] "Zuo Zhuan: To be united with others. Note: "壹 means to have no divided heart.")
4. 《左传·昭二十年》:若琴瑟之专壹,谁能听之?
([En.] "Zuo Zhuan: If the qin and se are exclusively together, who can hear it?")
壹心 (同心;专心) ([En.] united heart; concentrated mind)
壹德 (谓一心一意) ([En.] single-minded virtue)
壹意 (专心致志) ([En.] focused determination)
壹定 (一贯不变,固定不变) ([En.] unchanging, fixed)
2. 统一;一致
([En.] united; identical.)
1. 《商君书·赏刑》:圣人之为国也,壹赏,壹刑,壹教。
([En.] "Shangjun Shu: The sage in governing the state implements unified rewards, unified punishments, and unified teaching.")
壹同 (统一) ([En.] united)
壹统 (一统) ([En.] unified)
壹意 (统一意志) ([En.] unified will)
壹体 (一致,如同一个整体) ([En.] unified as a whole)
壹气 (元气,统一不杂之气) ([En.] vital energy, unified and undivided energy)
3. 皆;一概;一律
([En.] all; one and all.)
1. 《礼记·大学》:自天子以至于庶人,壹是皆一修身为本。
([En.] "Liji: From the emperor to the common people, everyone practices self-cultivation as the foundation.")
壹是 (一概,一律) ([En.] all the same)
壹概 (一概,犹言齐一) ([En.] all uniformly)
壹切 (一切;全部) ([En.] everything; all)
壹匡 (一匡。使一切得到匡正) ([En.] to rectify everything.)
4. 一样;等同;同一
([En.] same; equal.)
1. 《国语·晋语七》:镇静者修之,则壹。
([En.] "Guoyu: The calm mind will achieve unity.")
壹齐 (齐一,划一) ([En.] unified; consistent)
壹体 (如同一个整体) ([En.] as a whole)
5. "一"的大写
([En.] Capital form of "one".)
1. 《礼记·表记》:节以壹惠。
([En.] "Liji: Festivals should be celebrated with unity.")
2. 《仪礼·士相见礼》:君答壹拜。
([En.] "Yili: The lord returns one bow.")
6. ——常用于支票、银行票据等,以避免差错或涂改
([En.] Commonly used in checks and bank notes to avoid errors or alterations.)
1. 《容斋五笔》:古书及汉人用字,如一之与壹,二之与贰,三之与叁,其义皆同。
([En.] "Rongzhai Wubi: In ancient texts and Han characters, like 'one' and '壹', 'two' and '贰', 'three' and '叁', their meanings are the same.")
7. 表示数量、次数
([En.] to indicate quantity, frequency.)
壹再 (一再。一次再次,再三) ([En.] repeatedly; many times)
壹倡三叹 (谓一人歌唱,三人应和) ([En.] one person sings, three respond)
壹尊 (一尊。谓共尊立一帝) ([En.] one emperor)
壹适 (一度贡举或推荐) ([En.] one time of recommendation).
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