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壶 stroke order animation

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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 壶
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Meaning of

pot / (a measure word)
壶 hú 名词 【本义】: 古代盛器 1. 陶瓷或金属制成的一种有把有嘴的器具,通常用来盛茶、酒等液体:茶壶。酒壶。喷壶。油壶。 1. A utensil made of ceramic or metal with a handle and a spout, usually used for holding liquids such as tea or wine: teapot, wine pot, spray pot, oil pot. 2. 像壶的形状或出水状态的东西:壶铃(举重辅助器械之一,形状像水壶)。 2. Something that has the shape of a pot or is in a state of pouring: pot bell (a weightlifting auxiliary device shaped like a water pot). 3. 姓。 3. A surname. 【引】 1. 《说文》:壶,昆吾圆器也。 1. "Shuo Wen": A pot is a round vessel from Kunwu. 2. 《公羊传·昭公二十五年》:国子执壶浆。 注:“礼器,腹方口圆曰壶,反之曰方壶,有爵饰。” 2. "Gong Yang Zhuan": The students hold the wine pot. Note: "Ritual vessels, with a square belly and round mouth are called pots; conversely, those with a round belly and square mouth are called square pots, adorned with rank decorations." 3. 《仪礼·聘礼》:八壶设于西序。 3. "Yi Li": Eight pots are placed in the western sequence. 4. 晋·陶渊明《归去来兮辞》:引壶觞。 4. "Jin Dynasty, Tao Yuanming": Drawing the pot and cup. 5. 《三国志·诸葛亮传》:箪食壶浆。 5. "Records of the Three Kingdoms": Baskets of food and jugs of wine. 6. 唐·王昌龄《芙蓉楼送辛渐二首》:一片冰心在玉壶。 6. "Tang Dynasty, Wang Changling": A piece of pure heart lies within the jade pot. 7. 明·魏学洢《核舟记》:炉上有壶。 7. "Ming Dynasty, Wei Xueyi": There is a pot on the stove. 【例】 又如: 壶瓶(盛酒器); 壶滥(又名壶鉴。器皿的名称); 壶尊(古代盛酒器); 壶芦(指茶壶或酒壶) For example: pot bottle (a vessel for holding wine); pot pan (also known as pot mirror, the name of a vessel); pot honor (an ancient wine vessel); pot gourd (referring to a teapot or wine pot). 2. 古代滴水计时的器具 ([En.] water clock; hourglass) 2. An ancient device for measuring time by dripping water (water clock; hourglass). 【引】 1. 《礼记·丧大记》:狄人出壶。 注:“漏水之器也。” 1. "Li Ji": The Di people used pots. Note: "It is a dripping water device." 【例】 又如: 壶漏(古代计时器的一种); 壶郎(掌管刻漏计时的官员); 壶人(管理刻漏掌报时的人) For example: pot leak (a type of ancient timer); pot lang (an official who manages the dripping counter); pot person (the one who oversees the dripping hourglass). 3. 古代宴饮时投壶的用具 ([En.] vase) 3. An ancient utensil used for a throwing game during banquets (vase). 【引】 1. 《大戴礼记》:投壶。壶脰脩七寸,口径二寸半,壶高尺二寸,受豆斗五升,壶腹脩五寸。 1. "Da Dai Li Ji": In throwing the pot, the pot should be seven inches long, with a mouth diameter of two and a half inches, height of two inches, able to hold five liters, and a belly circumference of five inches. 【例】 又如: 壶矢(壶与矢为投壶用具,因以称投壶); 壶飧(用壶盛水泡饭) For example: pot arrow (the pot and arrow for the throwing game); pot meal (using a pot to soak rice). 4. 通“瓠”。瓠瓜,也叫葫芦 ([En.] bottle gourd) 4. Commonly refers to "瓠" (bottle gourd), also known as gourd. 【引】 1. 《诗·豳风·七月》:七月食瓜,八月断壶。 1. "Shijing": In July, eat melons; in August, cut pots. 2. 《淮南子·说林》:尝抱壶而度水者,抱而蒙火。 2. "Huainanzi": Those who try to hold the pot while measuring water embrace the fire. 3. 《鹖冠子·学问》:中流失船,一壶千金。 3. "He Guanzi": A ship sinking in the middle of the flow is worth a pot of gold (a metaphor for loss). 【例】 又如: 壶庐(瓠、匏、蒲芦等瓜类的总称) For example: pot cottage (a collective term for types of gourds such as bottle gourd, calabash, and other vine plants).
kā fēi hú
coffee pot / coffee maker
jiǔ hú
wine pot / wine cup
zǐ shā hú
dark-red enameled pottery
bí yān hú
snuff bottle
chá hú
teapot / CL:把[ba3]
shuǐ hú
kettle / canteen / watering can
téng hú
yè hú
chamber pot
yān hú
Smoke pot
Hú guān
Huguan county in Changzhi 長治|长治[Chang2 zhi4], Shanxi
hú zuǐ
tóng hú
Copper kettle
bīng hú
jade pot for cold water / curling (sport) / curling puck
zhí hú
Hold the pot
lòu hú
water clock / clepsydra
hú gài
pot lid
nuǎn hú
vacuum flask / thermos flask
便 biàn hú
bed urinal / chamber pot
hú kǒu pù bù
hukou waterfalls
hú kǒu
Hukou(地名) / The Hukou Waterfalls of Yellow River(景点名)
cí hú
Porcelain pot
dān shí hú jiāng
to receive troops with food and drink (idiom) / to give troops a hearty welcome / also pr. [dan1 si4 hu2 jiang1]

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