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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

声 stroke order animation

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声 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 声
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 声
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Meaning of

Pinyin shēng
sound / voice / (a measure word, used for sounds) / tone / noise
声 shēng 名词 【本义】: 声音; 声响 1. 物体振动时所产生的能引起听觉的波: sound waves produced by vibrating objects. 例: ~音;~带 (e.g., sound, sound wave). 2. 消息,音讯: information; news. 例: ~息;不通~气 (e.g., message, no news). 3. 说出来让人知道,扬言,宣称: to declare, to announce. 例: ~明;~辩 (e.g., declare, publicly refute). 4. 名誉: reputation. 例: 名~ (e.g., name and reputation). 5. 音乐歌舞: music and dance. 例: ~伎 (e.g., female musicians, ancient song and dance performers). 6. 声望,声名(名声): renown; prestige. 例: 声名煊赫 (e.g., fame and recognition). 7. 口信; 消息; 传说: information; news; rumors. 例: 声传 (e.g., rumored message). 8. 汉字的声调: tone of Chinese characters. 例: 声病 (e.g., tone error in poetry). 9. 言语,口音: speech. 例: 声嗽 (e.g., speech sound). 10. 指汉字的声母: initial consonant of a Chinese syllable. 例: 声旁 (e.g., phonetic component of a character). 动词 1. 发声: to make a sound. 例: 不声不响 (e.g., no sound). 2. 声称,宣扬: to claim; to proclaim. 例: 声述 (e.g., to declare). 3. 吟咏; 乐歌: to sing; to chant. 例: 声伎 (e.g., singing and dancing skills). 4. 听: to hear. 例: 目不得而色,耳不得而声 (e.g., unable to see color, unable to hear sound). 量词 1. 表示声音发出次数的单位: a unit of measure for the number of sounds. 例: 几声抽泣;几声鸟鸣 (e.g., several sobs; several bird chirps).
yī shēng bù kēng
to not say a word
chǎo nào shēng
zhēng chǎo shēng
hǒu jiào shēng
nù hǒu shēng
diē shēng diē qì
speak in a coaxing voice
nà hǎn shēng
slogan / hubbub
suǒ nà shēng
hū shēng
a shout / fig. opinion or demand, esp. expressed by a group
huān hū shēng
cheer / hurrah / shout of joy
páo xiāo shēng
zào shēng
lǎ bā shēng
āi shēng tàn qì
sighing voice, wailing breath (idiom) / to heave deep sighs / to sigh in despair
yāo he shēng
rěn qì tūn shēng
to submit to humiliation (idiom); to suffer in silence / to swallow one's anger / to grin and bear it
tūn shēng
to swallow one's cries
fēng shēng hè lì
lit. wind sighing and crane calling (idiom) / fig. to panic at the slightest move / to be jittery
kòu mén shēng
jiào shēng
yelling (sound made by person) / barking / braying / roaring (sound made by animals)
hōng xiào shēng
shēng xiǎng
sound / noise
xiǎng shēng
shào shēng
kū shēng
sound of weeping
hū huàn shēng
chuài qì shēng
xiào shēng
squealing / howling
tí shēng
ululation / to howl
hǎn shēng
to yell / hubbub
hǎn jiào shēng
kū hǎn shēng
hū hǎn shēng
xuān nào shēng
noise / bedlam / tumult / din
xū shēng
hissing sound / to hiss (as a sign of displeasure)
shēng sī lì jié
to shout oneself hoarse (idiom)
jìn shēng
keep silent / shut up
bèi jǐng zào shēng
background noise
shēng míng dà zào
to rise to fame
zào shēng yuán
noise source
huán jìng zào shēng
environmental noise / ambient noise
háo jiào shēng
dà shēng
loud voice / in a loud voice / loudly
shēng yīn
voice / sound / CL:個|个[ge4]
shēng dào
sound track / audio channel
shēng míng
to state / to declare / statement / declaration / CL:項|项[xiang4],份[fen4]
xiào shēng
xiǎo shēng
in a low voice / (speak) in whispers
gāo shēng
aloud / loud / loudly
lián shēng
repeatedly (say something)
pào shēng
the sound of artillery / thunder of guns / report of gun / roar of guns
wú shēng
noiseless / noiselessly / silent
fēng shēng
sound of the wind / rumor / talk / news / reputation
lì shēng
stern voice
shēng shì
fame and power / prestige / influence / impetus / momentum
xiāo shēng nì jì
to vanish without trace (idiom) / to lie low
jì wú rén shēng
wěi shēng
coda / epilogue / end
xún shēng
Follow the sound
kēng shēng
to utter a word
zhī shēng
to utter a word / to make a sound / to cheep / to squeak / also pr. [zi1 sheng1]
hǒu shēng
yuàn shēng zài dào
lit. cries of complaint fill the roads (idiom); complaints rise all around / discontent is openly voiced
shēng xī
sound (often with negative, not a sound) / whisper
qiǎo shēng
quietly / in a low voice
qiǎo wú shēng xī
quietly / noiselessly
qiǎo rán wú shēng
absolutely quiet
cǎn jiào shēng
zhǎng shēng
applause / CL:陣|阵[zhen4]
zhì dì yǒu shēng
lit. if thrown on the floor, it will make a sound (idiom) / fig. (of one's words) powerful and resonating / to have substance
shēng yuán
to support (a cause)
jǐ shēng
A few times
zhuàng jī shēng
crash / clash / whomp / ker-
fàng shēng
very loudly / at the top of one's voice
liǎn shēng bǐng qì
hold one's breath
qiāo mén shēng
a knock on the door / a knock at the door
qiāo jī shēng
rat-tat / knock / beat
shēng wàng
popularity / prestige
qiāng shēng
crack / shooting sound / gunshot
jiǎng shēng
bù zuò shēng
keep silent / not say a word
shēng sè jù lì
be fierce both in look and voice / loud voice and stern expression
shēng lèi jù xià
to shed tears while recounting sth / speaking in a tearful voice
huān shēng léi dòng
give a great shout of approval / cry out for joy
gē shēng
singing voice / fig. original voice of a poet
jiǎo bù shēng
footstep / step / footfall / clop-clop
shēng mǔ
consonant / the initial consonant (of a Chinese syllable)
rén shēng dǐng fèi
lit. a boiling cauldron of voices (idiom) / hubbub / brouhaha
shēng bō
sound wave
chāo shēng bō
ultrasound (scan)
qǐ bù chéng shēng
choke with sobs / sobbing too much to speak
chōu qì shēng
kū qì shēng
shēng shì hào dà
blockbuster / an impressive display of power or influence
shēng làng
tāo shēng
rote / surf
zǒu lòu fēng shēng
let out a secret / leak (out) information / The secret oozed out.
bào zhà shēng
explosive sound
dī shēng
in a low voice / softly
bào zhú shēng
sound of firecrackers

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Pinyin sheng1
Four Corner
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