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喧 stroke order animation

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喧 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 喧
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 喧
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Meaning of

Pinyin xuān
clamor / noise, clamor / noise / deceitful
喧 [xuān] 1. Loud speaking, chaotic sounds. - 大声说话,声音杂乱。 - Examples: ~哗 (noisy chatter). ~闹 (clamor). ~嚷 (shouting). ~腾 (commotion). ~嚣 (hubbub). ~宾夺主 (noisy and chaotic, where guests overpower the hosts). 2. Same as the primary meaning (noisy). - 同本义 ([En.] noisy). 3. Illustrious. - 显赫 ([En.] illustrious). Origin: - 本义: 声音大而嘈杂 (the original meaning: loud and noisy). - 造字法: 形声。从口,宣声 (“宣” has the meaning of “to proclaim” and also plays a role in meaning). Examples from classical literature: 1. 《玉篇》: 喧,大语也 (In "Yupian": "Xuan" means loud language). 2. 陶潜《饮酒》: 结庐在人境,而无车马喧 (Tao Yuanming's "Drinking Wine": Dwelling in the human realm, without the noise of carriages and horses). 3. 北周·庚信《同州还》: 上林催猎响,河桥争渡喧 (Bei Zhou, Geng Xin's "Returning to Tong Prefecture": The sound of hunting in Shanglin, with the riverside bridge bustling and noisy). 4. 宋·王安石《金山寺》: 夜风一何喧,大舶双橹 (Song, Wang Anshi's "Jinshan Temple": The night wind is so noisy, large ships with double oars). 5. 陆游《喜雨》: 蛙蛤徒自喧,蛟龙卧如蛰 (Lu You's “Joyful Rain”: Frogs croak loudly, while the dragon lies dormant like hibernation). Examples of usage: - 喧议 (noisy discussions); 喧埃 (the clamor of the mortal world); 喧吓 (noisy intimidation); 喧卑 (loud and lowly); 喧哄 (commotion). 引文: 1. 《礼记》: 赫兮喧兮者,威仪也 (From "Li Ji": Those who are illustrious and loud, are dignified).
xuān xiāo
to clamor / to make noise
xuān téng
to make a tumult / hubbub / uproar
xuān nào shēng
noise / bedlam / tumult / din
xuān nào
to make a noise / noisy
xuān rǎng
hubbub / racket / clamour / din
luó gǔ xuān tiān
a deafening sound of gongs and drums
xuān rǎo
to disturb by noise
xuān bīn duó zhǔ
lit. the voice of the guest overwhelms that of the host (idiom) / fig. a minor player upstages the main attraction / minor details obscure the main point / the sauce is better than the fish
gǔ yuè xuān tiān
a great din of drums and pipes / Loud music fills the air.
xuān zào
fracas / ballyhoo / loquacity
xuān huá
hubbub / clamor / to make a racket

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Input Method for
Pinyin xuan1
Four Corner
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