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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

腾 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

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腾 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 腾
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 腾
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Meaning of

Pinyin téng
to soar / to gallop / to rise / to prance / to hover / to move out
腾 (téng) 【动】 1. 奔跑,跳跃。 (English: Gallop/Jump) 2. 上升。 (English: Rise) 3. 空出来,挪移。 (English: Vacate) 4. 词尾,用在动词后面表示动作的反复连续(读轻声)。 (English: Verb suffix indicating repetition, pronounced lightly) 【引】 1. 《说文》:腾,传也。谓传车马驰。 (English: In "Shuowen," it refers to the conveying, in the context of vehicles and horses running.) 2. 《广雅》:腾,奔也。 (English: "Guangya" states that it means to gallop.) 3. 《离骚》:腾众车使径待。 (English: In "Li Sao," it refers to hurrying a crowd of carriages to wait.) 4. 《楚辞·愍命》:腾驴驘以驰逐。 (English: "Chuci" mentions galloping on a swift donkey.) 5. 《楚辞·大招》:腾驾步游。 (English: "Chuci" indicates riding and strolling.) 6. 韩愈《平淮西碑》:士饱而歌,马腾于槽。 (English: In Han Yu's inscription, it describes well-fed horses galloping at the trough.) 【例】 如: - 奔腾 (Galloping horses.) - 腾逐 (Galloping and chasing.) - 腾身 (Leaping up.) - 腾上 (Rising up.) 【副】 突,忽——表示动作状态 (English: Suddenly) 如: 腾地 (Sudden movement; all at once.)
xuān téng
to make a tumult / hubbub / uproar
bēn téng
(of waves) to surge forward / to roll on in waves / to gallop
shēng téng
to rise / to ascend / to leap up
màn téng téng
leisurely / unhurried / sluggish
pū teng
(onom.) thud / flutter / flop
zhē teng
to toss from side to side (e.g. sleeplessly) / to repeat sth over and over again / to torment sb / to play crazy / to squander (time, money)
téng nuó
to move / to shift / to move out of the way / to divert (money etc) to a different purpose
dǎo téng
to buy and sell / peddling
kūn téng
Quantum / Quinten
dǎo teng
to move / to shift / to exchange / to buy and sell / peddling
huān téng
jubilation / great celebration / CL:片[pian4]
rè xuè fèi téng
to be fired up (idiom) / to have one's blood racing
fèi téng
(of a liquid) to boil / (of sentiments etc) to boil over / to flare up / to be impassioned
mín yuàn fèi téng
seething discontent (idiom); popular grievances boil over
téng lóng dòng
Tenglong Cave
Téng gé lǐ Shā mò
Tengger Desert
fān téng
to turn over / to surge / to churn / to rummage / raging (torrent)
tú téng
totem (loanword)
nào teng
to disturb / to create confusion / to make a din
shā qì téng téng
ferocious / murderous-looking
téng kōng
to soar / to rise high into the air
rè qì téng téng
piping hot
téng qǐ
zhēng téng
(of a vapor etc) to rise / to hang in the air
téng kōng ér qǐ
commence business / rise in the world by sheer effort and persistence
Fēi huáng téng dá
lit. the divine steed Feihuang gallops (idiom) / fig. to achieve meteoric success in one's career
téng yún jià wù
walk on air / ride on a cloud / fly up to the cloudy region / mount the clouds and ride the mist / ride on the mists and clouds / walk upon air / reel / ride the clouds and harness the mist / fly in the cloud and fog / travel through space
rè téng téng
steaming hot / boiling hot
téng yuè
prance / curvet / buckjump / cavort
wù téng téng

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Input Method for
Pinyin teng2
Four Corner
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