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肥 stroke order animation

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肥 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 肥
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 肥
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Meaning of

Pinyin féi
loose-fitting / fat / fertile
肥 [féi] 形 1. 含脂肪多的,与“瘦”相对。(corpulent; fat) 例: 肥肉; 肥胖; 肥缺(指收入多的官职); 肥硕(a.大而肥胖;b.果实大而饱满); 肥马轻裘。 2. 土质含养分多的。(fertile) 例: 肥沃; 肥美(a.肥沃;b.肥壮、丰美)。 3. 能增加田地养分的东西(如粪、豆饼、化学配合剂等)。(fertilizer) 例: 肥料; 肥力。 4. 使田地增加养分。(fertilize) 例: 肥田。 5. 指衣服鞋袜等宽大,与“瘦”相对。(loose) 例: 肥大; 肥瘦儿。 6. 赚钱又不费力。(lucrative) 例: 肥秩(收入丰厚的官位)。 动 1. 使土地肥沃。(fertilize) 例: 肥田。 2. 使发财。(enrich) 例: 肥己。 3. 通“非”(fēi)。责难。(censure; blame) 例: 目所偏视,晋国爵之; 口所偏肥,晋国黜之。 名 1. 肥料。(fertilizer) 例: 田里肥足,仓里谷足; 肥分。 2. 不正当的财物。(ill-gotten wealth) 例: 暗中分肥。 3. 油脂。(fat) 例: 干其皮,中作肥。 4. 古国名。(Fei state) 例: 春秋时狄人所建,后为晋所灭。故都在山西省昔阳县东。 5. 姓。(surname) 本义: 脂肪多。
féi hòu
plump / fleshy / fertile
jiù féi
animal manure / barnyard manure
féi nèn
Fat and tender
lín féi chǎng
phosphate fertilizer plant
tiāo féi jiǎn shòu
pick the fat or choose the lean -- choose whichever is to one's advantage
jiǎn féi
to lose weight
féi liào
fertilizer / manure
shī féi
to spread manure / to apply fertilizer
dàn féi
nitrogenous fertilizer / nitrogen fertilizer / nitrogenous manure / straight nitrogenous fertilizer
féi wò
òu féi
manure / wet compost
dàn féi chǎng
nitrogenous fertilizer plant
féi zhū
fat pig / hog
féi zào
soap / CL:塊|块[kuai4],條|条[tiao2]
féi zào pào
soap bubble
féi zào jù
soap opera (loanword)
féi zào fěn
washing powder / soap powder
féi shuò
fleshy (fruit) / plump / large and firm-fleshed (limbs, body) / stout
lín féi
phosphate fertilizer
fèn féi
manure / dung
huà féi
biāo féi tǐ zhuàng
(of a livestock animal) plump and strong / well-fed
Hé féi
Hefei, capital of Anhui Province 安徽省[An1 hui1 Sheng3] in south central China
féi pàng
fat / obese
féi ròu
fat (e.g. pork fat) / fatty meat / (fig.) a gold mine / cash cow
féi lì
fertility (of soil)
féi dà
loose fitting clothes / fat / stout / swelling (of internal organ) / hypertrophy
绿 lǜ féi
green manure
Hé féi shì
Hefei, capital of Anhui Province 安徽省[An1 hui1 Sheng3] in south central China
féi shuǐ
rich water
féi měi
fertile / luxuriant / plump / rounded
jiǎ féi
potash fertilizer / potassic fertilizer
féi pàng zhě
obese people
féi pàng zhèng
jiǎ féi chǎng
Potash Plant

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Input Method for
Pinyin fei2
Four Corner
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