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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

脚 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

脚 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 脚
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 脚
Download the worksheet in PNG format

Meaning of

Pinyin jiǎo、 jué
a kick / foot / role, role
脚 jiǎo 名 【本义】: 胫,小腿 【造字法】: 形声。从肉,却声。 1. 人和某些动物身体最下部接触地面的部分 (shank) 例: 脚心。脚掌。脚背。脚跟。脚步。脚印。脚法(指踢球、踢毽等的技巧)。脚镣。脚踏实地(形容做事实事求是,不浮夸)。 2. 最下部 (end) 例: 脚注。山脚。墙脚。 3. 剩下的废料,渣滓 (dregs; residue) 例: 下脚料。 4. 〔~本〕表演戏剧或拍摄影视所依据的底本 (base script) 5. 旧时指与体力搬运有关的 (porter) 例: 脚夫。脚行。脚钱。拉脚。 6. 足的别称 (foot) 例: 传统用法;例如: 脚炉(烘脚的小铜炉);脚踏(炕前供垫脚用的矮凳);脚踪(足迹);脚驴(供人雇用骑行的驴子)。 7. 某物的底座 (base) 例: 又如: 根脚;杯脚;山脚;墙脚;脚灯;脚底下人。 8. 残渣,即最后留下的渣滓 (dregs; residue) 例: 如: 茶脚;酒脚。 9. 脚步 (step) 例: 如: 脚头(脚步,行动)。 10. 担任传递或运输的人 (porter) 例: 如: 脚家(脚夫);脚子(旧时对搬运工人的蔑称);脚户(脚夫);脚步钱(跑腿钱);脚费(脚钱);脚乘(运载工具,如舟车骡马等; 指搬运费)。 11. 帮手 (helper) 例: 如: 我又不能自去,少不得要他作脚。 12. 末端 (end) 例: 如: 脚舰(系在战船尾部备用的小船);太阳光线的末端叫日脚。 同“角(jué)”。现多用角。 脚 [jué] 名 1. 传统戏曲中的人物类型 (role; part) 例: 《说文》:崛,山短高也。张衡《西京赋》:神明崛其特起。 2. 另见 jiǎo
yòu jiǎo
right crus / right foot
shuāng jiǎo
two legs / both feet
diàn jiǎo shí
stepping stone / fig. person used to advance one's career
jiǎo yìn
jiǎo jiān
the extremity of the foot
zuǒ jiǎo
left foot / left leg / left crus
huāng shǒu huāng jiǎo
bào fó jiǎo
lit. to clasp the Buddha's feet (without ever having burned incense) (idiom); fig. to profess devotion only when in trouble / panic measures in place of timely preparation
quán jiǎo
Chinese boxing / fist and feet / punching and kicking
quán dǎ jiǎo tī
lit. to punch and kick (idiom); to beat up / fig. determined to sort out a problem
wā qiáng jiǎo
to undermine / to let someone down / to seduce someone away from something
xiē jiǎo
to stop on the way for a rest
xiē xiē jiǎo
jiǎo bù
footstep / step
jiǎo bù shēng
footstep / step / footfall / clop-clop
jiǎo bù zhān dì
feet not touching the ground (idiom) / to run like the wind
jiǎo zhǎo
paw / claw
sān jiǎo māo
jack of all trades
ài shǒu ài jiǎo
to be in the way / to be a hindrance
shǒu máng jiǎo luàn
to act with confusion / to be in a flurry / to be flustered
bèn shǒu bèn jiǎo
clumsy / all thumbs
bàn jiǎo shí
stumbling block / obstacle / someone who gets in your way
fù shǒu fù jiǎo
tiebind / shackle] sb. hand and foot
jiǎo bó zi
(coll.) ankle
jiǎo běn
jiǎo xià
under the foot
shǒu jiǎo
hand and foot / movement of limbs / action / trick / step in a procedure (CL: 道[dao4])
yī jiǎo
jiǎo tà
jiǎo gēn
shān jiǎo xià
foot of the hill
duò jiǎo
stamp / stomp / stamp one's feet
zhǎng jiǎo
long crus
zhèn jiǎo
front line
tuǐ jiǎo
legs and feet / ability to walk / strides
jiǎo dǐ
soles of the feet
jiǎo wàn
jiǎo yā zi
(coll.) foot
jiǎo yā
interdigital region
xī jiǎo lèi
kù jiǎo
bottom of a trouser leg / trouser legs
guǒ jiǎo bù
Foot wrap
guǒ jiǎo
foot-binding / long strip of cloth used for foot-binding
jiǎo zhǐ
jiǎo huái
niè shǒu niè jiǎo
to walk quietly on tiptoe (idiom)
bié jiǎo
inferior / shoddy / lousy / lame
jiǎo dēng
chì jiǎo
jiǎo zhǐ tou
bǒ jiǎo
to limp / lame person
jiǎo hòu gēn
duò duò jiǎo
stamp one's foot
jiǎo tà shí dì
to have one's feet firmly planted on the ground (idiom); realistic without flights of fancy / steady and serious character
jiǎo tà chē
bicycle / bike (Tw) / CL:輛|辆[liang4]
jiǎo pǔ
flippers / fins
jiǎo liào
fetters / leg-irons
jiǎo zhuó
anklet / bangle / leglet
yùn jiǎo
rhyming word ending a line of verse / rhyme

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Pinyin jiao3
Four Corner
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