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朕 stroke order animation

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朕 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 朕
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 朕
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Meaning of

Pinyin zhèn
I / we (imperial use) / subtle
朕 [zhèn] 1. 我,我的。中国秦始皇时起专用作皇帝自称。 I, my. Used exclusively by emperors to refer to themselves since the time of Qin Shi Huang. 2. 征兆,迹象。 Omen, sign. 3. 缝隙 ([En.] chink) Chink. 4. 征兆;先兆 ([En.] omen) Omen; harbinger. 5. 我。秦以前,不论尊卑,皆自称朕 ([En.] I, my) I, my. Prior to the Qin dynasty, everyone, regardless of status, referred to themselves as 朕. 6. 皇帝的自称。秦灭六国以后,天子始自称朕 ([En.] the royal “I” (used exclusively by the emperor or king to mean “I”)) The royal "I." After the Qin conquered the six states, the emperor began to refer to himself as 朕. 引 1. 名 Chink. 引 1. 戴震《考工记图·函人注》:舟之缝理曰朕。 Dai Zhen's "Kao Gong Ji Tu" states: The seams of a boat are called 朕. 2. 《周礼·考工记》:视其朕,欲其直也。 "Zhou Li" states: Observe its chink, wishing it to be straight. 2. 征兆;先兆 ([En.] omen) Omen; harbinger. 引 1. 《庄子·应帝王》:体尽无穷,而游无朕。 "Zhuangzi" says: The body is infinite, yet wanders without omens. 2. 《鬼谷子》:变化之朕焉。 "Guiguzi" states: Here is the omen of change. 例 朕兆 (omen; foreboding); 朕垠 (omen, sign); 朕迹 (omen; trace). 引 1. 代 Substitute. 引 1. 《说文》:朕,我也。 "Shuowen Jiezi": 朕 means I. 2. 《尔雅》:朕,我也。 "Erya": 朕 means I. 3. 《书·尧典》:汝能庸命巽朕位。 "Book of Documents" states: You can command to occupy my position. 4. 《诗·大雅·韩奕》:无废朕命。 "Book of Songs" says: Do not waste my command. 5. 《楚辞·离骚》:朕皇考曰伯庸。 "Chuci": My late father’s name was Boyong. 6. 蔡邕《独断》:古者尊卑共称朕。 Cai Yong's "Duduan": In ancient times, both nobles and commoners referred to themselves as 朕. 例 朕皇考 (the name of my deceased father). 2. 皇帝的自称。秦灭六国以后,天子始自称朕 ([En.] the royal “I” (used exclusively by the emperor or king to mean “I”)) The royal "I". After the Qin conquered the six states, emperors began to refer to themselves as 朕. 引 1. 清· 梁启超《谭嗣同传》:朕位几不保。 Liang Qichao's "Tan Sitong Biography": My position here is barely safe. 2. 《明史》:朕非约耳。 "Ming History": I am not bound by contracts. 例 朕躬 (myself, my body. Often used by the emperor to refer to himself); 朕违 (the emperor’s mistakes).
zhèn zhào
omen / sign (that sth is about to happen) / warning sign

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Four Corner
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