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墙 stroke order animation

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墙 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 墙
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 墙
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Meaning of

Pinyin qiáng
墙 (qiáng) 1. 用砖石等砌成承架房顶或隔开内外的建筑物:砖墙、土墙、院墙、城墙、墙垣、墙头、墙头草、铜墙铁壁。 (A structure made of bricks, stones, etc., supporting the roof or separating the inside from the outside: brick wall, earthen wall, courtyard wall, city wall, wall barrier, wall mound, wall grass, copper wall and iron wall.) 2. 门屏:萧墙(喻内部,如“祸起萧墙”)。 (Screen: a door screen, as in "the disaster arises from within [the screen]", referring to internal troubles.) 3. 古代出殡时张于棺材周围的帏帐。 (A decorative curtain placed around the coffin during ancient funerals.) 【本义】: 房屋或园场周围的障壁。 (Primary meaning: A barrier surrounding a house or garden.) 【造字法】: 会意。从啬,从土。“啬”有节俭收藏的意思。垒土为墙,意在收藏。 (Character creation method: Ideogram composed of the character for 'thrift' and 'earth'. 'Thrift' implies collecting and preserving. The idea of piling earth to create a wall is for storage.) 墙的引申意义: 1. 同本义 ([En.] wall) 2. 门屏 ([En.] screen) 3. 古代出殡时柩车上覆棺的装饰性帷幔 ([En.] curtain) 引文例句: 1. 《说文》:“墙,垣蔽也。” (Shuowen: "A wall is a barrier.") 2. 《诗·郑风·将仲子》:“无逾我墙。” (Book of Songs: "Do not cross my wall.") 3. 《论语·公冶长》:“粪土之墙不可圬也。” (Analects: "A wall of filth cannot be plastered.") 4. 《尉缭子·战威》:“止如堵墙。” (Weiliaozi: "Stop like a blocking wall.") 5. “老翁逾墙走。”——唐·杜甫《石壕吏》诗 ("An old man climbs over the wall." — Du Fu, "The Old Man of Shigao") 例句: 如: 墙阙(院落;门庭)、墙宇(房舍,住宅;喻指人的气度)、墙篱(藩篱,篱笆)、墙东(比喻隐居不仕,以避乱世)、墙茨(墙上生长蒺藜,意欲清除,又恐墙坏家毁。比喻阖门淫乱,家丑难除)、土墙、围墙。 (Examples: wall threshold (courtyard; entrance), wall house (dwelling; metaphor for a person's demeanor), wall fence (enclosure), wall east (metaphor for seclusion to avoid chaos), wall thorns (thorns growing on a wall symbolize the intent to remove chaos but fear that the wall may fall and destroy the family, metaphor for family disgrace), earthen wall, surrounding wall.)
wéi qiáng
perimeter wall / fence / CL:道[dao4]
qiáng yuán
wall / fence
chéng qiáng
city wall
qiáng shàng
qiáng bì
hóng qiáng
Red wall
shān qiáng
qiáng jiǎo
corner (junction of two walls)
gōng qiáng
Palace wall
qiáng tóu
the top of a wall
wài qiáng
facade / external wall
mén qiáng
door wall
ǎi qiáng
parapet / kneeboard / low wall / sunk fence
yuàn qiáng
courtyard wall
qiáng biān
against the wall / by the side of the wall
shí qiáng
stonewalling / stonework
qiáng gēn
foot of a wall
tǔ qiáng
cob wall
zhuān qiáng
brick wall
gāo qiáng
High wall
fáng huǒ qiáng
firewall / CL:堵[du3]
wā qiáng jiǎo
to undermine / to let someone down / to seduce someone away from something
hóng xìng chū qiáng
lit. the red apricot tree leans over the garden wall (idiom) / fig. a wife having an illicit lover
pá qiáng hǔ
grape ivy / Boston ivy / parthenocissus tricuspidata
qì qiáng
build a wall
huò qǐ xiāo qiáng
Troubles start inside the house. / There is internal strife afoot. / Trouble breaks out at home. / Troubles come within one's family -- internecine feud.
xì qiáng
discord between brothers / brothers on bad terms with each other
tóng qiáng tiě bì
copper wall, iron bastion (idiom); impenetrable defense
xiōng dì xì qiáng
internecine strife (idiom); fighting among oneself

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Input Method for
Pinyin qiang2
Four Corner
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