Learn to write the Chinese character "墟" by watching the stroke order animation of "墟".
Stroke by Stroke: 墟 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '墟' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '墟' Step-by-Step
Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '墟' through a video tutorial with a
calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the
Chinese Character '墟'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
practice writing together with pen and paper.
1. 有人住过而现已荒废的地方。
(A place that was once inhabited but is now abandoned.)
例: 废墟。殷墟。乡里(村落)。丘墟(①废墟,荒地;②坟墓)。
2. 土丘。
(A mound of earth.)
3. 毁坏,使成为废墟。
(To ruin, making it a ruin.)
4. 同“圩”。
(Same as "圩".)
1. 毁为废墟。
(To cause to become ruins.)
2. 奴役。
(To enslave.)
本义: 大土山
(Original meaning: big mound.)
造字法: 本作“虚”。形声。从土,虚声。
(Word formation: Originally written as "虚", it is a phonetic compound with the radical 土 indicating earth, and the sound is given by "虚".)
1. 《孔子家语》:墟土之人大,沙土之人细。
(From "The Teachings of Confucius": The inhabitants of mounds are large, those of sandy soil are small.)
例: 又如: 墟土(丘陵之地); 墟垒(犹堡垒)
(Example: such as "墟土" (hilly land); "墟垒" (similar to a stronghold).)
1. 《吕氏春秋·贵直》:使人之朝为草而国为墟。
(From "Lüshi Chunqiu": Making the people breakfasts of grass while their country becomes in ruins.)
例: 又如: 殷墟; 墟棘,墟榛,墟莽(废墟榛莽; 荒野)
(Example: such as "殷墟"; "墟棘", "墟榛", "墟莽" (ruined thickets; wilderness).)
1. 《字汇》:墟,墟墓。
(From "Zihui": 墟 means a grave.)
例: 又如: 墟墓(墟坟,丘墓,墓地)
(Example: such as "墟墓" (grave, tomb, burial ground).)
(country fair)
1. 《童区寄传》:二豪贼劫持反接,布囊其口,去逾四十里之墟所卖之。
(From "Tong Qu ji Zhuan": Two bandits captured and exchanged, stuffing their mouths with fabrics, went over forty miles to sell at the fair.)
例: 又如: 墟市; 墟集(乡村市集); 墟期,墟日(市集日)
(Example: such as "墟市" (marketplace); "墟集" (village market); "墟期", "墟日" (market days).)
1. 《庄子》:古之至人,假道于仁,诧宿于义,以游逍遥之墟。
(From "Zhuangzi": The ancient sages, relying on benevolence, astonished with righteousness, wandered leisurely in places.)
例: 如: 墟落(墟里; 村墟,都指村落); 墟井; 墟曲,墟聚,墟墅(乡间房舍)
(Example: such as "墟落" (village; countryside); "墟井"; "墟曲", "墟聚", "墟墅" (countryside houses).)
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