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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

壓 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

壓 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 壓
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 壓
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Meaning of

Pinyin yā、 yà
to press / to push down / to keep under (control), in the first place / to crush
壓 yā 1. 從上面加力。 [En.] To apply force from above. 2. 用威力制服、鎮服。 [En.] To subdue or conquer with power. 3. 控制,使穩定,使平靜。 [En.] To control, stabilize, or calm. 4. 擱置。 [En.] To set aside. 5. 逼近。 [En.] To approach or come near. 6. 賭博時在某一門上下注。 [En.] To place a bet on a certain game during gambling. 壓 yā 1. 同本義 ([En.] collapse) - 引文: 《說文》:壓,壞也。 - [En.] "To break or collapse." 2. 從上往下增加重力,加壓 ([En.] press) - 引文: 唐· 杜甫《江畔獨步尋花》:千朵萬朵壓枝低。 - [En.] "Thousands of blossoms press the branches down." 3. 壓抑,壓制;逼迫 ([En.] restrain; force; coerce; compel) - 引文: 《楚辭·大招》:舉傑壓陛。 - [En.] "To raise the talents and restrain the emperor." 4. 殺 ([En.] kill) - 引文: 《戰國策》:且臣聞齊、 衛先君刑馬壓羊。 - [En.] "And I have heard that the former kings of Qi and Wei punished horses and killed sheep." 5. 逼近 ([En.] approach; be getting near) - 引文: 《左傳·襄公二十六年》:楚晨壓晉軍而陳。 - [En.] "The Chu army approaches and arranges against the Jin army." 6. 超越;勝於 ([En.] surpass) - 引文: 柳宗元《與蕭翰林俛書》:聲不能壓當世。 - [En.] "Sound cannot surpass the world." 7. 覆蓋,籠罩 ([En.] cover) - 引文: 杜牧《阿房宮賦》:覆壓三百餘里。 - [En.] "Covered over an area of over three hundred miles." 8. 鎮住 ([En.] peacify) - 引文: 《古金雜劇》:就安排筵席,一者與夫人壓驚。 - [En.] "To arrange a banquet, one to calm the lady's fright." 9. 同「押」 ([En.] keep with) - 引文: 壓契(做抵押憑證的文契)。 - [En.] "To keep a contract as collateral." 10. 蓋印 ([En.] seal) - 引文: 壓腳圖書(壓腳章)。 - [En.] "To seal a book with a foot stamp." 11. 預付 ([En.] pay in advance) - 引文: 壓禮(事成之前預付的財禮)。 - [En.] "Advance payment for a gift before the matter is completed." 12. 下 ([En.] 賭注) ([En.] risk money on; stake) - 引文: 壓寶。 - [En.] "To stake on a bet." 壓 yā 1. 壓力 ([En.] pressure) 2. 某物作用於其直接接觸的另一物上的力。 [En.] The force that one object exerts on another with which it is in direct contact. 3. 一切對相反力的衝力;分佈在地面上的一種衝力。 [En.] All forces acting against opposing forces; a type of force distributed over the ground. 4. 另見 yà 壓 yà 1. 根本,從來,如「我~~~就不理解這件事」。 [En.] Basic, fundamentally; for example, "I have never understood this matter." 壓 yā 1. 壓 yā 2. 另見 yā

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Pinyin ya1
Four Corner
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