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堂 stroke order animation

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堂 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 堂
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 堂
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Meaning of

Pinyin táng
(main) hall / large room
堂 [táng] 名 1. 正房,高大的房子:堂屋。堂客。堂倌。礼堂。澡堂。 ([En.] The main house; a large house: hall; guest hall; attendant; assembly hall; bathhouse.) 2. 同祖父的亲属关系:堂房。堂兄弟。 ([En.] A relationship of the same grandfather: paternal cousins; clan elder brothers.) 3. 旧时官吏审案办事的地方:大堂。公堂。过堂。 ([En.] A place where officials discussed government matters or handled cases in ancient times: main hall; public hall; court.) 4. 量词:上了一堂课。一堂家具。 ([En.] A measure word: attended a class; a set of furniture.) 名 1. 同本义:殿堂。高于一般房屋,用于祭献神灵、祈求丰年。 ([En.] Hall; a hall or room for a specific purpose; temple; high above ordinary houses used for offerings to deities.) 2. 后泛指房屋的正厅。 ([En.] The principal room of a house.) 3. 旧时官府议论政事、审理案件的地方。 ([En.] Principal hall in a yamen; court of law.) 4. 尊称别人的母亲。 ([En.] A respectful term for someone else's mother.) 5. 用于商店、厅事、书斋名称。 ([En.] Name for shops, stores, etc.) 6. 也指署事的官吏。 ([En.] An official.) 7. 山上宽阔平坦的地方。 ([En.] Open place on the mountain.) 8. 佛堂。 ([En.] Temple.) 形 1. 在外表、举止或言语上表现出尊严的。 ([En.] Dignified.) 2. 同一祖父但不同父亲的兄弟姊妹关系。 ([En.] People of the same clan.) 3. 高显的样子。 ([En.] High and prominent.) 量 用于分节的课程或一套物件。如:一堂课;一堂家具。 ([En.] Used for segments of courses or a set of items, e.g., a class; a set of furniture.)
hōng táng dà xiào
the whole room roaring with laughter (idiom)
jiào táng
church / chapel / CL:間|间[jian1]
máo zhǔ xí jì niàn táng
Chairman Mao Memorial Hall
tiān táng
paradise / heaven
kè táng
classroom / CL:間|间[jian1]
shí táng
dining hall / CL:個|个[ge4],間|间[jian1]
zhōng shān táng
Zhongshan Hall
lǐ táng
assembly hall / auditorium / CL:座[zuo4],處|处[chu4]
xué táng
college / school (old)
dà táng
cí táng
ancestral hall / memorial hall
táng táng
grand / magnificent / stately / majestic appearance
táng wū
central room of a traditional Chinese house
zhōng táng
central scroll
táng shàng
parents / a form of address for magistrates or judges
lòng táng
(dialect) alley / lane
ān táng
Buddhist nunnery
hòu táng
Back hall
殿 diàn táng
palace / hall / temple buildings
táng jiě
older female patrilineal cousin
dí táng
of the same grandfather by the direct line
tīng táng
miào táng
imperial ancestral temple / imperial court / temple
táng dì
younger male patrilineal cousin
shèng bǐ dé dà jiào táng
St.Peter's / Saint Peter's Basilica
bài táng
ritual kneeling to heaven and earth by bride and groom in a old-fashioned wedding ceremony / same as 拜天地
guān miǎn táng huáng
high-sounding / dignified / pompous (idiom)
zhāi táng
dining hall in a Buddhist temple
táng xiōng dì
father's brother's sons / paternal male cousin
táng xiōng
older male patrilineal cousin
zǎo táng
public baths
zǎo táng zi
chán táng
meditation room (in Buddhist monastery)
táng guān
(old) waiter / attendant
簿 duì bù gōng táng
public courtroom accusation (idiom) / legal confrontation / to take sb to court / to sue
yīn yuè táng
Concert hall
yí nián táng
Yi Nian Tang

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Input Method for
Pinyin tang2
Four Corner
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