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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

毛 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

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毛 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 毛
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 毛
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Meaning of

Pinyin máo
hair / pore / fur
毛 [máo] 名词 (Noun) 1. 动植物的皮上所生的丝状物: hair; feather; down; wool Example: 毛笔 (brush made of animal hair), 羽毛 (feathers). 2. 像毛的东西,指谷物或草: grass and tree; corn Example: 不毛之地 (barren land). 3. 衣物上的霉菌: mold on clothing Example: 老没见太阳都长毛了 (has grown mold since it hasn't seen the sun for a long time). 4. 粗糙,没有加工的: rough; semi-finished Example: 毛布 (rough cloth), 毛估 (rough estimate). 5. 不是纯净的: gross Example: 毛利 (gross profit), 毛重 (gross weight). 6. 行动急躁: get angry or feel nervous Example: 毛躁 (irritability). 7. 惊慌失措,主意乱了: feel flurried or nervous Example: 把他吓毛了 (he was frightened). 8. 小: little; small Example: 毛病 (minor issue), 毛孩子 (little child). 9. 货币贬值: depreciate Example: 钱毛了 (money has depreciated). 10. 量词,用于钱币,等于“角”,一圆钱的十分之一: a fractional unit of money in China Example: 两毛钱 (two dimes). 11. 姓: surname 形容词 (Adjective) 1. 比喻多而细碎: hairy Example: 毛细管 (capillary). 2. 小,微不足道,多用于贬义: little; small Example: 毛路 (narrow path), 毛神 (minor deity, used derogatorily). 3. 不纯净: gross Example: 毛重 (gross weight). 4. 半加工的; 粗糙的: rough; semi-finished Example: 毛坯 (rough blank). 动词 (Verb) 1. 发火; 发怒: get angry Example: 毛司火性儿 (hot-tempered). 2. 贬值,兑换率下降: depreciate Example: 货币毛了 (the currency has depreciated). 3. 发慌: feel nervous; flurried Example: 吓毛了 (startled or frightened).
máo ní
máo náng
hair follicle
máo pī
semifinished products
máo zhǔ xí jì niàn táng
Chairman Mao Memorial Hall
Máo lǐ tǎ ní yà
máo kǒng
máo hái zi
(coll.) infant / ignorant child
máo jīn bèi
towelling coverlet / towel blanket
máo gǔ sǒng rán
to have one's hair stand on end (idiom) / to feel one's blood run cold
jiǎn máo
shearing / cropping / clipping
gāng máo
yǔ máo shàn
feather fan
pī máo xī
woolly rhinoceros
jī máo dǎn zǐ
feather duster
tù máo
rabbit hair / rabbit fur / cony hair / fleece cony / rabbit wool
cháng máo tù
long hair rabbit / wool rabbit
zōng máo
palm fiber / coir
méi mao
eyebrow / CL:根[gen1]
máo bìng
fault / defect / shortcomings / ailment / CL:個|个[ge4]
yǔ máo
feather / plumage / plume
yǔ máo qiú
shuttlecock / badminton / CL:個|个[ge4]
yáng máo
fleece / wool / woolen
pí máo
fur / fur clothing / skin and hair / superficial / superficial knowledge
máo bǐ
writing brush / CL:枝[zhi1],管[guan3]
máo xì xuè guǎn
capillary blood vessels
máo pí
fur / pelt
jié máo
háo máo
hair / soft hair / down
róng máo
fur / down (soft fur) / villi capillary (in the small intestine)
biān máo
máo lì lǜ
gross profit rate
fā máo
to rant and rave / to be scared, upset (Beijing dialect)
máo sè
(of an animal) appearance or color of coat
máo zhān
yóu máo zhān
felt / asphaltic felt / malthoid
máo tǎn
máo tǎn chǎng
Blanket factory
hàn máo
hair / soft hair / down
máo jiāng yān fù
Mao Jiangyan attached
chuī máo qiú cī
lit. to blow apart the hairs upon a fur to discover any defect (idiom); fig. to be fastidious / nitpick
yǎn jié máo
eyelash / eye-lash
jié máo gāo
líng máo
feather / plume / plumage / CL:根[gen1]
xiān máo
máo fǎng
wool spinning
máo fǎng zhī
wool manufacturing
róng máo zhuàng
cháng máo róng
xì máo yáng
fine-wool sheep
yǔ máo qiú sài
badminton match
yǔ máo qiú duì
badminton team
máo gǔ sǒng rán
máo gèn
yè máo
armpit hair
máo rōng rōng
hairy / shaggy
Máo Zé dōng
Mao Zedong (1893-1976), Chinese communist leader
fēi máo tuǐ
róng máo
rú máo yǐn xuè
devour raw meat and fowl (of savages)
máo hān
blood clam
jī máo suàn pí
chicken feather, garlic skin (idiom); trivial matter / kitchen trash
máo zào
short-tempered / irritable
zōng máo
biān máo chóng
flagellate / mastigot
máo lǘ chē
Donkey cart
tuó máo
camel hair
jī máo
chicken feather / CL:根[gen1] / trivial
鸿 qīng yú hóng máo
light as a goose feather (idiom); trifling / unimportant
é máo
goose feather
é máo dà xuě
goose feather snow (idiom) / big heavy snow fall

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Input Method for
Pinyin mao2
Four Corner
Stroke Number Category
HSK Level Category
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