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眼 stroke order animation

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眼 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 眼
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 眼
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Meaning of

Pinyin yǎn
眼 [yǎn] 名词 1. 人和动物的视觉器官。 (The visual organ of humans and animals.) 2. 见识,对事物的看法。 (Insight, perspective on things.) 3. 孔洞,窟窿。 (Aperture, small hole.) 4. 关节,要点。 (Joint, key point.) 5. 戏曲中的节拍。 (The rhythm in traditional opera.) 6. 当前。 (At present.) 7. 量词。 (Measure word.) 8. 围棋术语,一方子中所留的空儿,在这个空儿中对方不能下成活棋。 (In Go terminology, the empty space left in a group of stones where the opponent cannot play to secure a living group.) --- 眼 [yǎn] 量词 ——主要用于井的量词。如: 两眼井 (Mainly used as a measure word for wells. For example: two wells.)
yòu yǎn
right eye / oculus dexter
shuāng yǎn
the two eyes
lìng yǎn xiāng kàn
to treat sb favorably / to view in a new light
lìng yǎn kàn dài
look upon one with special respect / treat sb. with special regard
lìng yǎn xiāng dài
give a special treatment / see sb. in a new light / regard sb. with special respect
sǎng zi yǎn
sǎng zi yǎn r
erhua variant of 嗓子眼[sang3 zi5 yan3]
yǎn quān
rim of the eye / eye socket
yǎn quān ér
Eye circles
mèi yǎn
charming eyes / coquettish glances
zì yǎn
yǎn shǐ
gum in the eyes
zuǒ yǎn
left eye / oculus sinister
shuì yǎn xīng sōng
have a drowsy look / sleepy with eyes half closed
yǎn lián
eyes (in literature) / eyesight
yìng rù yǎn lián
(idiom) to greet the eye / to come into view
jǐ méi nòng yǎn
to make eyes / to wink
yǎn qián
before one's eyes / now / at present
rě yǎn
dú jù huì yǎn
can see what others cannot / discern what others don't / have mental discernment
qiǎng yǎn
liǎng yǎn yī mǒ hēi
Black eyes
yǎn zhuō
miáo méi huà yǎn
Draw eyebrows
xié yǎn
to look askance / cross or wall-eyed
xiǎn yǎn
conspicuous / eye-catching / glamorous
huǎng yǎn
tóu yūn yǎn huā
to faint with blurred vision (idiom); dizzy and eyes dimmed
yǎn yùn
to feel dizzy
bǎng yǎn
candidate who came second in the Han-lin examination / see 狀元|状元[zhuang4 yuan2]
tōu yǎn
to take a furtive look at
shǎ le yǎn
shǎ yǎn
stunned / struck dumb / flabbergasted
yǎn guāng
gaze / insight / foresight / vision / way of looking at things
liǎ yǎn
Two eyes
yǎn lèi
tears / crying / CL:滴[di1]
quán yǎn
mouth of a spring or fountain
yǎn pào
upper eyelid / vesicula optica
lèi yǎn
tearful eyes
nóng méi dà yǎn
thick eyebrows and big eyes
māo yǎn
peephole / chrysoberyl
māo yǎn shí
opal / cat's eye
māo ér yǎn
(猫睛石的通称) cat's eye
yǎn zhū
one's eyes / eyeball
yǎn zhū zi
eyeball / fig. the apple of one's eye (i.e. favorite person)
yǎn qiú
eyeball / (fig.) attention
zhǎ yǎn
to blink / to wink / in the twinkling of an eye
yǎn kuàng
eye socket / rim of the eye
yǎn jing
eye / CL:隻|只[zhi1],雙|双[shuang1]
yǎn zhēng zhēng
to stare blankly / to look on helplessly / to look on unfeelingly
yǎn jiǎn
piǎo yī yǎn
Take a glance
yǎn jí shǒu kuài
sharp eyes and agile hands or nimble fingers
yǎn jí
eye disease / eye problem / eye trouble
yǎn pí
méi yǎn
brows and eyes / appearance / looks / countenance
méi kāi yǎn xiào
brows raised in delight, eyes laughing (idiom); beaming with joy / all smiles
yǎn kàn
soon / in a moment / to look on as sth happens
zhǎ bā yǎn
shā rén bù zhǎ yǎn
to murder without blinking an eye (idiom) / ruthless / cold-blooded
yǎn móu
yī yǎn
a glance / a quick look / a glimpse
yǎn jiàn
to see with one's own eyes / very soon
yǎn xià
now / at present / subocular (medicine)
yǎn zhōng
in one's eyes
yǎn lǐ
within one's vision / in one's eyes
yǎn shén
expression or emotion showing in one's eyes / meaningful glance / wink / eyesight (dialect)
yǎn sè
signal made with one's eyes / meaningful glance
liǎng yǎn
oculi uterque / oculus unitas
yǎn jìng
spectacles / eyeglasses / CL:副[fu4]
耀 yào yǎn
to dazzle / dazzling
zhuó yǎn
to have one's eyes on (a goal) / having sth in mind / to concentrate
zhēng yǎn xiā
huǒ yǎn jīn jīng
piercing eyes / discerning eyes
yǎn jié máo
eyelash / eye-lash
qīn yǎn mù dǔ
to see for oneself / to see with one's own eyes
xiā yǎn
to be blind
piē yì yǎn
cast a glance at / catch a glimpse of
dèng yǎn
to open one's eyes wide / to stare / to glare (at sb) / to scowl
gān dèng yǎn
to watch helplessly
chuī hú zi dèng yǎn
to get angry / to fume
ài yǎn
to be an irksome presence (i.e. sth or sb one wishes were not there)
bì yǎn
blue eyes
qīn yǎn
with one's own eyes / personally
yǎn wō
eye socket
窿 kū long yǎn
small hole
héng tiāo bí zi shù tiāo yǎn
to pick on sth incessantly (idiom) / to criticize right and left
héng méi shù yǎn
to scowl fiercely / to glare
hóng yǎn
ophthalmia / pinkeye / bloodshot eye
yǎn huā liáo luàn
to be dazzled
yǎn zhào
eye-patch / blindfold / eye mask / goggles / eyeshade / blinkers (for a horse etc)
ròu yǎn
naked eye / layman's eyes
dù qí yǎn
navel / belly button
diū rén xiàn yǎn
to make an exhibition of oneself / to be a disgrace
yǎn jìng shé
luǒ yǎn
naked eye
yǎn jiǎo
outer or inner corner of the eye / canthus
dà diē yǎn jìng
(fig.) to be astounded
zuì yǎn
eyes showing the effects of drink
yǎn zhōng dīng
a thorn in one's side

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Pinyin yan3
Four Corner
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