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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

偷 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

偷 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 偷
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 偷
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Meaning of

Pinyin tōu
to steal / to pilfer
偷 tōu 动词、名词、副词、形容词 1. 窃取,趁人不知时拿人东西 [En.] To pilfer, to take someone's things when they are unaware. 2. 行动瞒着人 [En.] To act secretly from others. 3. 抽出时间 [En.] To carve out time. 4. 苟且 [En.] To be desultory; to be careless. 详细释义: 1. 窃取,趁人不知时拿人东西: 偷窃。偷吃。小偷儿。 [En.] Stealing, taking things when others do not know: to steal. To take food without permission. A little thief. 2. 行动瞒着人: 偷偷。偷看。偷听。偷渡。偷袭。偷税。偷天换日(喻暗中改变重大事物的真相以欺骗别人)。 [En.] Acting secretly: to do something secretly. To look secretly. To eavesdrop. To smuggle. To launch a surprise attack. To evade tax. To change critical truths in secret to deceive others. 3. 抽出时间: 偷空儿。偷暇。偷闲。 [En.] To carve out free time: to sneak in some spare time. 4. 苟且: 偷安。偷生。偷幸。偷合苟容(苟且迎合别人的意思以求容身。亦称“偷合取容”)。 [En.] To be careless: to seek complacency. To live in a precarious state. To hedge or cater to others for acceptance (commonly referred to as "taking refuge through compromise"). 形容词用法: 同本义 [En.] Same basic meaning: to drift along. 浅薄; 不厚道 [En.] Shallow; dishonest. 动词用法: 1. 轻视 [En.] To despise. 2. 取 [En.] To take. 3. 窃取 [En.] To pilfer; to steal. 4. 偷情; 私通 [En.] To commit adultery; to have an illicit affair. 5. 突然地或急速地抽出 [En.] To snatch suddenly or quickly. 6. 设法避免、不履行(某种义务) [En.] To evade (a certain obligation). 7. 抽出、挤出(时间等) [En.] To carve out or squeeze out (time, etc.). 名词用法: 盗窃他人钱物的人 [En.] A person who steals others' property (thief). 副词用法: 1. 秘密,暗地里 [En.] In secret. 2. 出其不意 [En.] By surprise.
tōu kàn
to peep / to peek / to steal a glance
tōu xí
to mount a sneak attack / to raid
xiǎo tōu
tōu dào
to steal
tōu tīng
to eavesdrop / to monitor (secretly)
tōu tōu mō mō
surreptitious / sneaky
tōu yǎn
to take a furtive look at
tōu shuì
tax evasion
tōu lǎn
to goof off / to be lazy
tōu shēng
to live without purpose
tōu qíng
to carry on a clandestine love affair
tōu dù
illegal immigration / to stowaway (on a ship) / to steal across the international border / to run a blockade
tōu qiè
to steal / to pilfer
tōu rén
commit adultery
tōu jī mō gǒu
to imitate the dog and steal chicken (idiom) / to pilfer / to dally with women / to have affairs
tōu zǒu
appropriate / rob / mooch / run off / walk off with
tōu kuī
to peep / to peek / to act as voyeur
tōu gōng jiǎn liào
to skimp on the job and stint on materials (idiom) / jerry-building / sloppy work
tōu tōu
stealthily / secretly / covertly / furtively / on the sly
gǒu qiě tōu shēng
to drift and live without purpose (idiom); to drag out an ignoble existence
gǒu qiě tōu ān
seeking only ease and comfort (idiom); making no attempt to improve oneself / taking things easily without attending to responsibilities
tōu jī bù zháo shí bǎ mǐ
see 偷雞不成蝕把米|偷鸡不成蚀把米[tou1 ji1 bu4 cheng2 shi2 ba3 mi3]

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Input Method for
Pinyin tou1
Four Corner
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