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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

债 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

债 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 债
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 债
Download the worksheet in PNG format

Meaning of

Pinyin zhài
债 債 zhài 〈名〉 【本义】: 欠别人的钱财 【造字法】: 形声。从人,责声。本作“责”,“债”为后起字。 1. 同本义 (English: debt) 2. 喻指应兑现的事情或所造成的损失 (English: debt). 【引】 1. 《说文新附》:债,债负也。 2. 《汉书·论贵粟疏》:于是有买田宅,鬻子孙,以偿债者矣。 【例】 又如: - 债壳子 (负了一身债的穷官) (English: a poor official burdened with debts) - 债赖 (债权人否认借债给他人) (English: creditor denies lending money to others) - 债累 (负债;债务) (English: to be in debt; debts) - 债桩 (比喻被债务包围的人) (English: metaphorically a person surrounded by debts) - 内债 (国家向本国公民借的债) (English: domestic debt) - 外债 (国家向外国借的债) (English: foreign debt) - 公债 (国家向公民或向外国借的债) (English: government bonds) - 举债 (借债) (English: to borrow money) - 背债 (欠债) (English: to owe money) 债 債 zhài 〈动〉 1. 借贷 (English: borrow) 【引】 1. 《穆天子传》:债车受载。 2. 讨债 (English: ask for payment of debt) 【引】 1. 《百喻经》:往有商人,贷他半钱,久不得偿,即更往债。 3. 租赁 (English: hire; rent) 【引】 1. 《穆天子传》:债车受载。
guó zhài quàn
Treasury bonds
zī bù dǐ zhài
guó zhài
national debt / government debt
zhài quàn
bond / debenture
wài zhài
foreign debt
zhài quán
creditor's rights (law)
zhài quán rén
fù zhài
to be in debt / to incur debts / liability (finance)
tǎo zhài
to demand repayment
zhài wù rén
zhài zhǔ
gōng zhài
government bond
qiàn zhài
to owe a debt / the sum owed
fù zhài biǎo
balance sheet
huán zhài
to settle a debt
jiè zhài
to borrow money
xuè zhài
debt of blood (after killing sb)
jǔ zhài
to raise a loan / to borrow money
fàng zhài
to lend money (for interest) / to give credit
cháng zhài
to repay a debt
dǐ zhài
to repay a debt in kind or by labor
zhài wù
debt / liability / amount due / indebtedness
dǔ zhài
gambling debt
duǒ zhài
to dodge a creditor

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Input Method for
Pinyin zhai4
Four Corner
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