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伍 stroke order animation

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伍 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 伍
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 伍
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Meaning of

associate with / five / company
伍 [wǔ] 名 (Noun) 1. 古代军队的编制。 Ancient military unit organization. 2. 军队。 Army. 3. 同伴的人。 Companion. 4. “五”的大写。 The capitalized form of "five." 5. 姓。 A surname. 例 (Example) - 古代军队的编制:一伍(五人)。 Ancient military unit organization: one group (five persons). - 军队:入伍。落伍(掉队)。 Army: to enlist. To fall behind (to lag behind). - 同伴的人:羞与为伍。 Companion: ashamed to be among them. - “五”的大写。 The capitalized form of "five." - 姓。 Surname. 动 (Verb) 交互错杂 (crisscross)。 Intermingle and mix. 如: 伍参 (交错参杂). For example: to intermingle. 引 (References) 1. 《广韵》:伍,行伍 "Guangyun": Wu, is a unit of soldiers. 2. 《管子·小筐》:五人为伍。 "Guanzi": Five persons form a unit. 3. 《周礼·天官·宫正》:会其什伍而教之道义。 "Zhouli": Gather units and teach them morality. 4. 《左传·桓公五年》:先偏后伍。 "Zuo Zhuan": First to slant then to group. 5. 《左传·哀公十一年》:林不狃之伍。 "Zuo Zhuan": Lin was not in a unit. 同义词 (Synonyms) 1. 同本义 ([En.] five persons) 2. 古代军队编制单位。士兵五名编为一伍 ([En.] five soldiers) 3. 古代民户编制单位。五家编为一伍 ([En.] five families) 4. ([En.] 数): 比四大一的数,五的大写 ([En.] five)。用于支票、会计防止出错或涂改。 5. 军队 ([En.] army)。由为战争而武装和训练起来的人员所组成的一个大团体,主要指陆军。 6. 同伴 ([En.] companion)。 7. 成对的组合 ([En.] pair) 8. 姓。 Additional Example Sentences - 伍伯(即伍长)。 Wu Bo (i.e., squad leader). - 伍什(指部队)。 Wu Shi (referring to troops). - 伍老(伍长)。 Wu Lao (squad leader). - 伍壮(指乡武装丁壮)。 Wu Zhuang (referring to local militia). - 伍部(伍长)。 Wu Bu (squad leader). - 伍乘(同乘共伍的士卒)。 Wu Cheng (soldiers who share a ride). - 伍籍(平民的户籍)。 Wu Ji (the household registration of commoners). - 伍侯(编民为伍,相为侯望)。 Wu Hou (to group the people as units for mutual support). - 如: 入伍 For example: to join the army. - 羞与为伍 Ashamed to be among them. - 伍相(春秋吴国大夫伍子胥) Wu Xiang (Wuzi Xu, minister of ancient Wu State during Spring and Autumn period). - 伍相国市上复吹箫 Wu Xiangguo plays the flute in the market. (Metaphor for a hero down on his luck).
rù wǔ
to enter the army / to enlist
wéi wǔ
to associate with / to keep company with
退 tuì wǔ
to be discharged from military service
luò wǔ
to fall behind the ranks / to be outdated
háng wǔ
the ranks
退 tuì wǔ jūn rén
退 tuì wǔ bīng
pèi wǔ
to blend two or more medicines / compatibility (of herbal remedies, medicines)
duì wǔ
ranks / troops / queue / line / procession / CL:個|个[ge4],支[zhi1],條|条[tiao2]

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