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借 stroke order animation

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借 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 借
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 借
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Meaning of

Pinyin jiè
to lend / to borrow / excuse / pretext / by means of
借 [jiè] 〈动〉 1. 暂时使用别人的财物等。 [En.] To temporarily use someone else's property, etc. 示例: 借用 (to borrow), 借阅 (to borrow for reading), 借账 (to borrow accounts), 借据 (a loan receipt), 借条 (a loan note). 2. 暂时把财物等给别人使用。 [En.] To temporarily lend property, etc., to someone else. 示例: 借钱给人 (to lend money to someone). 3. 假托。 [En.] To pretend; to act as if. 示例: 借口 (to use as a pretext), 借端 (to act as a pretext), 借故 (to make an excuse), 借代 (to use something as a metaphor), 借景 (to borrow a scene), 借喻 (to use a metaphor). 4. 依靠。 [En.] To rely on; to depend on. 示例: 凭借 (to rely on), 借势 (to take advantage of a situation). 【本义】:借,借进,借出 [En.] Primary meaning: to borrow, to lend. 【造字法】:形声。从人,昔声。 [En.] Phonetic composition: a composite character formed by the meanings of "person" and "past." 1. 借进 ([En.] borrow) 2. 借出 ([En.] lend) 3. 帮助 ([En.] help) 引: 1. 《说文》:借,假也。朱骏声曰:“即藉字之转注。古只作藉。” [En.] "Jie" means to borrow; it is also a pretext. (According to Zhu Junsheng, it is a variant of the character "藉," which was originally written as "藉.") 2. 《广韵》:借,假借也。 [En.] In "Guangyun," it states that "借" also refers to borrowed words. 3. 《晋书·阮裕传》:借无不给。 [En.] In the "Book of Jin," it's stated, "Nothing is lent without return." 4. 宋·王安石《伤仲永》:借旁近与之。 [En.] Song dynasty author Wang Anshi wrote about borrowing nearby resources. 5. 清·袁枚《黄生借书说》:允修借书。 [En.] In the Qing dynasty, Yuan Mei spoke about the permission of borrowing books. 6. 书非借不能读。 [En.] "Books cannot be read without borrowing." 7. 借者之用心。 [En.] Those who borrow must have intentions. 8. 其借书亦类予。 [En.] Those who borrow books are somewhat akin to me. 例: 又如:求借 (to request a loan), 挪借 (temporarily borrowing someone else's money), 借当 (to pawn something), 借当头 (things that will soon be pawned), 借典 (to borrow; to use).
jiè yù
to use sth as a metaphor
jiè gǔ yù jīn
to borrow the past as a model for the present
jiè shī huán hún
lit. reincarnated in sb else's body (idiom); fig. a discarded or discredited idea returns in another guise
chāi jiè
short-term loan
nuó jiè
to borrow money for a short time
jiè kǒu
to use as an excuse / on the pretext / excuse / pretext
jiè jiàn
to draw on (others' experience) / to learn from (how others do things) / lesson to be learned (by observing others)
jiè zhù
to draw support from / with the help of
jiè yǐ
so as to / for the purpose of / in order to
jiè kuǎn
to lend money / to borrow money / loan
jiè zhe
jiè yòng
to borrow sth for another use / to borrow an idea for one's own use
jiè dài
to borrow or lend money / debit and credit items on a balance sheet
jiè jī
to seize the opportunity
jiè gěi
to lend to sb
jiè zhù yú
by means of / with the help of / with the aid of / recur to / by feat of
jiǎ jiè
to make use of / to use sth as pretext / under false pretenses / under the guise of / masquerading as / lenient / tolerant / loan character (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters) / character acquiring meanings by phonetic association / also called phonetic loan
jiè qián
to borrow money / to lend money
zū jiè dì
concession (territory)
jiè lì
píng jiè zhe
with / depend on / rely on
宿 jiè sù
to stay with sb / to ask for lodging
zū jiè
to rent / to lease
jiè cǐ jī huì
take this opportunity to / take the opportunity made available to me to
jiè zhài
to borrow money
jiè jiǔ jiāo chóu
to drown one's sorrows (in alcohol)
píng jiè
to rely on / to depend on / by means of / thanks to / sth that one relies on
jiè gǔ fěng jīn
to use the past to disparage the present (idiom)
jiè yuè
to borrow books to read

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Pinyin jie4
Four Corner
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