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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

介 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

介 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 介
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 介
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Meaning of

Pinyin jiè
introduce / lie between / between
介 (jiè) 名词 (Noun) 本义: 铠甲。一种用来防身的武器 (Original meaning: armor. A type of weapon used for self-defense) 造字法: 象形。甲骨文字形,象人身上穿着铠甲形。中间是人,两边的四点象联在一起的铠甲片。 (Character formation: pictogram. The oracle bone script represents a person wearing armor, with four dots on either side resembling linked armor plates.) 1. 同本义 (Same as original meaning) [En. armor] 2. 疆界;界限。后作“界” (Boundary; limit. Later written as “界”) [En. bound] 3. 传宾主之言的人。古时主有傧相迎宾,宾有随从通传叫介 (A person who conveys the words of the host and guest. In ancient times, a host had a steward to welcome guests, and guests had attendants to communicate, called "介") [En. usherer] 4. 指有甲壳的虫类或水族 (Refers to shelled insects or aquatic creatures) [En. shell; scale] 5. 节操;独特之行 (Integrity; unique conduct) [En. virgin] 6. 戏曲术语。南戏、传奇剧本里关于动作、表情、效果等的舞台指示 (A term in opera. Stage directions about actions, expressions, effects in southern drama and legendary scripts) [En. jie] 7. (语)∶介词的省称 (Abbreviated term for preposition) [En. preposition] 8. 姓 (A surname) 动词 (Verb) 1. 披甲 (To don armor) [En. armor] 2. 介入;居中 (To interpose; to lie between) [En. lie between; interpose] 3. 介绍 (To introduce) [En. introduce] 4. 介意;留存 (To remain; to keep) [En. shelve] 5. 间隔,隔开 (To separate; to space out) [En. separate] 6. 又引申为挑拨离间 (Also extended to mean inciting discord) 7. 佐助 (To assist) [En. assist] 8. 因;凭借;依靠 (To depend on) [En. depend on] 形容词 (Adjective) 1. 独;特异 (Unique; special) [En. alone] 2. 副;次一等 (Subordinate; second rate) [En. vice-] 3. 大 (Large; great) [En. great] 4. 善 (Good) [En. good] 5. 耿介;耿直特异 (Upright; honest and frank) [En. upright; honest and frank] 6. 孤傲 (Aloof) [En. aloof and arrogant] 7. 这,这么;那,那么 (Such; so) [En. such] 8. 坚定 (Firm) [En. firm] 9. 通“芥”。细微 (Also refers to “芥.” Slight) [En. slight] 量词 (Measure word) 通“个”。如: 一介书生; 一介武夫 (Commonly used as “个.” For example: a mere scholar; a mere warrior)
jiè yú
between / intermediate / to lie between
jiè zhì
medium / media
jiǎn jiè
summary / brief introduction
jiè rù
to intervene / to get involved
jiè yì
to care about / to take offense / to mind
zhōng jiè
to act as intermediary / to link / intermediate / inter- / agency / agent
méi jiè
intermediary / vehicle / vector / medium / media
tuī jiè
promotion / to promote / to introduce and recommend
jiè zǐ
meson / mesotron (physics)
diàn jiè zhì
dielectric / dielectric medium / dielectric fluid
shà yǒu jiè shì
to make a show of being very much in earnest (idiom) / to act as if one is taking things very seriously
jiè cí
jiè qiào
carapace / hard outer shell
jiè shào suǒ
zhí jiè suǒ
Employment Agency
tuī jiè huì
promotional seminar / promotional event
píng jiè
to review (a book)
Jiè xiū
Jiexiu county level city in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中[Jin4 zhong1], Shanxi
jiè hū
to lie between
jiè shào
to introduce (sb to sb) / to give a presentation / to present (sb for a job etc) / introduction

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Input Method for
Pinyin jie4
Four Corner
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