Learn to write the Chinese character "媒" by watching the stroke order animation of "媒".
Stroke by Stroke: 媒 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '媒' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '媒' Step-by-Step
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Chinese Character '媒'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
practice writing together with pen and paper.
媒 [méi]
1. 撮合男女婚事的人。
(En. A person who facilitates marriage between men and women; matchmaker.)
例如: 媒人。媒妁(旧指婚姻介绍人)。媒婆。
2. 使双方发生关系的人或事物。
(En. A person or thing that causes a connection or relationship between two parties.)
例如: 媒介。媒体。触媒。传媒。
1. 介绍;招致。
(En. To introduce; to cause to occur.)
例如: 媒怨(bring on resentment);媒孽(metaphorically refers to inciting conflict and bringing people into trouble);媒谱(fabricating evil deeds to frame others);媒绍(to introduce or recommend)。
1. 《说文》:媒,谋也。谋合二姓。
(From "Shuowen": Mediator, to plan the union of two surnames.)
2. 《诗·卫风·氓》:匪我愆期,子无良媒。
(From "The Book of Songs": It's not me who delays, you have no good matchmaker.)
3. 《孟子·滕文公下》:不待父母之命,媒妁之言。
(From "Mencius": [They] do not wait for the orders of parents or the words of matchmakers.)
4. 《玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作》:县令遣媒来。
(From "Yutai Xinyong": The county magistrate sent a matchmaker.)
1. 媒人婆迷了路儿,没的说了(The matchmaker got lost and there is no one to introduce.)
2. 媒红(Compensation for the matchmaker such as cloth and other gifts); 媒钱(Compensation for the matchmaker); 媒伯(Marriage intermediary); 媒姥(Matchmaker, old term).
媒介 [méi jiè]
1. 媒介
(En. Medium.)
1. 《周礼·媒氏注》:媒,谋合异类使和成者。
(From "Zhou Li": A medium is one who couples different types to bring harmony.)
2. 枚乘《七发》:洞房清宫,命曰寒热之媒。
(From "Qifā": In the bridal chamber, the quiet and warm atmosphere is called a medium of cold and hot.)
1. 媒子(媒翳、媒头。捕鸟用的鸟媒).
酒母 [jiǔ mǔ]
1. 媚孽
(En. Yeast.)
1. 媚孽,媒蝎(Yeast).
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