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Stroke by Stroke: 正 Writing Order
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Chinese 1st month of year, just (right) / main / upright / straight / correct / principle
正 [zhèng]
1. 不偏斜,与“歪”相对。
Not slanted; opposed to "crooked".
2. 合于法则的。
In accordance with rules.
3. 合于道理的。
In accordance with reason.
4. 恰好。
Just right; exactly.
5. 表示动作在进行中。
Indicates that an action is in progress.
6. 两者相对,好的、强的或主要的一方,与“反”相对,与“副”相对。
The better, stronger, or primary side of two opposites; opposed to "reverse" and "secondary".
7. 纯,不杂。
Pure; not mixed.
8. 改去偏差或错误。
To correct deviation or errors.
9. 图形的各个边的长度和各个角的大小都相等的。
A shape where all sides are equal in length and all angles are equal in size.
10. 指失去电子的,与“负”相对。
Referring to a loss of electrons; opposed to "negative".
11. 大于零的,与“负”相对。
Greater than zero; opposed to "negative".
12. 姓。
A surname.
1. 不偏斜,与“歪”相对:正午。正中(zhōng)。正襟危坐。
Not slanted; opposed to "crooked": noon; exactly in the middle; sitting upright with a proper collar.
2. 合于法则的:正当(dāng)。正派。正楷。正规。正大光明。正言厉色。拨乱反正。
In accordance with rules: fair; proper; standard; legitimate; fair and square; speak with authority; restore order.
3. 合于道理的:正道。正确。正义。正气。
In accordance with reason: the right path; correct; justice; righteous spirit.
4. 恰好:正好。正中(zhōng)下怀。
Just right: just right; exactly on target.
5. 表示动作在进行中:他正在开会。
Indicates that an action is in progress: He is currently holding a meeting.
6. 两者相对,好的、强的或主要的一方:正面。正本。
The better, stronger, or primary side of two opposites: front; main copy.
7. 纯,不杂:正色。正宗。正统。纯正。
Pure; not mixed: pure color; authentic; orthodox; pure and genuine.
8. 改去偏差或错误:正骨。正误。正音。正本清源。
To correct deviation or errors: set bones; correct mistakes; standardize pronunciation; rectify the source.
9. 图形的各个边的长度和各个角的大小都相等的:正方形。
A shape where all sides are equal in length and all angles are equal in size: square.
10. 指失去电子的,与“负”相对:正电。
Referring to a loss of electrons; opposed to "negative": positive charge.
11. 大于零的,与“负”相对:正数(shù)。
Greater than zero; opposed to "negative": positive number.
12. 姓。
A surname.
正 [zhèng]
1. 通“整” (zhěng)。使正;整理;端正。
To smooth; to arrange; to rectify.
2. 整治。
To renovate.
3. 纠正;改正,匡正。
To rectify; to correct.
4. 正法,治罪。
To execute; to punish.
5. 决定,考定。
To decide; to determine.
正 [zhèng]
1. 官长;君长。
Officer; sovereign.
2. 正常情况,正命,正常寿限。
Normal age at death; proper lifespan.
3. 嫡长子,与“庶”相对。
Eldest legitimate son; opposed to "illegitimate".
4. 妻,旧时代敬称人妻为“令正”。
Wife; in ancient times, a respectful term for one's wife was "lingzheng".
5. 道理,规律。
Reason; law.
6. 通“政”。政治,政事。
To refer to political matters; politics.
7. 通“证”。凭证,证据。
To refer to evidence; proof.
8. 姓。
A surname.
正 [zhèng]
1. 正好,恰好。
Just; precisely.
2. 表示动作、状态的进行,持续,正在。
Indicates the progress of an action or state, ongoing, in the process of.
3. 仅;只。
4. 端正地。
Regularly; upright; straight.
5. 方,刚刚。
Just now; exactly; just.
6. 公然;显然。
Openly; evidently.
7. 总是。
正 [zhèng]
1. 这么;这样。
So; this way.
2. 另见 zhēng。
See also zhēng.
正 [zhēng]
1. 农历一年的第一个月。
The first month of the lunar year.
2. 箭靶的中心。
Bull's eye.
3. 引申为目标。
Extended to mean target.
正 [zhēng]
1. 通“征”。
To refer to "levy".
2. 征税。
To levy taxes.
3. 出兵,征讨。
To go on a punitive expedition.
4. 另见 zhèng。
See also zhèng.
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