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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

危 stroke order animation

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危 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 危
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 危
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Meaning of

Pinyin wēi
danger / to endanger
危 [wēi] 1. 不安全。 Dangerous; not safe. Example: 危险 (danger); 危难 (dangerous situation). 2. 损害。 To harm; injure. Example: 危害 (to endanger); 危及 (to endanger). 3. 高的,陡的。 High; steep. Example: 危石 (high rock); 危樯 (high mast). 4. 使人惊奇的。 Causing surprise; amazing. Example: 危言耸听 (scare talk). 5. 端正的,正直的。 Upright; honorable. Example: 正襟危坐 (sitting upright). 6. 指人临死。 Referring to a person about to die. Example: 病危 (critical illness); 垂危 (in danger of death). 7. 星名,二十八宿之一。 A celestial body; one of the twenty-eight lunar mansions. 8. 姓。 A surname. --- 动 1. 同本义 (the same meaning). Phobia in high places. Example: “危,在高而惧也。” (Fear refers to being high and fearful). 2. 恐惧;忧惧。 Fear. Example: “窃为君危之。” (I fear for you, my lord). 3. 威胁,摧败。 To threaten; defeat. 4. 使危险;伤害;损伤。 To endanger; harm. Example: “危国” (endangering the country). 5. 败亡,灭亡。 To perish; be defeated. 6. 怀疑,疑虑。 Doubt. Example: “相冒,日以相危。” (Mutual deception leads to doubt). --- 形 1. 高。 High. Example: 危楼 (high building). 2. 危险; 危难。 Dangerous; perilous. Example: 危地 (dangerous place). 3. 很陡峭的。 Precipitous. Example: 危峦 (steep mountain). 4. 特指人将死。 Refers to dying. Example: 病危 (critical illness). 5. 绷得紧;强劲。 Tight; strong. 6. 端正。 Upright. Example: 危坐 (sitting upright). 7. 不正。 Not straight. --- 名 1. 屋脊。 Ridge (of a roof). Example: “骑危” (to ride on a ridge). 2. 艰难困苦。 Difficulties and hardships. Example: “艰危” (hard times). 3. 姓。 A surname. --- 副 几乎;差点儿。 Almost; nearly. Example: 我危得之。(I nearly obtained it).
wēi zài dàn xī
in imminent peril (idiom) / on the brink of crisis
jí jí kě wēi
imminent danger (idiom); approaching a crisis
wēi xiǎn
danger / dangerous
wēi jí
critical / desperate (situation)
wēi hài
to jeopardize / to harm / to endanger / harmful effect / damage / CL:個|个[ge4]
wēi nàn
wēi jí
to endanger / to jeopardize / a danger (to life, national security etc)
wēi pǐn
Dangerous goods
wēi xiǎn xìng
Risk / dangerousness
chuí wēi
close to death / life-threatening (illness)
wēi jú
perilous situation
jīng jì wēi jī
economic crisis
Wēi dì mǎ lā
Guatemala / see also 瓜地馬拉|瓜地马拉[Gua1 di4 ma3 la1]
bìng wēi
to be critically ill / to be terminally ill
lín wēi
dying (from illness) / facing death / on one's deathbed
zhuǎn wēi wéi ān
to turn peril into safety (idiom); to avert a danger (esp. political or medical)
wēi zhòng
critically ill
wēi yán sǒng tīng
frightening words to scare people (idiom); alarmist talk / reds under the beds
bīn wēi
endangered (species) / in imminent danger / critically ill
wēi jī gǎn
crisis awareness / sense of crisis
wēi yá
lì lì wēi jù
Li Li fearful
lín wēi bù jù
be brave in a dangerous situation / be brave in the face of danger / be fearless in the face of danger / be undaunted in the face of perils / betray no fear in an hour of danger / face danger fearlessly / be fearless in the face of peril / intrepid in the face of danger / betray no fear in danger / face danger without a tremor
wēi jù
afraid / apprehensive
fú wēi jì kùn
to help those in distress (idiom)
wēi jī
crisis / CL:個|个[ge4]
wēi dài
grave danger / in jeopardy / in a critical condition
wēi jī sì fú
danger lurks on every side (idiom)
wēi wáng
at stake / in peril
jiān wēi
difficulties and dangers (confronting a nation)
zhèng jīn wēi zuò
to sit upright and still (idiom)
chèn rén zhī wēi
to take advantage of sb's difficulties (idiom)

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Pinyin wei1
Four Corner
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