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正 stroke order animation

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Meaning of

Pinyin zhèng、 zhēng
Chinese 1st month of year, just (right) / main / upright / straight / correct / principle
正 [zhèng] 1. 不偏斜,与“歪”相对。 Not slanted; opposed to "crooked". 2. 合于法则的。 In accordance with rules. 3. 合于道理的。 In accordance with reason. 4. 恰好。 Just right; exactly. 5. 表示动作在进行中。 Indicates that an action is in progress. 6. 两者相对,好的、强的或主要的一方,与“反”相对,与“副”相对。 The better, stronger, or primary side of two opposites; opposed to "reverse" and "secondary". 7. 纯,不杂。 Pure; not mixed. 8. 改去偏差或错误。 To correct deviation or errors. 9. 图形的各个边的长度和各个角的大小都相等的。 A shape where all sides are equal in length and all angles are equal in size. 10. 指失去电子的,与“负”相对。 Referring to a loss of electrons; opposed to "negative". 11. 大于零的,与“负”相对。 Greater than zero; opposed to "negative". 12. 姓。 A surname. 1. 不偏斜,与“歪”相对:正午。正中(zhōng)。正襟危坐。 Not slanted; opposed to "crooked": noon; exactly in the middle; sitting upright with a proper collar. 2. 合于法则的:正当(dāng)。正派。正楷。正规。正大光明。正言厉色。拨乱反正。 In accordance with rules: fair; proper; standard; legitimate; fair and square; speak with authority; restore order. 3. 合于道理的:正道。正确。正义。正气。 In accordance with reason: the right path; correct; justice; righteous spirit. 4. 恰好:正好。正中(zhōng)下怀。 Just right: just right; exactly on target. 5. 表示动作在进行中:他正在开会。 Indicates that an action is in progress: He is currently holding a meeting. 6. 两者相对,好的、强的或主要的一方:正面。正本。 The better, stronger, or primary side of two opposites: front; main copy. 7. 纯,不杂:正色。正宗。正统。纯正。 Pure; not mixed: pure color; authentic; orthodox; pure and genuine. 8. 改去偏差或错误:正骨。正误。正音。正本清源。 To correct deviation or errors: set bones; correct mistakes; standardize pronunciation; rectify the source. 9. 图形的各个边的长度和各个角的大小都相等的:正方形。 A shape where all sides are equal in length and all angles are equal in size: square. 10. 指失去电子的,与“负”相对:正电。 Referring to a loss of electrons; opposed to "negative": positive charge. 11. 大于零的,与“负”相对:正数(shù)。 Greater than zero; opposed to "negative": positive number. 12. 姓。 A surname. 正 [zhèng] (verb) 1. 通“整” (zhěng)。使正;整理;端正。 To smooth; to arrange; to rectify. 2. 整治。 To renovate. 3. 纠正;改正,匡正。 To rectify; to correct. 4. 正法,治罪。 To execute; to punish. 5. 决定,考定。 To decide; to determine. 正 [zhèng] (noun) 1. 官长;君长。 Officer; sovereign. 2. 正常情况,正命,正常寿限。 Normal age at death; proper lifespan. 3. 嫡长子,与“庶”相对。 Eldest legitimate son; opposed to "illegitimate". 4. 妻,旧时代敬称人妻为“令正”。 Wife; in ancient times, a respectful term for one's wife was "lingzheng". 5. 道理,规律。 Reason; law. 6. 通“政”。政治,政事。 To refer to political matters; politics. 7. 通“证”。凭证,证据。 To refer to evidence; proof. 8. 姓。 A surname. 正 [zhèng] (adverb) 1. 正好,恰好。 Just; precisely. 2. 表示动作、状态的进行,持续,正在。 Indicates the progress of an action or state, ongoing, in the process of. 3. 仅;只。 Only. 4. 端正地。 Regularly; upright; straight. 5. 方,刚刚。 Just now; exactly; just. 6. 公然;显然。 Openly; evidently. 7. 总是。 Always. 正 [zhèng] (pronoun) 1. 这么;这样。 So; this way. 2. 另见 zhēng。 See also zhēng. 正 [zhēng] (noun) 1. 农历一年的第一个月。 The first month of the lunar year. 2. 箭靶的中心。 Bull's eye. 3. 引申为目标。 Extended to mean target. 正 [zhēng] (verb) 1. 通“征”。 To refer to "levy". 2. 征税。 To levy taxes. 3. 出兵,征讨。 To go on a punitive expedition. 4. 另见 zhèng。 See also zhèng.
zhèng rén jūn zi
upright gentleman / man of honor
fǎn zhèng
anyway / in any case / to come over from the enemy's side
zhèng zài
just at (that time) / right in (that place) / right in the middle of (doing sth)
zhèng hǎo
just (in time) / just right / just enough / to happen to / to chance to / by chance / it just so happens that
míng méi zhèng qǔ
to be officially wed
zhèng tīng
stalls / main hall
zhèng yán lì sè
solemn in countenance (idiom); strict and unsmiling
zhèng yán lì sè
solemn in word and countenance (idiom); strict and unsmiling / also written 正顏厲色|正颜厉色
zhèng wǔ
midday / noon / noonday
寿 shòu zhōng zhèng qǐn
to die of old age / to die in one's bed at a ripe old age
Zhāng Jū zhèng
Zhang Juzheng (1525-1582), Grand Secretary during the Ming dynasty, credited with bringing the dynasty to its apogee
zhèng qiǎo
just by chance / to happen to (just at the right time) / opportune
zhèng cháng
regular / normal / ordinary
zhèng shì
formal / official
fēi zhèng shì
unofficial / informal
zhèng xián
(math.) sine
zhèng dāng
timely / just (when needed)
zhèng fù
Principal and deputy
Zhèng dé
Zhengde Emperor, reign name of eleventh Ming emperor Zhu Houzhao 朱厚照[Zhu1 Hou4 zhao4] (1491-1521), reigned 1505-1521, Temple name 明武宗[Ming2 Wu3 zong1]
huī fù zhèng cháng
get right / get one's breath again
zhèng qì lǐn rán
awe-inspiring righteousness / with dignity and honour
gǎi zhèng
to correct / to amend / to put right / correction / CL:個|个[ge4]
zhèng dàn
starring female role in a Chinese opera
zhèng shì
(emphasizes that sth is precisely or exactly as stated) / precisely / exactly / even / if / just like / in the same way as
gēng zhèng
to correct / to make a correction
zhēng shuò
first day of the first lunar month / (old) calendar promulgated by the first emperor of a dynasty
jiǎo wǎng guò zhèng
to overcorrect (idiom) / to overcompensate
zhēn zhèng
genuine / real / true / genuinely
xiū zhèng àn
amendment / revised draft
zhèng qiáo
the bridge proper
zhèng kǎi
regular script (Chinese calligraphic style)
zhèng zhí
just at the time of / honest / upright / (math.) positive value
zhèng mén
main entrance / main gate / portal
zhèng què
correct / proper
zhèng yào
to be just about to / to be on the point of
zhèng miàn
front / obverse side / right side / positive / direct / open
zhèng zhōng
middle / center / right in the middle or center / nub
zhèng guī
regular / according to standards
zhèng tǒng
jiū zhèng
to correct / to make right
Zhēng yuè
first month of the lunar year
wāi dǎ zhèng zháo
to succeed by a lucky stroke
shàng liáng bù zhèng xià liáng wāi
lit. If the upper beam is not straight, the lower beam will be crooked (idiom); fig. subordinates imitate their superiors' vices
殿 zhèng diàn
main hall of a Buddhist temple
hào rán zhèng qì
awe-inspiring righteousness / the great spirit
zhèng bǎn
genuine / legal / see also 盜版|盗版[dao4 ban3]
zhèng zhí
upright / upstanding / honest
zhèng què xìng
validity / correctness
fú zhèng qū xié
strengthening the body resistance to eliminate pathogenic factors / strengthening body resistance and eliminating evil
bō luàn fǎn zhèng
bring order out of chaos / set to rights things which have been thrown into disorder
chún zhèng
pure / unadulterated / (of motives etc) honest
zhèng yì
justice / righteousness / just / righteous
fēng huá zhèng mào
in one's prime
zhèng diàn hè
positive charge
zhèng jīn wēi zuò
to sit upright and still (idiom)
dìng zhèng
to make a correction
zhèng guǐ
the right track
zhèng hān
zhèng féng
coincide with... / right on the occasion of...
zhèng xié
opposition between vital energy 正氣|正气[zheng4 qi4] and pathogeny 邪氣|邪气[xie2 qi4] (TCM)
gǎi xié guī zhèng
to mend one's ways (idiom) / to turn over a new leaf
míng zhèng yán shùn
in a way that justifies the use of the term / genuine / proper / in a way that conforms to logic / justifiable / appropriate / perfectly legitimate

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