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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

门 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

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门 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 门
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 门
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Meaning of

Pinyin mén
opening / door / gate / doorway / gateway / valve / switch / way to do something / knack / family / house / (religious) sect / school (of thought) / class / category / phylum or division (taxonomy)
zuǒ yòu mén
Left and right doors
mén shēng gù lì
disciples and old followers or minor officials / one's intimate party-followers and students
Xià mén shì
Xiamen, subprovincial city in Fujian / also known as Amoy
xià mén lù
Xiamen Road
xià mén gǎng
xià mén dǎo
xiamen island
chú fáng mén
backstairs / backstair
mén kǒu
doorway / gate / CL:個|个[ge4]
kòu mén shēng
kòu mén
to knock on a door
xìn mén
fontanel (gap between the bones of an infant's skull)
nǎ mén zi
(coll.) (emphasizing a rhetorical question) what / what kind / why on earth
sǎng mén
voice / windpipe
dà sǎng mén
loud voice
Tiān ān mén
Tiananmen Gate, entrance of the Imperial City in Beijing
广 Tiān ān mén Guǎng chǎng
Tiananmen Square
mén kǎn
variant of 門檻|门槛[men2 kan3]
tiān ān mén chéng lóu
Tiananmen Gatetower / The Tian'anmen Rostrum
chéng mén
city gate
mén qiáng
door wall
mén dūn
wooden or stone block supporting the axle of a door
mén wài
outside the door
Tiān mén
Tianmen sub-prefecture level city in Hubei
Yí mén
the Yi gate of 大梁, capital of Wei 魏 during Warring states
Pó luó mén
Kǎ mén
Carmen (name) / Carmen, 1875 opera by Georges Bizet 比才 based on novel by Prosper Mérimée 梅里美[Mei2 li3 mei3]
mén wèi
guard at gate / sentry
mén tīng
entrance hall / vestibule
bó lán dēng bǎo mén
Brandenburg Gate
wǔ mén
Meridian Gate
zhōng huá mén
Zhonghua Gate
zhái mén
gate of an old-style big house / housedoor
huàn mén gōng zi
gōng mén
Palace gate
hòu zǎi mén
Back door
鸿 Hóng mén Yàn
Feast at Hongmen / (fig.) banquet set up with the aim of murdering a guest / refers to a famous episode in 206 BC when future Han emperor Liu Bang 劉邦|刘邦[Liu2 Bang1] escaped attempted murder by his rival Xiang Yu 項羽|项羽[Xiang4 Yu3]
shè mén
(soccer, handball etc) to kick or shoot the ball towards the goal
wū mén
House door
Sān mén xiá
Sanmenxia prefecture level city in Henan
Sān mén xiá shì
Sanmenxia prefecture level city in Henan
Chóng wén mén
Chongwenmen gate in Beijing
páng mén zuǒ dào
dissenting religious sect (idiom); heretical school of opinion / dissident group
mén lián
portiere / curtain / door curtain
yōu mén
pylorus (anatomy)
mén diàn
(retail) store
zhèng fǔ bù mén
government sector
sān zuò mén
Three gates
mén tíng
gate and courtyard
mén láng
stoop / parvis / portico / patio / veranda
mén jìng
mén tú
mén qián
in front of the door
lóng mén bào
double column surface grinding machine
quàn mén
Coupon gate
mén fēi
door leaf
kōu mén
mean / niggardly / miserly / stingy
mén hù
door / strategic gateway / portal / faction / sect / family status / family / web portal / (old) brothel
fáng mén
door of a room
mén shàn
door / the opening panel of a door
zhǎo shàng mén
to come to sb's door / to call on sb
bǎ mén
to stand as a goalkeeper / to keep guard on a gate
jù zhī mén wài
to lock one's door and refuse to see sb
gǒng mén
arched door
qiāo mén
to knock on a door
āi mén āi hù
see 挨家挨戶|挨家挨户[ai1 jia1 ai1 hu4]
Mén jié liè fū
Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev (1834-1907), Russian chemist who introduced the periodic table
zhǎng mén rén
person in charge
zhǎng mén
leader / master
yǎn mén
Cover the door
lěng mén
a neglected branch (of arts, science, sports etc) / fig. a complete unknown who wins a competition
Xià mén
Xiamen or Amoy, subprovincial city in Fujian, abbr. 廈|厦[Xia4]
chēng mén miàn
to keep up appearances / to put up a front
qiāo mén shēng
a knock on the door / a knock at the door
Bān mén nòng fǔ
to display one's slight skill before an expert (idiom)
páng mén
side door
mén méi
lintel (of a door) / fig. family's social status
mén bǎn
shutter / door plank / door sheet
mén kǎn
doorstep / sill / threshold / fig. knack or trick (esp. scheme to get sth cheaper)
guì mén
cabinet door
mén zhù
chái mén
lit. woodcutter's family / humble background / poor family background
zhà lán mén
zhà mén
gate / door with grating / turnstile / logical gate (electronics)
mén kuàng
door frame
mén lóu
bar / an arch over a gateway
mén kǎn ér
cè mén
side door
西便 xī biàn mén
West Gate
zhèng mén
main entrance / main gate / portal
wāi mén xié dào
dishonest practices
xié mén wāi dào
lit. devil's gate, crooked path (idiom); corrupt practices / crooked methods / dishonesty
mén dòng
passageway / archway
dòng mén
Cave gate
zhuāng huáng mén miàn
do window dressing / put up a facade / keep up appearances
Ào mén
Macao / Aomen / Macau
ào mén tè bié xíng zhèng qū
Macao Special Administrative Region / Macau S.A.R
ào mén bàn dǎo
Macau Peninsula
Fó mén
rè mén
popular / hot / in vogue
líng hú zhǎng mén
Linghu Master

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Pinyin men2
Four Corner
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