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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

问 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

问 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 问
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 问
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Meaning of

Pinyin wèn
to ask
问 wèn 动词 【本义】:问,询问 【造字法】:形声。从口,门声。 1. 有不知道或不明白的事请人解答:询问、回答、提问、问津、质问、过问。 (Eng: To seek answers for things that are unknown or unclear. Examples: inquire, answer, ask questions, ask about as in to seek help or information.) 2. 为表关切而询问:慰问、问候、问长问短。 (Eng: To ask out of concern. Examples: inquire about well-being, send regards, ask about details.) 3. 审讯,追究:审问、问案、唯你是问。 (Eng: To question or interrogate, to investigate. Examples: interrogate, question a case, you are the only one being questioned.) 4. 管,干预:概不过问。 (Eng: To manage or intervene. Example: generally does not involve.) 5. 向某人或某方面要东西:我问他借几本书。 (Eng: To obtain something from someone. Example: I asked him to lend me a few books.) 6. 姓。 (Eng: A surname.) 问 wèn 名词 1. 周代诸侯国间的一种相互访问的礼节。 (Eng: A form of mutual visitation among feudal states during the Zhou Dynasty.) 2. 指书信。 (Eng: Refers to letters.) 3. 权威性的命令,常由上级向下级发布。 (Eng: An authoritative command, often issued from higher to lower authorities.) 4. 通“闻”。声誉。 (Eng: Also means "to hear." Refers to reputation.) 问 wèn 介词 表示方向、对象,相当于“向”。 (Eng: Indicates direction or object, equivalent to "to.")
kòu wèn
make inquiries
hè wèn
xū hán wèn nuǎn
to enquire solicitously about sb's well-being (idiom) / to pamper
wèn bǔ
wèn juàn
questionnaire / CL:份[fen4]
shěn wèn
to interrogate / to examine / to question
páo gēn wèn dǐ
to dig up roots and inquire at the base (idiom); to get to the bottom of sth
mén xīn zì wèn
to ask oneself honestly / to search in one's heart
wèn xīn wú kuì
lit. look into one's heart, no shame (idiom); with a clear conscience
wèn xīn yǒu kuì
to have a guilty conscience
wèi wèn
to express sympathy, greetings, consolation etc
wèi wèn tuán
wèi wèn diàn
wèi wèn xìn
consolation Letter
wèi wèn zǔ
Condolences group
wèi wèn pǐn
kǎo wèn
to question via torture
tí wèn
to question / to quiz / to grill
bù gǎn wèn jīn
be beyond the means of ... / dare not ask the way to the ford / dare not show any interest in / not dare to inquire (as about the price of expensive goods)
wèn zhǎn
behead / decapitate
chá wèn
to inquire about
wèn hòu
to give one's respects / to send a greeting / (fig.) (coll.) to make offensive reference to (somebody dear to the person to whom one is speaking)
háo wú yí wèn
certainty / without a doubt
wú rén wèn jīn
to be of no interest to anyone (idiom)
yí wèn
question / interrogation / doubt
bù wèn qīng hóng zào bái
not distinguishing red-green or black-white (idiom) / not to distinguish between right and wrong
pán wèn
to interrogate / to cross-examine / to inquire
dá wèn
to answer a question / question and answer
dá fēi suǒ wèn
(idiom) to sidestep the question / to answer evasively
wèn dá
question and answer
wèn shì
to be published / to come out
jié wèn
to ask questions / to interrogate
wèn xùn
interrogation / greeting
xùn wèn
to interrogate / to ask about
访 fǎng wèn
to visit / to call on / to interview / CL:次[ci4]
访 guó shì fǎng wèn
state visit
wèn zhěn
(TCM) interrogation, one of the four methods of diagnosis 四診|四诊[si4 zhen3]
xún wèn
to inquire
wèn xún
qǐng wèn
Excuse me, may I ask...?
zhuī wèn
to question closely / to investigate in detail / to examine minutely / to get to the heart of the matter
bī wèn
to question intensely / to interrogate / to demand information
wèn dào
to ask the way / to ask
wèn tí
question / problem / issue / topic / CL:個|个[ge4]
xué wèn
learning / knowledge / CL:個|个[ge4]
wèn wèn
wèn qǐ
bù wèn
to pay no attention to / to disregard / to ignore / to let go unpunished / to let off
wèn huà
questioning (a suspect) / interrogation
zhì wèn
to question / to ask questions / to inquire / to bring to account / to interrogate
wèn dǐng
to aspire to the throne / to aim at (the first place etc)

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Pinyin wen4
Four Corner
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